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Picturing Pakistan's Past: The Beatles, Booze And Bikinis

More thn happy to say that haven't heard that one ever since I was born.

Don't need enemies when we have people who think this way.

Yes Islam has enemies in the face of traitors and those liberals jerks who are slaves of USA and want to become champs of Islam without reading it and knowing for what ayat was released so they need to read that first Islam will be implemented and will be implemented with full force either by government or people on their own than will be done INSHALLAH

Wrong in the first sentence ! :azn: ... Islam is more flexible than you have made it to be ... I see the mentality causing all the terrorism in Pakistan in your very posts ... Yet you haven't answered any of my questions about " free will " and heaven , hell " concepts and continued the same parroted " kill em all " and " enforce at the point of sword " like the extremist do ... Not worth my time , the brainwashed lot ...
Islam is not flexible when it comes to its laws and its implementation and ALLAH has called those people kafirs who don't decide according to what he has sent and if Islam would have been so called flexible ALLAH wouldn't have directly called people kafirs
Why the hell wasn't I born pre '70s ! :hitwall:

On a serious note : To my palate thats pretty extreme too ! If modernity or moderation is measured by 'minimalist' clothing & 'booze' them I'm afraid that wasn't an idyllic setting for me either !

Mate - you are thinking too much - I have a friend who belongs to this 70s generation who used to have fun in Pakistan before heading out to US to continue his fun and went in for his high education while undergoing pilot training(just to impress girls who fell for him in troves - had a chance to go through the scanned pictures stored in his iphone :lol:) and he has turned out great - he is now settled with a great wife and daughter and have swapped the minimalist clothing for stylish clothing but guess what - still girls in the 20s fall for him though he has not made any advances.
Yes Islam has enemies in the face of traitors and those liberals jerks who are slaves of USA and want to become champs of Islam without reading it

Is the auto-bot mode on again ? I see you repeating the same again and again ... If anyone were to open the thread and check your posts , he wont even be able to distinguish the first from the last ... :azn:

P.S Yes , if it makes you happy , I am an infidel ( kaffir ) , not that it makes any difference to God or me :rofl: ... Sadly for you , my faith cant be judged in this world by you or your God's viceroys ... :D
Yes Islam has enemies in the face of traitors and those liberals jerks who are slaves of USA and want to become champs of Islam without reading it and knowing for what ayat was released so they need to read that first Islam will be implemented and will be implemented with full force either by government or people on their own than will be done INSHALLAH
So people who don't agree with you are enemies and a dirty liberals now? I have never said that I am champ of islam, the comment above explains why there is so much islamophobia in the world right now.
Yes Islam has enemies in the face of traitors and those liberals jerks who are slaves of USA and want to become champs of Islam

The only friends of Islam are all the Jihadists and Extremists in the form of Al Qaeda , Taliban and countless others carrying fancy names terrorizing and killing people left and right who merely do not agree with their interpretation - let alone oppose them and causing chaos in Pakistan and other Arab countries ... That is another story they are met with same fate of those at South Waziristan , Swat and Red Mosque by the MUSLIM Pakistan Army ... :azn:
Is the auto-bot mode on again ? I see you repeating the same again and again ... If anyone were to open the thread and check your posts , he wont even be able to distinguish the first from the last ... :azn:

P.S Yes , if it makes you happy , I am an infidel ( kaffir ) , not that it makes any difference to God or me :rofl: ... Sadly for you , my faith cant be judged in this world by you or your God's viceroys ... :D
Sir Islam will be implemented Faith is finally judged at day of judgement but those who oppose Islamic laws will be taken out and they will be destroyed because that is what Islam has said Islamic laws will be implemented Sir

The only friends of Islam are all the Jihadists and Extremists in the form of Al Qaeda , Taliban and countless others carrying fancy names terrorizing and killing people left and right who merely do not agree with their interpretation - let alone oppose them and causing chaos in Pakistan and other Arab countries ... That is another story they are met with same fate of those at South Waziristan , Swat and Red Mosque by the MUSLIM Pakistan Army ... :azn:
At least they are not touts of USA and forces of kufr bashing Islam to make their western masters happy and sell their deen for dollars like liberal secular traitors of in Pakistan and else where in Muslim world
So people who don't agree with you are enemies and a dirty liberals now? I have never said that I am champ of islam, the comment above explains why there is so much islamophobia in the world right now.

All those who dont agree with him are kaffirs , infidels or non muslim or whatever term you prefer ... I posted a sort of psychological profile for him on the previous page , check it out and match with his posts ... :D

At least they are not touts of USA and forces of kufr bashing Islam to make their western masters happy and sell their deen for dollars like liberal secular traitors of in Pakistan and else where in Muslim world

Yes , killing and terrorizing people is a good thing according to you , I got it !
So people who don't agree with you are enemies and a dirty liberals now? I have never said that I am champ of islam, the comment above explains why there is so much islamophobia in the world right now.
My above comment explains why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world talking about number of people converting to Islam because most Muslims are proud of their deen and are read to implement in the whole world even if they have to die for it and but they will make sure it gets implemented really soon INSHALLAH
All those who dont agree with him are kaffirs , infidels or non muslim or whatever term you prefer ... I posted a sort of psychological profile for him on the previous page , check it out and match with his posts ... :D

