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Picturing Pakistan's Past: The Beatles, Booze And Bikinis

Nope,i afraid its not possible.For an outsider who don't believe in neither prophet nor his books,Only way to judge a religion are the actions of its followers.

cool then i guess Gujrat massacre & babri masjid demolishen is what i should hinduism with? and let us not forget attack on Golden temple and killing of christians in Orissa & Assam.
cool then i guess Gujrat massacre & babri masjid demolishen is what i should hinduism with? and let us not forget attack on Golden temple and killing of christians in Orissa & Assam.

Do you find all these cool??
Golden temple was Indira Gandhi,you can add rest of them.
I didn't commented anything on the religion or prophet. Reference to prophet was to counter his logic.
I still believe that any set of beliefs have to evolve as time progresses because the rules you are following(or you want every one to follow) may be apt for 7th century but not suitable currently

well a religion is from god and you can't change it or modify it or make it up. unless ofcourse it is a human made opinon. which can be changed

Do you find all these cool??
Golden temple was Indira Gandhi,you can add rest of them.

well action of the followers of hinduism was apparent in gujrat,orissa,assam & babri masjid demolishan. and indra gandhi is also a hindu leader wasn't she?
Pakistan has become an in tolerate society. We just cannot accept a difference of opinion and if anyone does commit the crime of disagreeing, he is labeled as a kafir or someone who has insulted the Prophet and the result is their killing. This is the sorry state in which we are living. People have forgotten the 5 basic principles of Islam, all they remember is to protest, damage property, burn shops, cars and motorcycles and chant death to USA and death to Israel. What a joke of a society we have become.
Actually , you are one of their lot ... Let me tell you that , as a psychology enthusiast ... What you just did is called " denial to the obvious " ... You are a extremist - rigid and uncompromising in his beliefs while the religion asks for flexibility ... Basically , you suffer from a identity crisis trying to determine exactly who you are - an unconscious turmoil , think that repeatedly telling things would make it prominent and believable and try to attain dominance by any means possible on " things " which gives you satisfaction and pleasure ... I can tell you more if you are willing to listen ...

Sorry , the meaning of this verse is very clear , do not put doubts on it ... You have again done what I asked you not to - repeated the same parroted stuff again ... I asked you to clarify if humans can be made to pay for their mistakes in this very world then why is there a need for the " after world " and why has the God given man the " free will " if you are so keen to enforce his laws on them ... I also asked you who are you to judge my faith and declare me an infidel or Muslim and how has your so called lot became the God's viceroy on earth ... No satisfactory answer , why ? :azn: On the other hand , your lot is actually the influential one today in the country and looking at the state of the country suffering from terrorist attacks and killing people just because they dont agree with you , nobody would be interested in accepting your theories about Islam ... Yes , I see the fundos fighting for it and the chaos it brings to my country ...

P.S You are actually maligning Islam by asking to enforce everything " on the point of sword " when it isn't the case in the religion ...
Sorry Sir Islam isn't flexible when it comes to its laws Sir Islam will be implemented either government will do it on its own or people will stand up and fight for it until it is implemented Sir Islamic laws will be enforced Sir Islam will be implemented either secular traitors like it or not it will be their read Islam before telling you will know who is the traitor and tout of USA and kufr

Sorry Sir your statement shows you haven't bothered to read about Islam first read about Quran and Islam than come and tell me what that ayat means that ayat came for Non Muslims that they can't be forced to convert to Islam Sir Islamic Laws have to be enforced and they were enforced in time of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and the 4 great Caliphs and they knew Islam far better than you Sir
Sorry Sir Islam isn't flexible when it comes to its laws Sir Islam will be implemented either government will do it on its own or people will stand up and fight for it

Wrong in the first sentence ! :azn: ... Islam is more flexible than you have made it to be ... I see the mentality causing all the terrorism in Pakistan in your very posts ... Yet you haven't answered any of my questions about " free will " and heaven , hell " concepts and continued the same parroted " kill em all " and " enforce at the point of sword " like the extremist do ... Not worth my time , the brainwashed lot ...
Please mate, dont insult us. There should be a Hindus or India in that line as well.
More thn happy to say that haven't heard that one ever since I was born.

Sir I give **** about Taliban Islam is Islam and it has a whole system and its have to be implemented by government with full force Sir once HAZRAT UMAR RA asked people what will you do if I don't decide according to Quran and Sunnah one man stood and took out a sword and said we will do this he praised him Sir that is what Muslims are supposed to do so it will be better if governments do it themselves
Don't need enemies when we have people who think this way.
Don't need enemies when we have people who think this way.

More than enough to do what even our enemies cant ! BRAVO the commander of the faithful Zia ul Haq and the imported Islam which radicalized the society and made the country a living hell :pakistan:

Please mate, dont insult us. There should be a Hindus or India in that line as well.

No , it isn't ... Do not ask why ... I do not know
You have missed quite a few Difa-e-Pakistan Council speeches then. Or Zaid Hamid, or umpteen others then.

You(Pakistani people) are reminded to never forget your eternal enemy ;)
oh please, they don't rule us, every country has bad 'apples' and you are right, dont know what def is and i don't listen to zaid hamid like fools.
I actually lived in the same town as the person who wrote this for most of my life.
Sorry Sir Islam isn't flexible when it comes to its laws Sir Islam will be implemented either government will do it on its own or people will stand up and fight for it until it is implemented Sir Islamic laws will be enforced Sir Islam will be implemented either secular traitors like it or not it will be their read Islam before telling you will know who is the traitor and tout of USA and kufr

Sorry Sir your statement shows you haven't bothered to read about Islam first read about Quran and Islam than come and tell me what that ayat means that ayat came for Non Muslims that they can't be forced to convert to Islam Sir Islamic Laws have to be enforced and they were enforced in time of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and the 4 great Caliphs and they knew Islam far better than you Sir

OK Zarvan Sahib,

Tell us something.

Do you consider black faced Ben-fing-Laden as your Sheikh?
Do you think he had "bothered" to read about Islam first and about Quran first?

Do you consider black faced Zawahiri as your Sheikh?
Do you think he has "bothered" to read about Islam first and about Quran first?

Do you consider black faced one eyed 50 cc motor cycle riding Mulleee Tullee Omer as your leader?
Do you think he has "bothered" to read about Islam first and about Quran first?

Just let us know please. Want to know where you stand.

thank you.
A question to pakistani muslims?
What if Muhammad pbuh, somehow returned to the earth and became a ruler of Pakistan.
How would he rule? What things he would permit & what would he disallow? What laws would he implement & how would he enforce them? What type of liberties he would allow to be exercised publicly & privately?

I am very curious to know from the muslims of Pakistan. Pls treat this as if it was really going to happen.

The process of Islamization of the state of Medinah by Muhammad (pbuh) was gradual. Remember all the Islamic rulings were imposed one by one. When Alcohol was banned, people were mentally prepared to accept the rulings regarding this. It requires Islamic people for the materialization/success of an Islamic state. Islam of majority Muslims hasn't gone beyond certain rituals. In this context we are in essence in the Meccan period of Islamic history. We're not yet ready for the package defined by even the holy Quran, let alone other non-obligatory sources of Shariah.
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