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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

too much shouting and less listening in the videos.
don't u know guys...
Zahid hamid :

u can Seach this on Google..
all pakistanis have been brainwashed by his Conspiracy theories.......[sad but true.. so, don't take it as my BS againt pakistan]
he is the cause of pakistani extremist and intolerant society..............[not all]
So sad. Such a waste. In the end, we are the architects of our own destructions. If you stand up to change the most sensitive policies and issues that could cause such a uproar, you just cant expect anything less, now can you? There are always better ways to handle things in a far more better way. The foreign powers can shut up about these situations, because this is an internal matter, this and the root cause of this, including the Aasia bibi. Right, we could loosen the laws a bit, but you know what will happen? If not, look at the wikipedia and facebook and all those other sites that has people posting serious sh!t about our Beloved Prophet SAW on them. We cant risk people of great muslim Nation 'Pakistan' which is considered the most effective entity which stands for Islam, go bashing their own Prophet SAW or the minorities or anyone in this country. Because if that starts, only "fitnah" will follow. We will be the ones calling for this country's destruction if that happens.
Mr. Bhatti had died. But will remain alive in the hearts of people.


---------- Post added at 01:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 AM ----------

all pakistanis have been brainwashed by his Conspiracy theories.......[sad but true.. so, don't take it as my BS againt pakistan]
he is the cause of pakistani extremist and intolerant society..............[not all]

ur an idiot dude if that is your conviction.....
A Chilling Interview With Pakistan's Shahbaz Bhatti From Before He Was Assassinated

Al Jazeera has posted a chilling interview from Pakistani Christian Shahbaz Bhatti from before he was assassinated by the Taliban (via @allahpundit).
Bhatti, the federal minister for minorities, had received death threats for supposedly deriding Islam. He said in this interview, "I am ready to die for a cause. I am living for my community and suffering people, and I will die to defend their rights."

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all pakistanis have been brainwashed by his Conspiracy theories.......[sad but true.. so, don't take it as my BS againt pakistan]
he is the cause of pakistani extremist and intolerant society..............[not all]

another noob.
Simple Solution.

Repeal Blasphemy Law, the blackest of all laws and eradicate the Mullah if you want to see Pakistan prosper as a nation.
Simple Solution.

Repeal Blasphemy Law, the blackest of all laws and eradicate the Mullah if you want to see Pakistan prosper as a nation.

Mustafa Kamal did something good for decisively getting rid of the mullaism in turkey.
Simple Solution.

Repeal Blasphemy Law, the blackest of all laws and eradicate the Mullah if you want to see Pakistan prosper as a nation.

This isn't about Mullah's anymore. Blasphemy law cannot be, will not be and must not be repealed. If for slaping a president, we get to see the jail for 7 days, I think this law is fair enough. Isn't it?
This isn't about Mullah's anymore. Blasphemy law cannot be, will not be and must not be repealed. If for slaping a president, we get to see the jail for 7 days, I think this law is fair enough. Isn't it?

It can, it should and it will be changed, there is no room for such nonsense man made laws to exist in the modern world.

Its a black law, a man made curse passed down by a dictator at the behest of Saudi Arabia.

This law will change.
Mustafa Kamal did something good for decisively getting rid of the mullaism in turkey.

there's nothing wrong with Mullahs.

the problem is when there is no accountability and the un-educated ones give sermons which are devoid of logic or rationale.

Islam is rationale.

I would propose that all religious scholars who preach religion should be registered with the state. There SHOULD be people to monitor what is said by whom, and anything considered anti-state or hatred inciting should be dealt with swiftly.

easier said than done; but that is an approach I would patronize.

it's very easy for people --especially those from certain nearby irritating nation -- to log on and criticise when they themselves face similar issues. Fact of the matter is, murder is wrong. It happens everywhere everyday. Hatred inspired by those calling themselves ''practicers'' or religion should not be tolerated at any cost.
It can, it should and it will be changed, there is no room for such nonsense man made laws to exist in the modern world.

Its a black law, a man made curse passed down by a dictator at the behest of Saudi Arabia.

This law will change.

But it will take a very long time, maybe generations.
there's nothing wrong with Mullahs.

the problem is when there is no accountability and the un-educated ones give sermons which are devoid of logic or rationale.

And there is the problem, as far i have seen personally, i havnet met a responsible and accountable mullah, they all want things to be their way no matter what. they even block healthcare programmes in our villages in the name of religion.
It can, it should and it will be changed, there is no room for such nonsense man made laws to exist in the modern world.

Its a black law, a man made curse passed down by a dictator at the behest of Saudi Arabia.

This law will change.

The day we are free, that day, this law will be repealed. And know this, we will never be free. Our delusions of freedom may blind us beyond imagination, but truth remains. We are, we were and we will never be free. Our thoughts are controlled. Our speech is controlled. Our Actions are controlled. The manipulators split us in two, as they wish. They make us fight each other according to their free will. And those are the people who will never give us the freedom, where we can actually say, "Yes, now we are free!" Once we are free, then we will take down this law. Deal?
The day we are free, that day, this law will be repealed. And know this, we will never be free. Our delusions of freedom may blind us beyond imagination, but truth remains. We are, we were and we will never be free. Our thoughts are controlled. Our speech is controlled. Our Actions are controlled. The manipulators split us in two, as they wish. They make us fight each other according to their free will. And those are the people who will never give us the freedom, where we can actually say, "Yes, now we are free!" Once we are free, then we will take down this law. Deal?

Its only ourself who have the power to decide our destiny, no one else can change or alter a damn thing.

Its just a matter of time and I am sure that in my life time this law will change.
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