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Persia Nationalism and Azeri assimilation (Discuss it like a human being)

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this pathestic moron first lies about persian percentage in Iran.
I heard persian make up 0.0001% of Iran what do you think?

second this imbecile makes up some BS about azeris being treated like crap but somehow our shah and current leaders were/are azeris.
the language of Iran is persian and always will be. azeris are Iranians, they are as much Iranian nationalists as I am myself.
the problem is not azeris in Iran, the problem is these "khar" tork want to try and cause problems in Iran just because they themselves will get split by the kurds.

In iran we are proud of having such a great different number of Iranic people, persians,armenians,Kurds,and of course azeris.
we will always be united under one name and that is IRAN.
Your supreme leader speaks Turkish, now expel him.


God, thats not even nationalism thats something lower then that, you're acting like you're disabled.

He says Turks(Azeri) and Persians are religious brothers, how can he call them Turks ? lets stone him to death !

Its probably hurt you a bit eh ? also Armenians are not Iranian idiot.
So you're calling your supreme leader "donkey" :D
Noone here said Persian nationalism is bad and Turkish/Azerbaijan Turkish nationalism is good... Did you read the posts or are you trying to lover the standarts of discussion?

What we are saying here is forced assimilation of Azerbaijan Turks and Azerbaijan Turks not having basic human rights are wrong and we are trying to raise the awereness for it...

You aren't fooling anyone denyo. You should care more about your own Kurdish brothers in your own country. Iran is NOT your country. The Kurdish problem is one of Turkey's most important issues that should be dealt with.
this pathestic moron first lies about persian percentage in Iran.
I heard persian make up 0.0001% of Iran what do you think?

second this imbecile makes up some BS about azeris being treated like crap but somehow our shah and current leaders were/are azeris.
the language of Iran is persian and always will be. azeris are Iranians, they are as much Iranian nationalists as I am myself.
the problem is not azeris in Iran, the problem is these "khar" tork want to try and cause problems in Iran just because they themselves will get split by the kurds.

In iran we are proud of having such a great different number of Iranic people, persians,armenians,Kurds,and of course azeris.
we will always be united under one name and that is IRAN.
the west always tries to cause civil war and riots and coups in hostile countrys
stay united and stay strong my friend
this pathestic moron first lies about persian percentage in Iran.
I heard persian make up 0.0001% of Iran what do you think?

second this imbecile makes up some BS abour azeris being treated like crap but somehow our shah and current leaders are azeris.
the language of Iran is persian and always will be. azeris are Iranians, they are as much Iranian nationalists as I am myself.
the problem is not azeris in Iran, the problem is these "khar" tork want to try and cause problems in Iran just because they themselves will get split by the kurds.

In iran we are proud of having such a great different number of Iranic people, persians,armenians,Kurds,and of course azeris.
we will always be united under one name and that is IRAN.

First of all, the title says 'discuss it like a human being'. But its a proven fact that you can not even act like a human being.

Yes there are many Iranian nationalists like yourself but the problem is you guys are not nationalists but racists. And this is a big problem for Azeri Turks in Iran.

No one is talking about seperation but the basic human rights of miniroties in Iran. And the funny thing is while you are trying to explain that there are no discrimination towards minorities, you actually proving that there are...

Edit: And to those who tries to bring Kurdish problem in order to cover their own mess, unlike you guys we are aware that there is a problem in Turkey and something must be done.
You have summarized the whole topic magnificently, in my view getting education in Azeri Language is near to impossible with the current regime

Same in Turkey, there won't be education in the Kurdish language with the current regime.

there are no such thing as azeri Turk. you people put the suffix Turk at the end of everything and think that makes it Turkish.
as I said in Iran azeris,Persian;armenians,Kurds all don't give a crap about you. it must be painful I know but it is a sad reality for you. I as a Persian rationalist welcome anyone in my country who respects my culture, if you want to live in Iran then you must show you are part of Iran. but if there people in my country who think they can call themselve something else just because they speak some other language then that pisses me and other Iranians off.

because why should an Iranian say he/she is something else? if there are people in Iran who think they are not Iranian then wtf are they doing in Iran? Iran is an extremely ancient civilization, we did not create artificial borders, our borders have been same for 1000 of years. azeris have been living in those borders before you torks were even created so how can they possible be turkish? maybe some azeris have some mixture of genetics from Iranian+turk but there is no such thing as a azeri turk.
iran is only fitne & fesad in the muslim word
Turkey, Saudi Arabia and bootlicking Gulf countries are the biggest fesad and fitne causers. Iran is the only Muslim country standing up against those who massacre Muslims. Shame on you for not acknowledging this reality.
Iranian is a upper term fool, one can come from a different ethnicity in the same time can be Iranian citizen and can be proud of it.

Its not us, Azeri is a modern term they were always called Turks and as you can see your "supreme" leader says "Turks" instead of Azeris.
LMAO that is one guy, go to Iran and ask them if azeris are turks and see what they will do to you.
don't just come on threads like this and talk BS, actually go to Iran and see. it should not be difficult, Iran is right next to you.:wave:
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