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Pakistan's GDP next 10-20 years?

Why not cancel Pakistan's defence budgets to rescue our economy? Some of you may not agree. We in the name of Pakistan's only Muslim county ever have "advanced nukes", are we happy?

It is time to look ourselves, highly urgent time!

Not far ago, only couple of centuries ago. Baghdad was very rich and considered one of the powerful nation on earth. It was the prime destination of education for the world and peoples even from West used to come and study there.

One day the emperor's minister advised him that the whole nation is so prosperous and they do not have any enemy. So why keep such a large force and spend money on defense? why not reduce your defense budget close to none and focus on other sectors? The King/Emperor agreed and reduced its defense capabilities.

Only couple of months after, the forces of Genghez Khan ruined the whole city, occupied and destroyed all the knowledge Baghdad had acquired in form of books. It is said the whole river had turned into black and later red (black ink of the books and red blood of the peoples that had died during the war).


Moral of the story is: reduce your defense capabilities, either India or some other nations will tear you a part and you will be on the mercy of your enemies, begging for your life only... let alone any future.

If we did not have powerful defense forces, Americans would have invaded Pakistan way before Afghanistan or Iraq and would be ruling your country like Afghanistan or Iraq
And also the defence budget to GDP is about 2.9 percent which is perfectly acceptable. Also our defence budget is subsidised by billions in help from both the US and China.
can u tell me how pakistan situation is differ than other developing country. Don't give reason of Terrorism and Border disputes,every developing country face this type of problem. however Terrorism always created by internal government.
We are talking about defence budget so i'll talk about terrorism and border dispute. Now saying don't talk and give me reason. Means you know you'll lose the argument. Give me example of other developing countries who have 4x larger enemy, Fought 3 wars, Border dispute, Terrorism, Rival country have 3x larger army, and air force, and navy. rival budget 32 billion v 7 billion.

These are the reasons we will not reduce percentage of GDP for our defence. Maybe when later whole GDP increase we'll lower the percentage but right now it is necessary for our very existence.
No its not plz be rational. And resources don't gets generate automatically it takes lots of blood and sweat even then sometime its difficult to get. If it can then what happen for last 60 years why they have not generated automatically???

But are we starting from Ground 0? There is already a well established infrastructure in Pakistan.... the resources are already there and that is one of the reason why our economy has always been growing since past 60 years unlike most nations who witnessed negative growth rate too.

We are already creating millions of Jobs per year otherwise the whole nation would be on streets and the unemployment rate would be too high. Thankfully our unemployment rate is far better than even developed nations like Spain.
I'm not douting that but you what IT don't creates 4 million jobs each year or it will??
IT industry plays a very minor role towards country's economy.

What about other thousands of sectors we have in country? its a collective contribution from all sectors isn't it? Power sector has initiated so many energy projects and that would provide jobs to couple of hundreds of thousand peoples on permanent bases including those workers who are working in coal mines, under construction dams, solar and wind projects.

IT industry will take couple of thousands of jobs.

New industrial zones would require couple of thousands of jobs.

We have one small area in Karachi where we have around 4,000 industries/factories. If sufficient electricity is provided there can be a further expansion to pre-established industrial sector.

If you read the under construction mega projects in the country, there are dozens/hundreds of such projects in the country that would provide between 30,000 - 50,000 employees in each project. I can provide long list of such projects if demanded

Once we are done with all this, newer projects will replace older ones
Only 2 million that too once not 4 million each year as you have said.
Yes only two million

Next time we will start sonmiani that will create another thousands/millions of jobs. The work is never stopped - once we are done with one project there will be another one isn't it?
As for industrial zones being established in Punjab, Balochistan and Sindh you are not getting the point how will your industry servive when:
Why will it not survive?

There has been massive growth rate in our industrial sector since past decades. I don't understand why it would not survive if sufficient resources are provided. Usually I find no excuse from industrialists besides shortage of electricity.
a.) You have free trade agreement with china, how you gonna compete with their low cost products produced in mass scale????

b.) What about the raw material and supplies??

c.) What about the essentials like cement, steel, coal etc. etc. Dp i have to remind you about pakistan steel??

Thats what the government was discussing with Chinese Premier in the last visit. Lets see when full details are revealed.

