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Pakistan's navy interested in Chinese submarines and advance naval ships

navy walon ko iske paise kon daiga
bhaiyaa ji!!!!

Well these subs are to be recieved in 3-5 years , and a yealy payment would make the whole process very easy to absorb into budget.

Chinese Sub could be attained on deferred payment (Peace Initiative)
Frech/German Subs well we will have to pay them on annual basis

No one pays lump sum -

3 Agosta (All Paid for)
3 Merlin (Redirect some fiances from budget - National Security Cash)
3 U214 (Develop a Annual Payment plan - )
6 Chinese Subs (Can be attaied under loan program with China)
Well these subs are to be recieved in 3-5 years , and a yealy payment would make the whole process very easy to absorb into budget.

Chinese Sub could be attained on deferred payment (Peace Initiative)
Frech/German Subs well we will have to pay them on annual basis

No one pays lump sum -

3 Agosta (All Paid for)
3 Merlin (Redirect some fiances from budget - National Security Cash)
3 U214 (Develop a Annual Payment plan - )
6 Chinese Subs (Can be attaied under loan program with China)

I dot even know about the rest.

but did'nt the Germans scrap that U214 deal
I dot even know about the rest.

but did'nt the Germans scrap that U214 deal

Nops, the deal is very much on as it was disclosed by a senior member here.

The U214 is very vital for Pakistan's coastal security, its an absolute must that we should have in our inventory. Besides the Turks operate this platform and along with their help we can always upgrade its weapon system and electronics. I knew that PN has evaluated 041 Frigates and other Chinese subs, but the acquisition of Merlin Class Subs is news to me too.
no sufficient proof that pakistan is negotiating with china on subs but if i been think tank of pakistan defence i will launch to multi billion dollars projest with china for 5 years 3 nuclear subs with tot in pakistan ship yard and 45 destroyers state of the art anti aircraft and anti sub role and anti ship role
Is it possible that Pakistan can quire Nuclear powered subs like LA class on lease from US to balance the naval capability with Indian arihant ..!
no sufficient proof that pakistan is negotiating with china on subs but if i been think tank of pakistan defence i will launch to multi billion dollars projest with china for 5 years 3 nuclear subs with tot in pakistan ship yard and 45 destroyers state of the art anti aircraft and anti sub role and anti ship role

Pakistan's Nominal GDP is 164 billion dollars.If you are planning to spent such a large amount on navy other fields will be overlooked.In truth Pakistan needs a defensive navy not an offensive one,3 nuclear subs will be an overkill.All you need are 3 conventional subs of type u-214 for defense of Karachi and about 10 destroyers.it is good to have a wish list but lets be practical.Jf-17 were bought on seller's credit.It is a soft loan which pakistan will have to pay back to China in future,so best option would be get cozy with Chinese ,share Karachi port with them,they will themselves bring security for their assets....For the time being please stop concentrating on India and start on rebuilding the country.For starters,you can start a movement,just like lawyers march...to get rid of sectarian violence.Shia and Sunnis should not fight...Man i was really amazed by that march...for me it was just like Gandhiji's dandi march...I really want to see people like those in power in Pak,who care for Pak and not for its neighbors,give peace a chance.... . ..Dont get me wrong I am not flaming but just giving a sane suggestion..What say???
Pakistan's Nominal GDP is 164 billion dollars.If you are planning to spent such a large amount on navy other fields will be overlooked.In truth Pakistan needs a defensive navy not an offensive one,3 nuclear subs will be an overkill.All you need are 3 conventional subs of type u-214 for defense of Karachi and about 10 destroyers.it is good to have a wish list but lets be practical.Jf-17 were bought on seller's credit.It is a soft loan which pakistan will have to pay back to China in future,so best option would be get cozy with Chinese ,share Karachi port with them,they will themselves bring security for their assets....For the time being please stop concentrating on India and start on rebuilding the country.For starters,you can start a movement,just like lawyers march...to get rid of sectarian violence.Shia and Sunnis should not fight...Man i was really amazed by that march...for me it was just like Gandhiji's dandi march...I really want to see people like those in power in Pak,who care for Pak and not for its neighbors,give peace a chance.... . ..Dont get me wrong I am not flaming but just giving a sane suggestion..What say???

