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Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency 'supports' Taliban: UK University

Too many holes that can be punctured in this report.

The paranoia and conspiracy theories in the West and India, a result of the need to scapegoat 'something', won't really allow rational analysis and pause to think about what the Taliban have claimed about CIA/US involvement in terrorism in Pakistan, when jumping on the bandwagon of what the Taliban claim about Pakistan.
Well ,well - this article sort of dovetails with what the LSE report alleges:

ISLAMABAD – Detained militants in Afghanistan’s Bagram prison would be ‘utilised’ against Pakistan in the coming days in the wake of ‘resurrection’ of ever growing Indian presence in Afghanistan.
All the pertinent developments this week in the backdrop of ‘resurrection’ of Indian camps in Afghanistan well decipher that the powerful Indian camp in Afghanistan has made all the arrangements with the patronage of US to marginalize Pakistan’s role in the country. According to details received from Afghanistan based sources, a credible Indian diplomatic delegation had held intensive meetings with NATO’s top brass earlier this week to ‘negotiate’ about the future of Bagram detainees. Three other important meetings of Indian diplomats with Nato commanders have reportedly taken place this week. As result of these ‘deliberations,’ the ‘potential’ militants detained in Bagram have been ‘selected’ to divulge all the presumably fabricated details that would certainly not bode well with Pakistan.

These informed circles see the US reluctance in granting access to Pakistani investigators to interrogate David Coleman Headley, a Mumbai attacks suspect, as a move strongly inter-linked to it. The ever-rising tide of Indo-US collusion in Afghanistan had somehow slowed down followed by Jundullah’s Chief Abdol Malek Rigi’s arrest earlier this year when the presence of Indian sponsored militant camps with the support of the US had hit the media.

As part of the revived Indo-US strategy in Afghanistan, the focus is to ridicule the presence of all the ‘hostile elements’ that oppose the stealthy visits of banned militants in Afghanistan, to make covert deals with Indians and NATO sponsored camps. Given these obvious reasons, the role of the United Nations in Afghanistan as well as credible international observers that oppose the presence of terror elements and favour dialogue solely with Afghan Taliban had been virtually sidelined. UN-based diplomats say that they were completely kept in dark regarding the recent Indo-US collusions. It is pertinent to recall that restless Indian camp had started taking counter moves after the London Moot on Afghanistan had encouraged the involvement of Afghanistan’s immediate neighbours in the redressal of the country’s crises thus creating space for Pakistan’s influence.
The extensive Congressional hearings in last March conducted by the Congress sub-committee on Foreign Affairs headed by India-backed Senator Gary Ackerman against ‘LeT’s growing ambitions in Pakistan’ continued for over a month. These proceedings only slammed Pakistan’s role in what they termed as sponsoring terrorism but did not utter a word about Indian camps in Afghanistan.
Report slams Pakistan for meddling in Afghanistan | Reuters

I am seriously sick of the self righteous double standards of US & Indians here, who the hell is not meddling in Afghanistan, who?

From US down to India everyone is meddling in Afghanistan, why can't Pakistan meddle in Afghanistan for its own interests if India & other countries can? This is nothing more than bullocks of double standards where there is organized propaganda just to pressurize Pakistan & the way to malign the gains made by Pakistan in WoT, uptill now the highest governing body of Taliban the Quetta Shura has been made ineffective by Pakistan & it was not possible to annihilate this body without help of Pakistan but even there people are seeing conspiracy & they even go down to level when they call Mullah Bradar a 'moderate taliban', what kinda hypocrisy is that? People accuse of Pakistan for making distinctions b/w Good & Bad Taliban where as every country with a bit of leverage is trying best to single out the Taliban factions of its use for its own bloody interests & the self righteous Indians are one of 'em, they were talking about talking with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s Hizb-e-Islami party just to keep their interests on the table, the same group which talked with Karzai & the same group whom drones never target

- India shifts Afghan policy, ready to talk to Taliban

Americans themselves are abandoning bases along Pak-Afghan Border & to cover up their own failures they are using Pakistan as an escape goat...
Stop blaming Pakistan as the ultimate root cause of this 'mess'
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Well ,well - this article sort of dovetails with what the LSE report alleges:


This is what I previously hypothesized. The problem is probably that the vast majority of the people in this world are ready to believe what's out in the media and what the western states say. They do not think in a sophisticated way and use a very simplistic way of thinking, naive, and black and white way of thinking. i.e. brushing off anything such as this as a conspiracy theory or whatever personal attack. That kind of thinking only works in fairytales and in the perfect world. In the real world, what happens behinds the scenes and right before our eyes is very different. There can be never be more to the story for them and they do not think in terms of interests. Well I can go on with this for long but you get the idea.
The thing is when the Taliban is talking about US or anyone else they are just speculating because they can not know it for sure.
I'm surprised that you're believing the Taliban in the first place. You're believing that they are telling the truth about US is behind the peshawar bomb blasts but are probably misinformed.

