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Picturing Pakistan's Past: The Beatles, Booze And Bikinis

This is oft quoted but mostly incorrect assertion. anti-Russian Jihad played its part, but it was definitely not a source of it.

Instead global Islamism is the main source of this hatred in Pakistan and many other Muslim countries with sizable Shia population that had weak nationalist institutions. Case in Point Lebanon, iraq etc.

Oh by the way in Pakistan it started with Shia militancy first. Who could forget the Shia militants of Quetta who fought pitched battles with Police soon after the Khomeni revolution in Iran.

yes Sir. We were all sleeping or playing cricket with our Shia neighbors while dark clouds of hatred and religious chauvinism were gathering on our Western border.

When Khomeni regime defeated Shah, it saw the whole world to be the stage of revolution and not just Iran. Soon after the new regime took over Tehran, it started funding Shia organizations all over the globe, including Pakistan.

Shia militancy was supported by Iran, and Pakistani Shias so vulnerable to international Islamism quickly succumbed to the pressure.

Soon after Pakistani Sunnis followed the same path when they became willing participants of Saudi answer to the irani threat.

And thus both Shias and Sunnis in Pakistan were each others’ throat. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan made this struggle even worse.

BTW Pakistan was not alone. Other countries with sizable Shia population saw the same divisions and infighting. Case in point: Lebanon, Iraq, Syria etc. etc.

Carnage in Pakistan will unfortunately go on as long we the Paks have love for global Islamism, while very little nationalism aka Pakistan first.

Terrible. Isn’t it?

So the pictures of Pakistan in the 70s were only possible because the menace of global Islamism had not shown up at our doors. Once it did, Pakistan became just another pawn in the hands of Sunnia and Shia Mullahs.

So u mean the problem arose due to Saudi Iran clashes??
Hmmm !! The oft quote words are though, cos of Russia-USA , the present situation pakistan finds itself in.
Saudi did gave the funds, but it was the USA, who intoxicated and trained those muhajids.
A question to pakistani muslims?
What if Muhammad pbuh, somehow returned to the earth and became a ruler of Pakistan.
How would he rule? What things he would permit & what would he disallow? What laws would he implement & how would he enforce them? What type of liberties he would allow to be exercised publicly & privately?

I am very curious to know from the muslims of Pakistan. Pls treat this as if it was really going to happen.
A question to pakistani muslims?
What if Muhammad pbuh, somehow returned to the earth and became a ruler of Pakistan.
How would he rule? What things he would permit & what would he disallow? What laws would he implement & how would he enforce them? What type of liberties he would allow to be exercised publicly & privately?

I am very curious to know from the muslims of Pakistan. Pls treat this as if it was really going to happen.

Aren't you a Muslim from Pakistan ? :what:
So u mean the problem arose due to Saudi Iran clashes??
Hmmm !! The oft quote words are though, cos of Russia-USA , the present situation pakistan finds itself in.
Saudi did gave the funds, but it was the USA, who intoxicated and trained those muhajids.

As I said, Anti-Russia Jihad played its part.

But the Global-Islamism had already set the wheels of hatred in motion.

Both Suadi and Iranians were flush with petro dollars and a lot of that money went towards expanding their unique brand of Islamism.

Bhutto declared Ahmadis Kafir under petro dollars long before Soviet invasion.
Mullahs and Jamat Islami got petro dollars long before Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

So you see, the clash of Islamist titans Saudia and Iran was bound to occur and it did.

So if I can make an assertion (and I could be wrong) that even if Commies have not invaded Afghanistan, global Islamism still would have come into our country, as it predates oh so slightly the invasion of Afghanistan.

70s was the fateful time that took Pakistan away from a relatively secular society straight in the the bloody hands of Mullahs.

And now the leftists and islamists in Pakistan both blame Americans for this, but that is not the reality.

Ghareeb, things have only gotten more extreme due to the increasingly polarized world post 9'11 so I'm sure you can well imagine what the answer to your question would be depending upon whom you're asking !

kakay, I ve been back a few times bit never got involved in any serious discussion.
God willing I ll be back in LHE next year for 2 weeks.

As to my questions, I get ur point but I think I ve raised some very interesting question that most would like to dodge!
kakay, I ve been back a few times bit never got involved in any serious discussion.
God willing I ll be back in LHE next year for 2 weeks.

As to my questions, I get ur point but I think I ve raised some very interesting question that most would like to dodge!

Kaka kinnuu keh rayeii hoo tusssi ? :angry:

Chalooo koii nahin 'bazurgooon' ! :D

To answer your question : He'd do what we'd want him to do. Which is to say everyone has their opinions before them on what Islam is ? What God wants from us ? What the Koran really is taking about ? What the Prophet (PBUH) meant when he said thus ? So in essence we'd see him as we'd want to see him !
Thanks to Islamitization Pakistan society has started moving from 19XXs to 7th century
the same happened with Iran
Sir Islamic laws has to be enforced on Muslim societies or other wise people will stand up to do it on their own and that can lead to civil war

Remind me of the situation of Pakistan at the moment with the people following the same " supposed " order of Allah and his Prophet and enforcing them on other people and killing those who do not agree with their interpretation ? :azn:
A question to pakistani muslims?
What if Muhammad pbuh, somehow returned to the earth and became a ruler of Pakistan.
How would he rule? What things he would permit & what would he disallow? What laws would he implement & how would he enforce them? What type of liberties he would allow to be exercised publicly & privately?

I am very curious to know from the muslims of Pakistan. Pls treat this as if it was really going to happen.

So by that logic you should not use Computers/Motor Vehicles/Music players/Mobile phones. Camels to be used for transportation and fuel wood for cooking food(no LPG) because If Muhammad pbuh comes to earth he would not be comfortable with modern gadgets and technology

You cant follow the rules which were made for a 7th century society in 20th century
Society must evolve over the time and so as the religion
What he means is that people gave space to others to do their own thing. Not like now, when if you are slightly different or have or voice different views, you will be shot.

Its about having a society that is capable of accepting and maybe even liking diversity.

There is a lot of diversity and there is a lot of acceptance in Pakistan society. It feels very strange when someone who has not visited Pakistan, which I m sure you haven't, talks like he has all the info to qualify for an opinion.
So by that logic you should not use Computers/Motor Vehicles/Music players/Mobile phones. Camels to be used for transportation and fuel wood for cooking food(no LPG) because If Muhammad pbuh comes to earth he would not be comfortable with modern gadgets and technology

Next time , kindly judge a religion by the actions of its Prophets and the message of its books rather than by the actions of its followers ... A very sincere advice ...
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