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Pakistan's aid to Muslim nations.

I hate to tell you guys this but the Ummah re-uniting is not gonna happen, evne if everythign west ofJerusalem and North of Gibraltar suddenly dissapeared. The hard core islamo-facist like Al Queda or the Taliban, the Wahhabist, the Sunni-Shia divide, tribal differances, racial hatered, and national self interest all work against unity.

Just ask yourself this question...... Who is fit to lead the Caliphate.

Pakistan can't even unify, let alone the entire ummah. I think before you start dreaming of a world unified under Islam, you might want to get the tribes and chieftans of the NWFP to remember they are part of Pakistan.
Leader of the Caliphate? How is NATO being run? or other military Alliances like SCO? We don't need an out and out "leader" what your saying as non-muslim is just dividing us muslims by thinking that one Country, or set of individulas will lead/rule. The Ummah if ever had enough courage to resolve those very problems you high lighted such as, racism, tribal differences, sunni-shia divide and nationalism could become a dynamic force. If not atleast a powerful pressure group ensuring more protection of self interst than the current organisation of Islamic countries which is sometimes percieved as an elaborate tea party.
Pakistan can solve PAkistan by itself, don't worry about it...
For an instance I thought there is a strong tie between Jordan and Pakistan

Yes only for the reason the Zia before he was a general was sent with the pak army to put the rebellion by the palastinians down.
Pakistan has a rich history of helping our brothers in different conflicts like 6-day war and Yom Kippur War. But sometime back an ISI DG gave an interview to Geo's program "Jawab Deh" some of you might have seen it. He revealed that Pakistan also sent Anti-Aircraft missiles to Bosnians against Serbs. Bosnian were under constant bombardment by Serbian Airforce. He claimed that delivery of these weapons helped to put some weight on the Bosnian side. Really Cool! :pakistan: :enjoy:

Ex-Spies have facinating stories of their operations. Some captain or Colonel (can't remember) also appeared on Geo. He was involved in counter intelligence. He talked about how he tricked a MOSAD agent into thinking that the captain was actually on his side. MOSAD agent was trying to infiltrate Pakistan's nuclear installations. Facinating! :pop:

Pakistan's military involvement in Kahsmir has long been a mystery. It seems that General Zia's death squandered his plan of rearing a new crop of "Kashmiri Mujahideen". Noted analyst A G Noorani recently wrote that Pak's plan of limited warfare in Kashmir got awry after Zia's death. Then the people at the helm helped proliferate militant outfits making them vulnerable to intelligence traps and popular anger ( coz many of them went astray). Pak might have helped Bosnians and Afgan's but Kashmir is the place where the local people had to die for this aid. Is the Pak's "diplomatic and moral" support worth hundred thousand deaths, ten thousands disappearances and a lot of other misery? Shouldn't Pak leaders owe an explaination? All this might have internationalised the K issue yet it has drastically eroded the emotional constituency for Pakistan, it had always failed turn into a political one.
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