Yes , killing and terrorizing people is a good thing according to you , I got it !
What liberal master America is doing in Afghanistan and Iraq and by their support in Palestine and Kashmir and their biggest supporters are the liberal jerks paid pet #### of USA
At least they are not touts of USA and forces of kufr bashing Islam to make their western masters happy and sell their deen for dollars like liberal secular traitors of in Pakistan and else where in Muslim world
I bet all your types would be the first ones to run to US embassy if they ever offer free visas :lol: why blame USA alone, what ever happened to the evil zionists? you should mention how evil they are now :enjoy:
What liberal master America is doing in Afghanistan and Iraq and by their support in Palestine and Kashmir and their biggest supporters are the liberal jerks paid pet #### of USA

The same what it was doing by helping you in the 80's by providing weapons and training against Soviets in the name of Islam of course - protecting its interests ... :azn: Want to see a picture of elite Mujahideen leaders sitting in White House ? Why were you too happy to take infidel America's help back then ? :P ... Too complicated for you ?
I bet all your types would be the first ones to run to US embassy if they ever offer free visas :lol: why blame USA alone, what ever happened to the evil zionists? you should mention how evil they are now :enjoy:
Mr I had options of getting visa several times I am happy in Pakistan will change the system here and of other Muslim countries than taking of forces of kufr but first take out the slaves of USA the liberal ###### in Muslim nations

The same what it was doing by helping you in the 80's by providing weapons and training against Soviets in the name of Islam of course - protecting its interests ... :azn: Want to see a picture of elite Mujahideen leaders sitting in White House ? Why were you too happy to take infidel America's help back then ? :P ... Tell me how Iraq attacked Iran and Kuwait without any casus belli ( cause of war ) ? Too complicated for you ?
Defending Afghanistan was a compulsory on Muslims as it is now yes they shouldn't have taken help from USA but Mujahideen was right they took our liberals daddy USSR and they will take out their another daddy USA really very soon
My dear GDB,

You are jumping way forward in this hypothetical scenario of development of Pak society in the hands of our beloved Messenger phuh.

Let's start from the basics the way it started in His time BEFORE he proclaimed Islam.

1. For his 40 years of life in Pak, he would be known as the most truthful, the most trustworthy, and the most tolerant person.

2. He will be the most fashionable person, with an Iphone (OK android tablet instead of Ipad to keep the balance), in his hands, a wonderful facebook page, and tweeting message of love.

3. He will be an import/export trader by profession, so his business will be known for 110% quality guaranteed, and the best priced.

4. He will be known for not giving any kind of bribes to open LCs and show less dollar amount than actually exported.

5. He will be very charismatic, very popular among young men and women (IK picture not allowed here).

6. He will marry a widow from a rich family for home he did business transaction.

7. He will be driving around in an Audi A6 (OK A4 and playing the song Saudis love Audis)

Once he'd have lived in Pak society for 40 years as the most honest, the most truthful, the most humble person, he would announce that all our religious practices are in fact Islamic for show only, just on the surface.

We cheat, we do not speak truth, we are dishonest, and we are not humble and tolerant.

We burry the intellect of our girls by bombing their schools, we treat our holy book as if it was a god, and we kill anyone who is even accused of ripping a page out of it.

We treat God's messengers as gods. So anyone accused of disrespecting these gods is killed by the mob.

We have adopted the principle of trinity (Quran, Hadees, Mullah -for sunnis) (Quran, Ayatullah's words, Rasool's words-for shias)

He will tell us that we have become pagans in everywhich way except perhaps in the name. All the ills of Kuffar of Macca are now in us.

He will tell us that the whole civilized world thinks of us as primitive pagans who kill their lady healthworkers.

Then he will try to persuade us to leave our pagan ways and start living the truthful life as per Allah's direction.

But we will all get angry.

We'll mutilate his facebook page with curse words, and Islamist hackers will deface his website.

We'll tweet bad words against him

We'll threaten him and his family with dire consequences if he continues to challenge our god(s).

We'll burn down his house,

Then he will flee to America to save his and his families lives.

This is how our zalim and cruel society will try to end his effort towards our reformation.

then who knows if Canada or America will give him asylum on religious grounds. Who knows.

But we will make sure we delete all his postings from every forum,
We'll make sure facebook bans him for life
We'll make sure google forbids his name in the searches.
We'll make sure youtube doesn't carry any of his messages.

And if google, or twitter or facebook or Pak defense forum doesn't agree with such bans on free speech, and a message of humanity, message of truth, and tolerance and honest, we'll riot in the streets, burning our shops, killing our fellow Pakistanis, and bombing foreign embassies.

This is how we'll behave.

And you my dear dear GDB, think we as a country will let him makes laws. Fo-Ged-bout it.

peace to every one.

ps. My dear reader. Now don't raise a storm and ask for deletion of this post. Because you will only be confirming that we are indeed behaving like pagans and kuffar of Macca. Because they too would kill and destroy anyone who challenged their gods and their religion.

The hell did I just read?? :lol:
Mr I had options of getting visa several times I am happy in Pakistan will change the system here and of other Muslim countries than taking of forces of kufr but first take out the slaves of USA the liberal ###### in Muslim nations
:lol: oh snap, revolution is coming!!!!! funny how everyone in our country freely bashes the liberals and blames liberals for 'destroying' pakistan meanwhile the religious extremists slaugher innocent men/women/childern of the soil in pieces.
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