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Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency 'supports' Taliban: UK University

Here is another great picture:

In the centre its ISI DG Akhtar Abdur Rahman and on his right is supreme head of american intelligence William Casey (look up his interesting background).

It is ironic that people who use this pic, list Rahman as Casey as he looks more like a leader.

have a look at this:

"These Gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America's Founding Fathers"
Ronald Reagan

☪☪☪☪;928750 said:
Speaking of Hamid Gul.Look who is standing with Hamid Gul here on Pak-Afghan Border..It's not CIA station Chief but CIA director.

So we all at one point supported these groups.

these are all good pictures, may i add the grandmaster of the chessboard, mr.brezezinski giving a PEP TALK TO THE MUJHADEEN!!!!!!

so please indians, view this video of first hand evidence of the us being the main backers of the mujhadeen

afraid of the truth?
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Reagan knew how to act, no wonder he was the President in such a time.
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Hey guys if Pakistan intelligence agencies supports Local afghanis against any illegal forces so whts the problem....
We dont want america and its alliance to settle there,,,
This is the land of afghans not so called democratists like Hamid Karzai who is nothing but a puppet of occupied forces...
There is no such rule of law under karzai,,
He is just the governor of kabul...
remember karzai is a member of oil company which it wants to deevelop oil and gas pipe line from turkmens to Indian ocean and all such energy will in the end consumed by Amercan alliance...
CNN includes Gen. Abbas's rebuttal in its article on the report. Largely what we have argued. Excerpt below:

Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas, spokesman for the Pakistani military, said the governments rejects the findings in the report.

"If you look at the report, it does not have a credible source or authenticity. At best, it is speculative and only gives open sources without naming [them]," Abbas told CNN. "So, therefore, this kind of report requires a treatment which it really deserves. We are not going to formally respond to this, but we reject these allegations and accusation. If there are hard evidence, we would like for them to be brought out and we would be able to respond accurately."

Waldman bases his conclusions on interviews he conducted with nine insurgent field commanders in three regions of Afghanistan, plus former Taliban officials, tribal leaders, politicians, experts and diplomats.

Abbas dismissed the unnamed sources, calling the report "rubbish."

"Has he named any Taliban commanders in this, has he named any officials?" Abbas said. "So, therefore, if it doesn't have any specific source, which is not willing to disclose a name, it just becomes one of those reports that keep appearing. It is a serious allegation, but unless it has a credible evidence to support it or substantiate the report, only then it warrants a serious consideration for response."

New report on Pakistan connections with Taliban dismissed by military - CNN.com
it was completely the appropriate response by atthar, pakistan should not be discredited based on such watery claims,
I have to repeat this. What would this guy know more than what CIA or US government knows? If they aren't sure and only have bits and pieces regarding the allegations then there's really not much to it except calling it a conspiracy theory.
Actually it is funny that there is so much that they dont know.........................
No surprises here..everyone must bow down and acknowledge ISI owns CIA/Mossad/RAW arses'. Whinning idiots should remember that double game is l what all of these spy agencies play. :P
No surprises here..everyone must bow down and acknowledge ISI owns CIA/Mossad/RAW arses'. Whinning idiots should remember that double game is l what all of these spy agencies play. :P

LOL I know! I sometimes wonder if the WESt is ever going to expose/acknowledge death of illegally imprisoned russian soldier
basically bombed to dead at the "request" of western agencies in Kohat. What a joke!
i don't know ISI help taliban or not. but i know it very well no terroist organisation can not spread like taliban in pakistan without help of government and local support. taliban is like a indian naxal, we indian know it that lots of indian politician supporting naxal thats why they are spreading in india.so i think no pakistani can denied it that they have no govermnent and local(i am not pointing every one) support.
This isn't the first time something of this sort has been published. Furthermore a number of Pakistanis were also arrested in the states recently. To me it seems like Pakistan has lost whatever credibility it had left. What impact do you guys think this article/report will have?
some time back my teacher asked me to give some info regarding impacts of globalization in pakistan for a cousin studying at london school of economics n when i sent some details, he said straight away that he did not need them n wont use them in his project as they project a negative imapact of glob n the goras wont like them..so enough for the credibilty of this report :frown:
besides those accusing only ISI should visit KPK n see there are double agents working for CIA, KHAD, MOSSAD n RAW..the reason being the end of afghan game is indeterminate n everyonez wanting some influence..but abetting militants is a baseless charge..infact none can verify it!
some time back my teacher asked me to give some info regarding impacts of globalization in pakistan for a cousin studying at london school of economics n when i sent some details, he said straight away that he did not need them n wont use them in his project as they project a negative imapact of glob n the goras wont like them..so enough for the credibilty of this report :frown:

So we're to judge the crdeibility of this report based off of what your teacher's cousin said?

besides those accusing only ISI should visit KPK n see there are double agents working for CIA, KHAD, MOSSAD n RAW..the reason being the end of afghan game is indeterminate n everyonez wanting some influence..but abetting militants is a baseless charge..infact none can verify it!

You must have a gift, you can spot 'double agents' just by looking at them. Sorry the rest of us aren't as fortunate, we wouldn't be able to 'see' anything in KPK.
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