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Pakistan's navy interested in Chinese submarines and advance naval ships

well 80 percent of indian sub name starts from S alphabet anyway i think pakistan i need atleast 4 destroyers 3 corvetes 2 frigates and 4 more subs along side with U 214 4 too and perry class frigates 5 which we will get in 2010 but it will not happen beocz of finance probleum but pn can cut down the numbers 2 destroyers and 2 more frigates from europe and 3 suba more alongside U 214

"S" can all boys and girls say Supersticious :victory::victory:
not really supersticious si think i think their indian naval command likes S alphabet soo much or their pandit's said them keep the nake with S starting alphabet
8 of the 10 kilo class subs had MLU and they can serve 10-15 years more
Pakistan should stop buying stuff from the US and start buying more from few european countries and turkey. china and turkey should be our main supplier and we should be self relient as well, atleast it a good start to get the u boats from germans even if it goes in to plan till 2015

What will be good to see in the PN start building its own ships and subs. whats the point in getting the tot and you cant make it on your own.

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^^ That is a Big Wishlist fellow & First of all we don't have a Massive budget to meet all of it and secondly unfortunately Euros and Yankees are not trust worthy suppliers.

We need to move our way forward to Naval self reliance with the Help of Turkey and China & this is the Right way to go.

Pakistan should stop buying stuff from the US and start making friends with the europe well at atleast it a good start to get the u boats from the germans,

What will be good to see in the PN in next few years, these additions are on top of what we have just received or will be getting in few years


Already getting 4, U214 subs from the germans has 3 agusta 90 sub.
Addition of these below
6 U214 German
2 Trafalgar class submarine (Britsh)

6 .Type 45 Destroyer (British)

Already have 5 zulfiqar class plus 1 oliver hazard perry class frigates Addition of these to current vessels.
6 F22P
4 Brandenburg class frigate (German)

12 Milgem class corvette.

Missile Boats
10 Hamina class missile boat
5 Roussen Class FACM
10 Houbei class missile boat

20 helicopter of different varients

Plus about 4 squadron of 20 fighters in each group

Another AZADPAKISTANI in making -- just kidding:smitten:

Where are we going to get the money from? BTW when was the German deal completed???

If just making "Friends" was that easy than we should have got the JF-17 French avionics in the bag.

The biggest problem with most of the forum members is that most of them believe that countries behave as human would in their one on one relationships.

The actual behavior/alliances of countries are based upon convergent objectives and not "Love" for any one or "Historic" links! With most of the European countries, more so than the Americans, it is about Euros along with convergent issues.

Think for a minute. We are sick and tired of the US -- can you imagine the fatigue factor of our generals with going American? The problem is that other countries with possible hardware that we might want are not playing ball for one reason or another or they are asking for money and terms that we just don't have or the clout to buy on their terms!

Each one of us would have a wish list -- I have one too -- but the reality is to spend with care with what little we have and milk the American as best as we can, with technologies that can be supported through off the shelf spares from Turkey/Israel, yes Israel (we were getting spares for F-16 from them in a roundabout manner during the days of the embargoes)!!!

Prudence is the name of the game my friend – our egos are writing checks that cannot be cashed!!:pakistan:
Another AZADPAKISTANI in making -- just kidding:smitten:

hahhahah nice one Well let me be azad pakistani at least quote "I have a dream" Martin luther king.

hoping the govt changes, and the money/ aid that goes in our uneducated, dum politicans pockets if that goes into right places and civil developments i.e civil stability, financial stability and liberty. We can go towards that scenario and achieve success and not be bounded. this has been proven in musharraf era.

We got the technology of Agusta 90
We will be getting the U214 technology.
We have JF17 technology.
We have F22P technology.
We will be getting the Milgem class corvtte technology.

All we require is trained and or training and education of scientists and engineers in defence technology to use these tools and create. something of our own. We got 2 ship yard increase it make it 3. We should do a deal for transfering commercial aircraft building technology from UK Germany. How hard it is to work with an overseas independent aircraft company in designs and technlogy and creating another JF17 type aircraft.
If you are saying pakistan is poor yes it is poor as most of the money is being looted. Pakistan Steel, major company in pakistan is down the drain why because people are looting that place day by day, its empty there is no money. We have resources in Pakistan like steel, coal, but whats the use. We are poor as we do not possess right leadership, three leader that actually tried to do something good for Pakistan Quaid Azam, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Musharraf. Lots of people think musharraf was bad but there is long list of things that he did for Pakistan economy and its defence is all ignored. before he came pakistan was in shits he stablized the country increased the economy to the point where pakistan had 1billion reserves and 5 billion in shares website below

Musharraf Era Economic Pakistan

Where is Pakistan now....... you tell me

Pakistan is full of creative and intellegent people. If the right educated people are actually appointed on right position things will be very different.
Our ministers think that it is their right to do cooruption check utube under "pakistan minister and cooruption" These guys give a very poor, disgusting i mean down the drain representaion of Pakistan to the whole world. I mean they cant even spell their own name in english left alone becoming a federal minister .

Give you an example we have G3 which is made in POF which is an obsolete weapon. still used in PA, now they are thinking of changing their main rifle. and that is not a minister call its the army call to change. Now if there was a well versed person running the show then we would have upgraded 5 years back to a new modern rifle. Same goes with all the federal govt department. from trade to agriculture, electricty etc etc
The minority or the actual educated bureaucratic class are unable to do much as things bypass their level.