PS: Only few items are being flooded from Chinese market. FTA does not mean we are buying everything from China.
10 billion dollars are nothing in India we have many times of both domestic and international investment each year still it does not create 30-40 million jobs each year.
I'm not talking about literacy rate but skill.
Yes true,

10 billion is nothing but thats part of the total efforts a country makes. There has been foreign investment in our country too... yes lower than India but see our demands are also lower than India as we have less population comparing to India

Regarding Raw material, Sir we export cement to other nations too. That shouldn't be a problem we have 27 cement industries in Sindh only if I am not wrong. There are so many industries in Punjab too.

Yes steel mill is a big issue but I think if we can utilize our copper reserves in the country that are one of the largest in the world.I think such industries can be built in a short span of time.
You still don't get it.

Let me give you a example:

In building Metro trains in India we are facing problem of skilled laborers like trained electricians, crane operators, drafts men, welder etc. etc.

The problem is so acute that poaching is happening and each company tries to lure them with more wages and facilities.

We need 400,000 highway engineers each year but they are just graduating 100,000 each year.

It is said that shortage of trained and skilled work force is causing loss of 1% to India's GDP.

Yes true,

China se engineers import karwa lain ge.... there are already 10,000 chinese engineers working in Pakistan. If required they can handle this issue with transfer of skills/technology :cheesy:
Can we seriously have a thread without indians messing it up and going off topic?!

You are very right Dance

We were talking about positive aspects in the country. This has turned into vs vs thread now.

We were being optimistic and talking about the brighter Pakistan but.....
You are very right Dance

We were talking about positive aspects in the country. This has turned into vs vs thread now.

We were being optimistic and talking about the brighter Pakistan but.....

I've noticed that whenever theres a positive thread about Pakistan, indians always come and mess it up. It shows their inferiority complex and how obsessed they are with Pakistan.

I would request the Pakistanis to ignore the indians, the more attention you give them the more they will troll

This thread is specifically Pakistan's Economy, not India/Bangladesh or trolls arguments.

If we cancel our defence budget then our enemies (India,America) will be all over us like white on rice.

Our nukes are the only reason why we are still on the face of the earth. Imagine if only India had nukes and we didn't? We would be saying vande mataram right now. India has already tried to invade us numerous times but were defeated and now with nukes they would wipe us out. Be thankful we have nukes because I like saying the Qaumi Tarana not Jai Gana Mana or whatever its called.

assalam alaikum

If i recall before one day of our nuke explosions madan lal khorana bjp minister was on ztv or maybe other channel saying " pakistan k paas kuch hay to kur k dikhay ". and when pakistan did the tests at the next day he was saying " hum pakistan k saath sub mudda per baat ker nay k liyai raji (razi) hain "

Right we need economy we need to feed our ppl but we cant close our eyes we need potent defence coz we got an enemy who is (z) jalim will break us ruthlessly.

lol looking through a indian perspective i would love too see a stable pakistan with a healthy economy.......in that way i would be able to spend more on my economy rather than spend billions on weopons and military infrastructure that,lets be honest will at best will only be a detterence.......

if only both sides thought in this way im sure south asia would more like south east asia in development terms .....:victory::victory::victory:
What I am trying to say is Pakistan should track back to the right path It would save us estimated $500billion GDP vs current now $166 billion is not what I expect

Yes, we have the 'advanced' nukes but airforces, navies, and other defence capables should be cut or delay in order to increase dramatically economy before we can discuss another 'advanced' fifth-generation jet (J-XX/F-35s), another nuclear submarines, bigger frigates, Satellites, so on. Great progress example is Turkey.

Be optimistic, assertives, humbles and learn respects! :cheers:
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Many Indians always talk pessimistically when Pakistanis talk about prospects (and realistic prospects at that) of growth rate getting nice and fast in the upcoming years. Look at the words being used. "fairy tale", "expecting too much", etc. IMF is predicting the same growth rates as us for f*** sake. I guess this really shows what they wish for Pakistan deep down.
Pakistan is small enough to develop relatively quickly...yet big enough to become a major economic power.....

Exactly right. :cheers:

Pakistan has a large and young population, which is the exact same demographic factor that caused China (and other countries) to surge ahead in recent decades.

Pakistan is also geographically smaller than China, and so will be able to become "developed" much faster, if healthy growth rates are sustained.

There is certainly enormous potential in the Pakistani economy... potential which is currently being suppressed by the WoT and by security concerns. Once the WoT is over, I see an economic boom ahead for Pakistan, no doubt about it. :tup:
Yup. Even WoT is starting to lose its effect to an extent because we will most likely have 5% growth next year and 6% in 2012. Though ending WoT will bring that up to 8%.
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