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Didn't see this thread before, read through it and I say Ameen Inshallah, Palestine, Kashmir, Dagestan, Chechen and all the countries living under the fear of the regime will be liberated!
Didn't see this thread before, read through it and I say Ameen Inshallah, Palestine, Kashmir, Dagestan, Chechen and all the countries living under the fear of the regime will be liberated!

What! No moroland, no Xinxiang, no Pattani, no Arakan, you biased biased man living in a non muslim secular country?
May ALLAH save these people from all the pain they have been facing and are facing now.. may ALLAH have mercey on them and set them free from this evil.

With all due and genuine respect for your beliefs, I honestly believe the fate of the people of Kashmir is up to the Indian and Pakistani leaderships agreeeing to co-operate in Kashmir while allowing the Kashmiris a maximum measure of autonomy, possibly independence..

And the fate of the Palestinians, given the firm Israeli doctrine of only-retaliating, is up to the Palestinian leaderships and people themselves. If they'd abandon terrorism entirely, stop letting themselves be used as proxy warmachines against Israel by other muslim nations and groups, then Israel would lose all motivation and support and right to attack Palestinians. Palestinians abandoning terrorism forever would mean very soon they can start to address issues like land-theft beyond the 1967 borders, water-theft, etc. All the really important issues to the Palestinian people, besides not getting blown to bits by Israeli fire of course.
I m kashmiri and i know what is happening here and the problem is same in both occupied lands and only solution freedom
what extrimist? you have occpied their lands and they are fighting back ..they are freedom fighters ..
Your freedom fighter is my terrorist.. Simple

btw stop thinking urself as gods ..
GodS ?? I thought there is only one God ;)

many nations use to feel like that ..some dont even exist now ..
Shouldn't you be more worried about existence of your present nation rather than about those which dont exist ??
I wish You'll a better articles that can make another people live..
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