Pakistan should start a program where they should give scholarships to selected masters or PHD students to go to West or europe for special studies in defence technology nuclear and other civil studies science, economics with top students to get get direct job in Pakistan civil servent positions with decent pay. This positive trend will give Pakistan a new face and shape give Pakistan a good vision and great developing future levelling with the west and have a better economic position comparing to our counterpart India, but instead what happens in the actual scenerio currently is that seats are sold for 15 to 20 lack rupees.

The reason pakistan is poor is not the problem, the problem is that there is no one to educate the people/ masses and cooruption.

I use to argue with people that its not Pakistan fault its the west that give us the bad name, influences and induices the country with cooruption. After million of hours of argument i realized that its not them its us its Pakistani's, we let them do it to us, we let them demoralize us and break us......

Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:
8 of the 10 kilo class subs had MLU and they can serve 10-15 years more

yes bro they are armed with new USHUS sonars(which are also used for arihant) and the deadly club with 300km range compared to the 60km exocet of agosta..........the HDWs are also undergoing refits..........all these ageing reports dont take ito account of the refits or new inductions such as akula and 3 arihant class subs which gives IN deadly capability.
Another AZADPAKISTANI in making -- just kidding:smitten:

I have read on these threads that the deal is finalized for the U boats i dont have any hard evidance.

You mentioned prudence in one of your sentence, i would say that if we really had prudence then we would not be in the current state socially economically that we are now.

I mentioned that making friends with europe, now here is a something to see. Pakistan should look towards the Russians for warm friendship through china help, We need the russians on our side as compared to the US that will also awake india as they are loosing their grip with the russians. In europe we have the turkey who is already doing defence trade, Germany is also doing defence trade providing the technology, French ukraine, chech Republic, norway, japan, south korea, Canada, Uk recently had a press confrence stating that Pakistan and Uk should do more military trade. Pakistan should open trade with these countries in arms and civil technology. Give you few examples Saab js gripian has been offered by sweden. Then French mirage 4000 a cancelled project, 99% complete. it was cancelled as it was designed for the Saudia airforce but they broke the deal and went for f15 or something. Pakistan could look into reviving the mirage 4000 jet with french collaboration invest a bit of cash send engineers there change the design a bit upgraded avonics etc etc and we have another 4/5 generation AU jet made in pakistan,iam sure french would not hesitate as they are getting something out of it and most of the expertise gained in the mirage 4000 project is added in rafale. These are few examples how we can work towards producing better equipment and doing trade with countries that will do more military trade with no strings attached.

Pakistan should buy US military hardware but should mainly excelerate in civil trade as being a love hate relationship. with US PA should only aquire military hardware which will not be a long term upgrade issue example the 65million Perry-class guided missile frigate or 155mm howtzers or missiles survelliance equipments or buy the technology as part of the deal. Give you example Pakistan is flying F16 since the 80is US could have given us the F16 block 52 technology but they never offered the technology to us but hindered in the sales of pending jets with sanctions now they are offering India with missiles and f16 technology without any dramas or strings attached still we aquired 8 more f16 from them. We should stop here.

Now where will we get the finance for all this.

well if i go into detail i could write a book. But strong marketing advertising and PR, quality control. Look at F16 its famous everyone wants it, US dwells on it because of marketing and advertising plus it has seen few wars big deal, they did not use mirage or any other plane other wise they would have had the same position as f 16. US before they sold f16 to us they offered A10, now its backbone of US army, marines aviation wing. There are about 10 countries interested to buy JF17 from pakistan and that will buy and are countries currently buying our military hardware. If we fix our country financial economic problems then this will be fixed by it self.

Another thing is that if there is no cooruption, pakistan will flourish and get back on the high horse faster then musharraf time. as you know to open any business we have to pay cash in a shoe box just to get a company name, there is bribe on every step so thats why business does not boom there is no job as no one wants to invest...... etc etc etc self aquired foreign pressure, more bribes etc etc thats why pak is down the slums.

I just read that French has held the sale of electronices and missiles to pakistan for JF 17. Well its another foreign pressure on the french that we are seeing here hope it works out well. other wise Pakistan could go to UK or saab or russians for those equipment.

We seriously need a new batch of highly patriot administrators for Pakistan who can actually stand their ground and not get influenced by other countries foreign policies nor take bribes......:pakistan:
iam selling some nuclear subs anddestroyers and AC on ebay. check it out
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Personally I think F22P isn't the most advanced frigate in the warships which China can build. The 054A is the best frigate of China. 054A looks like Zeus Shield destroyer of US or Europe. I hope Pakistan can buy 054A instead of F22P.
Personally I think F22P isn't the most advanced frigate in the warships which China can build. The 054A is the best frigate of China. 054A looks like Zeus Shield destroyer of US or Europe. I hope Pakistan can buy 054A instead of F22P.

if it is not advanced maybe they can use initiative creativity and make it worth while. they have the tot, they have engineers, they can add hardware to make it a better frigate, if they cant then i dont think deserve it. Better of to give it to iran. too much spoon feeding i guess..,. :pakistan:

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