Well I think after Mumbai Attack , we took alot of heat specially since it was done by rouge elements , what if something like that happes tomorrow , some idiot decides to take things in their own hands ad swim to India and do something - we can't risk , looking away , and Indian Generals Lambasting things on Pakistan.

Mr Musharif was best chance to solve Kashmir and it did not happen , for now we must focus on our defence - I don't think such an oppourtunity will arise again in next 10-20 years - India kept delaying things , just like they delayed Iran with the Iran gas pipeline project - world does not works on delay tactics - unless there are leaders willing to take initiative things will not change , if Hindus can Kill Gandhi fro trying to reconcile with Pakistan what other change any other leader have on their side ?

Also in global standing the our developing is for overall standing in world we can't be whipping boys of world politics - anymore - today we have pedetors flying in our airspace this will not be tolerated anymore - At some point the Nation's Air defences and survailece of weapons in to country has to be curbed , and tighter control on bomb making material

An ideally helicopters to help Police track terrorist who might want to hit and run

As for the Chinese , base in Pakistan , I agee 100% with bases specially in FATA region for Chinese Army to oversea the Iran - China - Pakistan peace gas pipeline -

It would bring great properity to our collecitive civilizations -

The sectarion violence is instigated by outside forces to destabalize peace.

One we have 80-100 helicopters we can better protect the borders from cross border terrorism - people coming from outside of borders - to conduct operations againt srilankan team or bomb blasts in our cities or providing funds to groups in Balouchistan

Our Forigne police should be

a) Protect Pakistani Citizens
b) Protect Pakistai Citizes abroad
c) No Airspace violations
d) Protect Sea ports with Strong Modern Navy
e) Agressive solutions to our pending Land Issues
f ) Stronger stance on world politcis

Most peopel in Pakistan don't spend time worrying about India , truth is we have no grudge , but we just ask the countries to resolve the matter of Kashmir peacefully and let them live in peace and give them chance to conduct elections under UN inspection.
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Pakistan's Nominal GDP is 164 billion dollars.If you are planning to spent such a large amount on navy other fields will be overlooked.In truth Pakistan needs a defensive navy not an offensive one,3 nuclear subs will be an overkill.All you need are 3 conventional subs of type u-214 for defense of Karachi and about 10 destroyers.it is good to have a wish list but lets be practical.Jf-17 were bought on seller's credit.It is a soft loan which pakistan will have to pay back to China in future,so best option would be get cozy with Chinese ,share Karachi port with them,they will themselves bring security for their assets....For the time being please stop concentrating on India and start on rebuilding the country.For starters,you can start a movement,just like lawyers march...to get rid of sectarian violence.Shia and Sunnis should not fight...Man i was really amazed by that march...for me it was just like Gandhiji's dandi march...I really want to see people like those in power in Pak,who care for Pak and not for its neighbors,give peace a chance.... . ..Dont get me wrong I am not flaming but just giving a sane suggestion..What say???

You can just change "pakistan GDP number to india GDP number", "pakistan to india", "china to Russia" of your article, this is also what we chinese wanna say to indian.:rolleyes:
Thank you.
Is it possible that Pakistan can quire Nuclear powered subs like LA class on lease from US to balance the naval capability with Indian arihant ..!

I guess You can, But its not necessary that, a Nuke sub has to be dealt with another Nuke sub, Pakistan navy has many other options buddy.
I guess You can, But its not necessary that, a Nuke sub has to be dealt with another Nuke sub, Pakistan navy has many other options buddy.

What are the possible options to deter a nuke sub like arihant ..?
What are the possible options to deter a nuke sub like arihant ..?

Why not buddy? There are many stuffs you can do...To destroy submarines both the torpedo and mine are used, launched from air, surface and underwater platforms ... And research on ABM's or get it from other countries... You can be safe as ever.... Thats the best way to defend... Countering Sub with Sub is an offensive tactic, which pakistan at present cannot afford, iam sorry to say that...
Latest updates abt U214.

No alternative to U214 deal......
Gov should take responsibilities to finalize deal.
I think, deal is very imp even if we get them without ToT
You can just change "pakistan GDP number to india GDP number", "pakistan to india", "china to Russia" of your article, this is also what we chinese wanna say to indian.:rolleyes:
Thank you.

Is your suggestion or advice has anything to do with thread? Individual to whom you have quoted certainly made a valid point of highlighting purchasing power of Pak who is looking to counter Indian Naval threat through expensive submarines.

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