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Pakistan's navy interested in Chinese submarines and advance naval ships

We should at least make 2 or 3 more agosta 90. the U boats will be delivered by 2016. The chinese yuan class is good stop gap sub for pakistan and would help in phasing out the old agosta 70. PN should get 2 yuan class and atleast lease 1 nuclear sub if possible.


8 OHP class
4 F22P
3 Type 54 or meko frigates or destroyer type 52B, horizon class, Fridtjof Nansen class. Would love to see 5000 ton+ frigates they are classified as destroyers.
1 Melgiam corvette
7 Mine hunters (Current 4)
20 missile boats. Visby class, Göteborg class, Hamina class, Houbei class,
Gepard class.(current 12)
10 MRTB mix of MRTB 33 and YTKB-400 or YTKB 44, (current 4)
12 Submarine mix of agosta 70/ 90b, Yuan class, (current 5, required 12). U214 to be inducted after 2015.
12 Auxiliary ships (current 8)
3 Training vassals (current 1)
6 Hovercraft (current4)
25 patrol boat (current 17) mix of boats like armadale class, kingston class, Astral Partol boats APB 48 and/or APB47,Illiria class, combat boat 90.


(This is including what we already have)

60 Mirages/ or JH7 even J10 (current 12+)
10 Eurocopter NH-90NFH, phasing out Sea Kings transport, search/rescue (current 6.
8 Eurocopter EC-130B4 naval helicopter phasing out 8 Alouette III .
15 Lockheed P-3C Orion (Current 4) 11 to be inducted
3 Breguet Atlantique I Maritime Surveillance, transfer to coastguards while inducting more P-3C Orion.
6 Harbin Z-9 (current 6) phasing out lynx
8 helicopters (kitted with the ships inducted in PN Mix of Harbin Z-9 and or NH90 or sea hawks.


Pakistan Navy also need it own base to run its own and coast guard operations. Either Masroor base be extended and a naval aviation wing be founded or a new base should be developed somewhere pass hub or any area pass steel mill which ever is more strategically better for our defence. Or Base Faisal can be transfered to the navy.

I would love to see 50 to 60 J11 or f 18 in the PN inventory for its long range and strike capability. I would not be possible plus no to F18 as no more US equipments. Mirages and JF17 should be great, however we could look at chinese JH7 for navy as well..


Their number should be increased from 1000 to 2000+. They should have at least 10 + transport helicopters, plus boats and heavy vehicles in their inventory.


Currently they are 2000 strong in the PK marines. They need to be increased to maintain at least 20000 men in next 5 years. They should par the same level as the french foreign legion or UK marines. PK marines should be given special training on the same training methods as the SSGN emphasising on boarding of vessels during combat, capturing ships, raiding ashore in support of the naval objectives. campaign ashore in support of the military objective, amphibious day and night assault. counter-improvision explosive device techniques, convoy operations, combat formations, fireteam assaults, patrolling, MOUT, reporting military intelligence, land navigation, survival skills.

They need to be provided with better equipments rather then the old G3, something like type 81, type 101 or AUG, with granade launcher and dot scopes, night vision, snipers rifles, FN Minimi. With other complimenting equipments like helicopters, artilary, armour vehicles and amphibious assault boats. Ofcourse it sounds all to much and very expensive, but technically it is possible with little bit of allocated fund, recruitment and help from the army. The army can transfer equipments and men innitially. Most of the main schools and training installations have already been stablished and running, all they just need is advancement in their training methods and upgrades.

I hope the pak armforces invest on research and future developments in every dept and sub dept. Also investigate in developing in other conventional and nonconventinal weapons. Invest on more platforms like ship yards, aeronotical complex and defence industries to upgrade them with modern and latest technology. Employ weapons designers, scientists or coproduce new equipment with foreign companies. Tot that we might get like U214, plus more we already have F22p, JF17, Agosta 90, we should do further experiments and research to make them more effective or bigger or better and should be self sufficient in production while fulfilling our requirements are exporting rather then relying on other countries..
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You gonna stop time for every other country and Pakistan goes ahead, come on, India has many more subs to come, Including its 5 ATV project, Scorpene Subs, Akula class subs... many many more buddy, now stop dreaming, contribute something useful

just for you mate pakistan will be getting all this by december 2010 and guess what, put it all on my tab no problems. let me know if i missed out anything..