You're believing the the Taliban itself is not behind the Peshawar bomb blasts :D

But now they are talking about themselves and their own relations with the ISI. They are not speculating now.

You can not tell about someone else, but you definitely know about yourself.

1. If the Taliban are getting support from the ISI, should they not keep this a secret so the support continues?
2. Why are the Taliban (including the NW Taliban) continuing their attacks on Pakistan
3. Why are Miranshah Madrassa graduates still coming on TV and declaring every man, woman and child of Pakistan wajib-ul-qatal?

Quite frankly your assertions make no sense. I think if Pakistan was support the Taliban, its high time that Taliban started supporting Pakistan too? Is that happening?
I'm surprised that you're believing the Taliban in the first place. You're believing that they are telling the truth about US is behind the peshawar bomb blasts but are probably misinformed.

You're believing the the Taliban itself is not behind the Peshawar bomb blasts :D

1. If the Taliban are getting support from the ISI, should they not keep this a secret so the support continues?
2. Why are the Taliban (including the NW Taliban) continuing their attacks on Pakistan
3. Why are Miranshah Madrassa graduates still coming on TV and declaring every man, woman and child of Pakistan wajib-ul-qatal?

Quite frankly your assertions make no sense. I think if Pakistan was support the Taliban, its high time that Taliban started supporting Pakistan too? Is that happening?

well they will believe it because it is ISI, their worst nightmare. Technically they cant prove zilch against them so any dirty trick in the book will do. And now the Talibans have become holier then the pope him self, whose words are nothing but pure and true.
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So since when LSE has started to write such reports instead of concentrating on educational activities ??

Shouldn't they be writing reports about Economics and World Economies and Recessions and so many other stuff related to Economics.

LSE coming out with such reports, well well well, it seems another round of anti-Pakistan propaganda has just started, hopefully will fail again as per past practice :)

LSe should concentrate on Economics and related field, Afghanistan has nothing to do with them, yeah if they are short of money and doing such acts to get money from someone, that is understandable.
well they will believe it because it is ISI, their worst nightmare. Technically they cant prove zilch against them so any dirty trick in the book will do. And not the Talibans have become holier then the pope him self, whose words are nothing but pure and true.
So basically from the Indian point of view "The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

Pretty much what Pakistan has been alleging from the beginning. For all the supposed support Pakistan is blamed now and then to give the Taliban, the Taliban never seems to be, being nice to Pakistan in return.

However they do fulfill Indian goals of destabilizing Pakistan.
So basically from the Indian point of view "The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

Pretty much what Pakistan has been alleging from the beginning. For all the supposed support Pakistan is blamed now and then to give the Taliban, the Taliban never seems to be, being nice to Pakistan in return.

However they do fulfill Indian goals of destabilizing Pakistan.


Afghan Taliban have been bombing our embassies, not yours. And they are also serving Pakistan's goals of countering Indian influence in Afghanistan by destabilising Afghanistan and controlling it through proxi, AKA strategic deapth. So Afghan Taliban are being exceedingly nice to Pakistan, but not to India.

They are our enemy and hence Afghan govt is our friend.

Afghan Taliban have been bombing our embassies, not yours. And they are also serving Pakistan's goals of countering Indian influence in Afghanistan by destabilising Afghanistan and controlling it through proxi, AKA strategic deapth. So Afghan Taliban are being exceedingly nice to Pakistan, but not to India.

They are our enemy and hence Afghan govt is our friend.

And also not to forget the Afghan talibas at times sheltering the talibans from the other side.

Afghan Taliban have been bombing our embassies, not yours. And they are also serving Pakistan's goals of countering Indian influence in Afghanistan by destabilising Afghanistan and controlling it through proxi, AKA strategic deapth. So Afghan Taliban are being exceedingly nice to Pakistan, but not to India.

They are our enemy and hence Afghan govt is our friend.

So if Afghan Taliban are India's enemy, then AT attacking Indian targets is justified ??? They doing what anyone does to its enemy ???

And can we get rid of this strategic depth thing once and for all.

Afghanistan is not and has not any use as strategic depth for us.

All its usefulness is a country which is friendly to Pakistan and doesn't cause problems for it, and we have to confront one enemy only on the eastern borders, not on both sides, that is all Pakistan wants, it is not gonna send its forces or military equipment to fight another day with the Indians, its impossible.

Having a friendly country on Pak-Afghan border is not strategic depth.

And in many instances, the AT have been giving a helping hand to the TTP guys on this side of the border also, so its not entirely true that AT have nothing done bad against Pakistan, they have and are doing and most probably will keep on doing.

TTP guys ousted from SW getting a refugee in pro-AT groups NW is a big example of this link.
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