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Persia Nationalism and Azeri assimilation (Discuss it like a human being)

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Umm...This is how our national dresses are, have always been.

Yes, I don't see a single relation to loooosy pants...

the first picture that so called 'man' was wearing loose pants with the bottom tucked in his boots, you eyes need attention, anyway I would rather wear loose pants than skirts :lol::rofl:

you poor armenian kurd, it is not healthy to hate your ancestors so much.
In your opinion you somehow owed me? You are probably crying in your moms arms right now asking her if it true that you are nothing but an russianized armenian :cry:
as I said you poor people have no culture, you steal Iranian culture and call it as your own.
kurds at least have their own culture. and I prefer theirs than your skirt wearing men culture.:lol:
"Aryanic" "Iranic" overlord, lol.


Even gypsies has a culture unlike these animals.
as i said we have no means to be gay like persian kings

why did you edit you post?:lol:
you poor kurd :cry:

as I said you have no culture yourself, you steal Iranian culture.
once we take back our land you will end up joining these "gypsies" and steal their culture.
I got to say, I kind of feel sorry for you, you keep posting video of your ancestors kurds because you love them so much in reality.

as i said we have no means to be gay like persian kings

gay? you are bunch of transvestites :lol:
what colour skirt are you wearing now?
LOL, this guy has really lost it, it seems...

I know it is painful for you to know that your just kurd.
go put on your skirt and have a little Turkish dance and maybe you will feel better.
but you will reminded every time you look in mirror than you are nothing but a kurd.:cry:

it is okay though, atleast they have more culture than that shithole you live in called aliyevbaijan.
Azerbaijan will eventually be joined with mother land Iran. It is inevitable. A land locked country ruled by a lunatic dictator. It is only a matter of time. And to the OP who is trying to divide people here on this forum: Kurds will eventually get free from Turkish regime domination and will form their own country. It is also inevitable and only a matter of time.

Slow down George. Dont stick your nose into the holes that you dont know, unless you are an Iranian false flagger.
Guys just ignore PGK he is nothing but an Iranian being an Iranian.

Deno, the article does not belong to me, so I just posted it. The population of Persians may be around 50% as you said I am not sure though. I will check and correct it.

Did you read this you idiot?

@ TheCommander

You begin a thread with many lies ( 40% persians in Iran ? Wtf? )
There is a huge difference between 40% and 61% !!!!
Let me write a summary of historical events.

Arabs invaded Persia, and destroyed Persian culture.
Turks invaded Persia and destroyed Persian culture.
Mongols invaded Persia and destroyed Persian culture.

Persia was once home to culture, science, trade. But now not anymore.
Mixed blood Iranians rule ancient Persia. There are No more people descending from ancient Persians.
Question is: why are these mixed bloods assimilating Turkish speaking mixed bloods?
Question is: can a mixed blood become Persian just only speaking Persian?

AND Surprise: Turks of Anatolia are not pure blood as well. We Anatolian Turks are children of Turkish fathers and Anatolian mothers. Simple as that.

Throughout the history races appear. Races are created by variety of elements, such as language, history, feuds, skin color, religion etc... Thats what ethnogenesis is. Long long story to tell.
Same in Turkey, there won't be education in the Kurdish language with the current regime.

As far as my study says in the new charter there would certainly be the provision education in Kurdish language and soon they will add Arabic too, that is far sure ( the reason for adding Arabic too will be discussed some other time).
True , today there is little gay persians but now gypsy iranians and a raped culture

Let me write a summary of historical events.

Arabs invaded Persia, and destroyed Persian culture.
Turks invaded Persia and destroyed Persian culture.
Mongols invaded Persia and destroyed Persian culture.

Persia was once home to culture, science, trade. But now not anymore.
Mixed blood Iranians rule ancient Persia. There are No more people descending from ancient Persians.
Question is: why are these mixed bloods assimilating Turkish speaking mixed bloods?
Question is: can a mixed blood become Persian just only speaking Persian?

AND Surprise: Turks of Anatolia are not pure blood as well. We Anatolian Turks are children of Turkish fathers and Anatolian mothers. Simple as that.

Throughout the history races appear. Races are created by variety of elements, such as language, history, feuds, skin color, religion etc... Thats what ethnogenesis is. Long long story to tell.
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