1 Aircraft Carrier with 25 JF17 block2 and group of 8 ships and sub.
20 destroyers. UK type 45 and chinese type 52 both
25 frigates OHP class, type 54, F22P
15 corvettes Malgiam class
18 submarines. 3 U214, 10 agosta 90, 2 chinese nuclear sub
3 yuan class sub.
40 missile boats.
30 petrol boats armadale class
10 mine sweeper
150 J10 and J11 based in masroor.
15 ,orion p-C3 recon aircraft
25 lynx anti ship/ antio sub helicopter
20 sea kings transport helicopters
Emotional poster, with no idea of what he is talking about. What do you know about chinese hard ware??? and would like to explain the inefficient and inefective chinese weaponry??

no need for that,Your opening statement explains your gratitude.

who said that nuclear subs require less maintenance?? the second part of this statement is even more rediculous, where does our nuclear know how exactly stand???wouldnt it be more appropriate to use that emence know how to over come enenrgy crisis??

again shooting out of the mist, which european country is willing to help you ???? and y would the lease you their nuclear subs??

i can only feal sorry for your wet dreams. firstly we dont need an aircraft carrier,secondly nither we have the money for buying nor maintaining a battle group, thridly we dont have the infrastucture to induct an AC, and lastly why would america sell u an AC?? when they were even reluctant to give you the F-16s latest blocks, wat was the need for making JF-17s if we were so chumies?? wake up>reality check:hitwall:

thats possible but your speculations dont guarantee any thing, infact your whole post is a joke, showing your naive thoughts.



Notice from Jane's....

Pakistan begins submarine procurement talks with China

China's vice-president, Zheng Dejiang, met with civil and military leaders in Pakistan on 9-10 June in a visit surrounded by reports of a major new defence deal under discussion that would see Pakistan buying at least three Chinese submarines.

Speaking to Jane's on 9 June, a senior Pakistani government official said the Pakistan Navy began discussions with "the Chinese authorities last month for an eventual submarine deal" for up to three or four boats, but declined to specify the types or terms under discussion.

China has a long history of helping Pakistan overcome shortages of key military hardware, notably the hardware it was denied by the Western world following sanctions imposed from 1990 in response to Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme.

The Pakistani government official who spoke to Jane's on 9 June said that it was vital for the navy to acquire more submarines to offset "the pressure we will definitely come under" due to the rapid expansion of India's naval capability. "Our Chinese brothers have always come to our help and we are asking them for assistance once again," he said.

Although neither China nor Pakistan have ever publicly revealed the terms of their past financial arrangements, defence analysts say that China continues to offer long-term loans to Pakistan on concessional terms, allowing the country to continue with its military hardware purchases.
elinge welcome to PDF enjoy ur stay and kindly introduce urself in introduction section so we can all warmly welcome u.
Pakistani Nationalist
well so they dont want subs from germany well im shocked

The article refers to 'financial constraint' having 'delayed' final agreement on the 214s. Question is whether that delay is indefinite. Meanwhile, there is a need for new and more boats.
Nops, the deal is very much on as it was disclosed by a senior member here.

The U214 is very vital for Pakistan's coastal security, its an absolute must that we should have in our inventory. Besides the Turks operate this platform and along with their help we can always upgrade its weapon system and electronics. I knew that PN has evaluated 041 Frigates and other Chinese subs, but the acquisition of Merlin Class Subs is news to me too.

Bro, You know Turkish institue Havelsan will be the owner of U-214 Command-control and source-codes. When Turkey finished developing Torpedos and Anti-shipping missiles, We will integrate them in it as well and Almost %82 of Subsystems will be developed by Turkish institues including silent consol, Link 22, Torpedo shell sections by the help of Germany in Turkey and have rights to export them to 3th countries. As you mentioned above, Turkey and Pakistan can manage-modify those submarines however We want...
Bro, You know Turkish institue Havelsan will be the owner of U-214 Command-control and source-codes. When Turkey finished developing Torpedos and Anti-shipping missiles, We will integrate them in it as well and Almost %82 of Subsystems will be developed by Turkish institues including silent consol, Link 22, Torpedo shell sections by the help of Germany in Turkey and have rights to export them to 3th countries. As you mentioned above, Turkey and Pakistan can manage-modify those submarines however We want...

We won't be able to make the classified stuff Germany will be shipping those parts to us after they are built in Germany.
We won't be able to make the classified stuff Germany will be shipping those parts to us after they are built in Germany.

Which classified stuffs Germany will be shipping to Turkey you have mentioned Bro ?
Which classified stuffs Germany will be shipping to Turkey you have mentioned Bro ?

"HDW will preassemble structural and mechanical parts of the submarine in Germany, or classified elements such as the fuel cells and propulsion system and will then ship them to Turkey. All electronic and weapon systems (including the C4I system) will be of Turkish design and production."
well pak navy is making things very hard to for themselves if they continue to keep in this attitude we willl never get to see new subs in our inventory one years have past since our old sub hangoor class retired till now nothing we have to replace them only 3 submarines in pak navy welll there is big ? on pakistan future naval programme

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