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Pakistan's aid to Muslim nations.


May 24, 2007
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Pakistan has a rich history of helping our brothers in different conflicts like 6-day war and Yom Kippur War. But sometime back an ISI DG gave an interview to Geo's program "Jawab Deh" some of you might have seen it. He revealed that Pakistan also sent Anti-Aircraft missiles to Bosnians against Serbs. Bosnian were under constant bombardment by Serbian Airforce. He claimed that delivery of these weapons helped to put some weight on the Bosnian side. Really Cool! :pakistan: :enjoy:

Ex-Spies have facinating stories of their operations. Some captain or Colonel (can't remember) also appeared on Geo. He was involved in counter intelligence. He talked about how he tricked a MOSAD agent into thinking that the captain was actually on his side. MOSAD agent was trying to infiltrate Pakistan's nuclear installations. Facinating! :pop:
Pakistan helps every Muslim nation in the conflict. It is the top contributor to the United Nations in contributing its soldiers for peace.
What we get in return from these muslim countries...???..
humiliation, degraded treatment, terrorist den, insult.........we have highest number of refugees in the world,
African countries

We need to restrict and strict our border and immigration policy. Arab and Iranian have their own nationalist arrogance. What we have to show. We help them when they need us..? for what..
ARSENAL6 >> I am not taking their side but where do you think the money came when our own economy couldn't support our Nuclear program?
Money for this project was generated through allowing some super intercontinental smugglers from karachi and lahore, through gold and heroin. Few well known names still exist.
Some may not like arabs but many arab governments have been great help to Pakistan when we needed them most.

KSA tops the list, largest donor in relief funds and other economic aid. Gulf countries, specially UAE, Qatar and Kuwait are investing billions in our economy today.
Granted on the fact that there are some who do help
, but you have to understand that Arabs don't level with us even though we are Sunni Muslims
Yes there are some who will give their daughters to a Pakistani for marridge under bases of Islam
But their are some who will beat the crap out of us, cus we are Pakistanis and at the same time kiss the feet of a white man.

Sorry if I'm beng offensive cus I seen it happeing many time.
Arabs don't knw there true ally

For an instance I thought there is a strong tie between Jordan and Pakistan
I think qaddafi said it best few months ago , Arabs are useless, and I think that's a perfect statement.

They are useless in that, they will never help us for the sake of helping us. Rather for them, we are simply a means to an end. They sit on fortunes, they make palaces out of slave labour from Pakistan, India... in Dubai etc.

They cause friction within the ummah.

They support salafi terrorists all across the globe. They ally themselves with Israel to fight Iran, and Hizbullah.

The jihadists in Lebanon now fighting the government were funded by prince bandar himself, in order to attack Hizbullah in the future. Rather than fight for justice, they fight to secure their own despotic rule.

I doubt that any of the arabs investing in Pakistan, want to enable the average Pakistan a better income a better way of securing a loan. All they're interested in is grabbin our money. I say it's fine, until they start extorting the customers.
What we get in return should be disregarded. They have helped us a lot, but militarily it is us who help them, because we are more self reliant and professional.

Lets not forget where Mohammad (P.B.U.H) was born in, and where he was the leader of. They would surely help us militarily if they had the ability to. Many of us favor to go in the other yahodi club Israel because they would be able to offer us more things, but lets not forget the part of the righteousness.

We should continue to help them. In just helping there are a lot of benefits. Benefits of getting more and more stronger hence making the ummah stronger too!
What we get in return should be disregarded. They have helped us a lot, but militarily it is us who help them, because we are more self reliant and professional.

Lets not forget where Mohammad (P.B.U.H) was born in, and where he was the leader of. They would surely help us militarily if they had the ability to. Many of us favor to go in the other yahodi club Israel because they would be able to offer us more things, but lets not forget the part of the righteousness.

We should continue to help them. In just helping there are a lot of benefits. Benefits of getting more and more stronger hence making the ummah stronger too!

WEbmaster well praised post

I think all Muslim countries should forget our differences and look forward to the Ummah. Forget that we are Arabs or Asians or in the Far East , foregt that we are Sunni or Shite , forget that we are part of a tribe, BUT remember that we are MUSLIM AND OUR LOYALTIES LIE IN ALLAH (SWT).
Because of our difference we now got Israel on our back door, Iraq and Afagan invaded.

Its the west that has divide us obviously to conqure us,

but remember Webby what do you do to some Muslim who degrade Islam , sleep with enemy and make fun of thier Muslim Sister and Brothers

remember Wolfitz girlfriend Shaza Riza , this coward(Shaza) a sunni Muslim has slep with this
Muslim-hating Islamaphobe Wolfitz to spread a Western version of Democracy in middleeast.

And how about on Youtube, a muslim (if he is a muslim i don'y know) uploads a video showing women wearing Burka (to show that they are muslims :angry: ) showing of thier legs and being naked , quoting things like marshallah and how pround he is to see it !

And how about Pakistani relation to Black people ?
Why can't Muslims form a NATO like alliance because if this alliance materializes it could be the most powerful one on the planet. (if memebers are sincere) but West's policy of devide and conquer has worked extremely well! we are not willing to sit with one another on a cup of tea.
Cus we are not sincere , and the west will bomb the crap out of us

see Benizir Father.
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