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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk


Narrated Abu Hurairah (ra), the following:

There will come a time, he said, when you will not be able to find a single person in the world who will not be consuming riba. And if anyone claims that he is not consuming riba then surely the vapor of riba (In another text the dust of riba) will reach him. (Abu Daud, Mishkat)

Another translation:

Narrated Abu Hurayrah:

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: A time is certainly coming to mankind when only the receiver of usury will remain, and if he does not receive it, some of its vapour will reach him. Ibn Isa said: Some of its dust will reach him. (Abu Dawud, Book 22, Number 3325)

The looneys I refer to live within our society, claiming to be Islamic scholars and experts on Sharia. They have their own set of rules and declare fatwas without remembering that every man will be held accountable for his words.
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i know you. jonasad. you are a good person. there for i pointed some one.
other if a thing is haram is haram. its other thing we cant survive or we take it in some cases. but we cant say its halal.
same Qadri's fatwa that ribaa is halal is same kind. you cant declare a thing halal when
ALLAH pak has decleared it haram.
i think there is a hadith which means.
the people will do shirk after me. (muslims) sahaba asked why would they do shirk after believing. said they will make halal what there alims will ask and make haram what there alims scholors will say. (un k kehny par halal aur haram ka faisla karen gay)


Another translation:

The looneys I refer to live within our society, claiming to be Islamic scholars and experts on Sharia. They have their own set of rules and declare fatwas without remembering that every man will be held accountable for his words.

thanks for the hadith i did not knew that.

where in my posts i issued or quoted fatwa??
i give a hadith from abu dawood as well.
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if i had to cheq some one's accounts i would have checked your's for advocating Qadri :D

do it if you can, bt i guss, i have enough , & i just support change , a grand marshall change which is comming!
... About Ribaa- one simple scenarion we face every month- the monthly Salary we recieve for our hard work is given to us through banks which deals with Ribaa all day long- how can we be sure the amount we received came from a halal source?-...

This is exactly what I feel and have mentioned the Hadith in this regard. It is very easy to say that this is Haram or that is Halal without considering our own income.

The company we work for most probably has an interest-bearing account somewhere which contributes to its profits (no matter how small). Our salaries come from the same profits. Then there's the issue of the Banks that you mentioned.
Every country, regardless of religion, implements an interest-based Central Banking System. How do we stop dealing with those countries without affecting our own socio-economic conditions?

...where in my posts i issued or quoted fatwa??
i give a hadith from abu dawood as well.

It was not about you.
Yaar i will struggle to put food in my familys mouth if i dont lease a car- and use taxi for traveling and for doing daily necessary normal everyday living-

Why should religion of peace and way of life bring such suffering for me?-
This is exactly what I feel and have mentioned the Hadith in this regard. It is very easy to say that this is Haram or that is Halal without considering our own income.

The company we work for most probably has an interest-bearing account somewhere which contributes to its profits (no matter how small). Our salaries come from the same profits. Then there's the issue of the Banks that you mentioned.
Every country, regardless of religion, implements an interest-based Central Banking System.
How do we stop dealing with those countries without affecting our own socio-economic conditions?

It was not about you.

it is not ribaa.
in the times of Mohammad s.a.w.w they used to do business with jews, christeans kufare makka they used to take or give ribaa, some of the workers used to work under them and took salary or what you call ujrat. but that was not prohibited. ribaa is what we take interest, or put mony in banks for some time and taking interest.
Leaving religious points aside, I think Tahir ul-Qadri has made some political mistakes.
He used the same agenda that PTI has put forward along with a dozen other parties.

I was disappointed that he didn't bring anything new though.
thanks for your reply now please elobrate who is loony.
Quran (nauzubillah) it clearly say ribaa is haram
Mohammad (s.a.w.w) in many ahadith it is said Ribaa is haram. and the person takes ribaa is calling for war against ALLAH. who is loony this is not my interpretation??

Bhai The same Quran also says i am parapharasing the ayah- If you kill a human being (note its human being not only muslim) it is as if you have killed whole of Humanity- the concept of Jehad fails here- if we take ayah on Jehad as it is-

Quran also says be nice to your neighbors ( since the ayah came during the time when every muslim house has more the one non muslim neighbors) look after them care for them respect them- since Jehad is also ferz what should i do to my non muslim neigbour- leash Holy Jehad on them?- cm on-

Understand this- Quran has clearly stated what to do what not to do- but with reference to the situations- the context it is been revealed-

So kindly dont make things difficult for Muslims by quoting Ayas as it is-
it is not ribaa.
in the times of Mohammad s.a.w.w they used to do business with jews, christeans kufare makka they used to take or give ribaa, some of the workers used to work under them and took salary or what you call ujrat. but that was not prohibited. ribaa is what we take interest, or put mony in banks for some time and taking interest.

That's the point I was trying to make earlier. Islam makes life easier for us.
If we implement the strict forms then it would make a lot of things difficult. This is why some religious leaders like Dr. Tahir and others advocate easing of religious limits; to make life a bit easier for Muslims, esp. those who live in non-Muslim societies.
That's the point I was trying to make earlier. Islam makes life easier for us.
If we implement the strict forms then it would make a lot of things difficult. This is why some religious leaders like Dr. Tahir and others advocate easing of religious limits; to make life a bit easier for Muslims, esp. those who live in non-Muslim societies.

Yaar this should be common sense for Muslims- but specially Pakistani mullahs are too much extreme to understand the basics- thats why we as Muslims and as a country is in deep sh!t-
We have, unfortunately, become the battle-ground for different ideologies. None of them will fight in their country of origin, everyone wants to flex their muscles here.

Our religious icons are too busy calling each other "munafiq", "kaafir" among other names while Pakistan burns and others laugh.
Religion is a personal choice and it should have been left there.

Anyways, let's hope for more moderate voices to rise and educate others. Give PEACE a chance.

Another reason why I love PTI :smitten:
No its crowd pulling nothing else

thats the problem , nt ever tom dick & harry can pull the crowd these days?

Soo, This is the crowd crazy for revolutionary Qadri Sb. ... I guess Zardai truly represents the Nation of Pakistan.This nation can be fooled by any one, even a donkey. He will surly replace Zardari in Comming future.

Pakistan ka KHUDA HE HAFIZ !
crowd was crazy for every one else too?
frist that was gen.musharf, thn it was justice chowdri,thn it was BB, thn it was NS, thn it was again ppp after the death of BB, thn it was IK, but they all failed, so they just found QADRI ? nothing new public want change in pakistan which was bloked or stolen from them?
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