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Persia Nationalism and Azeri assimilation (Discuss it like a human being)

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believe me Persian nationalism is dominant it reminds me of the times after military coup in Turkey. People can't get education in Azerbaijan language or even can't teach them to their children and they sometimes can't even name their children in Turkish language.

It is Persian dominated fascism and nothin else. I think yous hould watch the first video I posted maybe you will have some basic information about it if you don't have the time to watch the full documentry.

My perspective was something different, what i wanted to say that after the evolution of late Ayatollah Khomeini's Vilayet faghih model of Governance the ethnic differences got little blurred under the disguise of Shiaism but things are propping up again but i still think sectarian discrimination is more than ethnic discrimination in today's Iran

Please don't respond to trolls like Persian God King and argue this subject with reason.

P.S: Commender, Most statistics shows Persian population aroun %50-55, you should correct that and Azerbaijan Turks usually given as between 15-35 million but it changes according to whos doing the counting...

Deno, the article does not belong to me, so I just posted it. The population of Persians may be around 50% as you said I am not sure though. I will check and correct it.

Soxeil !?

:blink: Soheil

This symbol }{ looks like X. I will correct it
I made a statement, you don't reply to if you don't want but that shows you have nothing to say other than BS.

P.s Iran will always be for Iranian, anyone who wants to speak torkish, or act like they're torkish don't deserve to be in Iran and can fck of to Turkey. azeris are Iranian and need to act Iranian. why would they downgrade themselves and say they are tork? for an Iranian to say they are a tork is like a lion saying it is common house cat.

iranic people (persians+azeris+armenia+kurds) will always belong to motherland Iran. they are welcome. but turks are not welcome in Iran.

How about Indians?
My perspective was something different, what i wanted to say that after the evolution of late Ayatollah Khomeini's Vilayet faghih model of Governance the ethnic differences got little blurred under the disguise of Shiaism but things are propping up again but i still think sectarian discrimination is more than ethnic discrimination in today's Iran

There is strong sec. connection with Azerbaijan Turks and Persians but there is also a lot of opression on Azerbaijan language and ethnic Turks too.

I don't know if you watch the first video but there you can watch that once even taking children from Azerbaijan Turkish families and rasing them as Persian was a plan to assimilate Azerbaijan Turks. Once in Shah times a governer in Tebriz said in a census in Tebriz (cultural capital of Azerbaijan Turks) there is no humans to count in this city only donkeys (About last part, I don't know if its true or myth)...

In football matches you can hear Persian fans chanting ''Donkey Turks'' to Azeri fans...

Edit: You can just read PDF's posts and see the racism... I would need hours to describe the racism against Turks but he menaged to do that in few seconds...
Azerbaijan will eventually be joined with mother land Iran. It is inevitable. A land locked country ruled by a lunatic dictator. It is only a matter of time. And to the OP who is trying to divide people here on this forum: Kurds will eventually get free from Turkish regime domination and will form their own country. It is also inevitable and only a matter of time.
Please don't respond to troll attempts made for changing the subject.

Yes. The sword cuts both ways. Remember that. Do not throw stones while living in a glass house. If tomorrow Kurds uprise in Turkey, you will have no other choice but to let them have their independence. West will pressurize you to do that. You will not have a free hand. Iran on the other hand can battle any separatist movement with force and would not care about any western pressure. Be careful about what you wish for Iran since then others might wish the same for you. Turkey has more separatist problem than Iran will ever have. Turkey and even its name is based on an ethnicity. Iran on the other hand is a multi-ethnic and tolerant society.
West have no power on us on that issue.

Nobody asking for seperation of Azeris in Iran.
According to CIA Ethnic groups: Persian 61%, Azeri 16%, Kurd 10%, Lur 6%, Baloch 2%, Arab 2%, Turkmen and Turkic tribes 2%, other 1% (2008 est.) (sorry for the wrong number in the original post)


"all races are equal, but the Persians more equal" :laugh:

Actually supreme leader of Iran is an Azeri and he dreams of ruling over Azerbaijan as well. As for Turkey, some day Kurdish people will separate from it and the Turkey will get alot more smaller. As I always say, do not wish for others what you do not wish for yourself. Turkey is a goner:

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Oh here you go, Persian trolls were not enough we got a Pakistani one this time.
According to CIA Ethnic groups: Persian 61%, Azeri 16%, Kurd 10%, Lur 6%, Baloch 2%, Arab 2%, Turkmen and Turkic tribes 2%, other 1% (2008 est.) (sorry for the wrong number in the original post)


"all races are equal, but the Persians more equal" :laugh:

These videos about cartoon crisis in Iran. State controlled newspaper published with a cockroach speaking Azeri language. This incident resulted in massive protests in northen Iran and ended with police/citizen clashes and permenant ban on the news paper and arrest of the cartoonists.

This is the cartoon


Ethnic Iranian Azerbaijanis and the cartoon crisis (Part 1/3) - YouTube

Ethnic Iranian Azerbaijanis and the cartoon crisis (Part 2/3) - YouTube

Ethnic Iranian Azerbaijanis and the cartoon crisis (Part 3/3) - YouTube
Yes. The sword cuts both ways. Remember that. Do not throw stones while living in a glass house. If tomorrow Kurds uprise in Turkey, you will have no other choice but to let them have their independence. West will pressurize you to do that. You will not have a free hand. Iran on the other hand can battle any separatist movement with force and would not care about any western pressure. Be careful about what you wish for Iran since then others might wish the same for you. Turkey has more separatist problem than Iran will ever have. Turkey and even its name is based on an ethnicity. Iran on the other hand is a multi-ethnic and tolerant society.

full of wisdom :tup:
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