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Pakistan's aid to Muslim nations.

Lagging in science and technology is one thing but the unity of Ummah is the most important.
The west sowed the seeds of NATIONALISM in various muslim communities , specially in Turks and Arabs to divide the Khilafat (Caliphate).
West never dared to enter the Arabian Gulf or to set up Israel till the caliphacy was intact and Turkish muslim army was present in the middle east and the unity of Ummah was in place.
Even today also if muslim nations threw the puppet govts out and work for the Ummah unity and setting up of Khilafat which is a religious duty of all the muslims,as Quran says,"Cling fast to the rope of Allah, all of you, and do not become divided", West will stop interfering in muslim affairs world wide.
I hate to tell you guys this but the Ummah re-uniting is not gonna happen, evne if everythign west ofJerusalem and North of Gibraltar suddenly dissapeared. The hard core islamo-facist like Al Queda or the Taliban, the Wahhabist, the Sunni-Shia divide, tribal differances, racial hatered, and national self interest all work against unity.

Just ask yourself this question...... Who is fit to lead the Caliphate.

Pakistan can't even unify, let alone the entire ummah. I think before you start dreaming of a world unified under Islam, you might want to get the tribes and chieftans of the NWFP to remember they are part of Pakistan.
WEbmaster well praised post

I think all Muslim countries should forget our differences and look forward to the Ummah. Forget that we are Arabs or Asians or in the Far East , foregt that we are Sunni or Shite , forget that we are part of a tribe, BUT remember that we are MUSLIM AND OUR LOYALTIES LIE IN ALLAH (SWT).

It cant happen in this world, if it happens then who would want to go to another jannath?
I hate to tell you guys this but the Ummah re-uniting is not gonna happen, evne if everythign west ofJerusalem and North of Gibraltar suddenly dissapeared. The hard core islamo-facist like Al Queda or the Taliban, the Wahhabist, the Sunni-Shia divide, tribal differances, racial hatered, and national self interest all work against unity.

Just ask yourself this question...... Who is fit to lead the Caliphate.

Pakistan can't even unify, let alone the entire ummah. I think before you start dreaming of a world unified under Islam, you might want to get the tribes and chieftans of the NWFP to remember they are part of Pakistan.

Did you not read what kbagdadi said

Its was the west that planted the seed of Nationalsim in Islamic countries.

Al Queda does such a group exsists ? , only made-up by the US to justify 9/11 and to start a recruit in the west so that Muslims will hate and kill in the west ! ie extremist

the Wahhabist created by the British to control Middleast and to kick out the Turks

the Sunni-Shia created by the US coalition to justify their stay in Iraq, killing and controlling the Iraqi civillains.

Taliban tarnished by the media - i would love to see an example of an islamo-facist taliban.
I hardly beleive that the Taliban are a Islamo-facist when at one point captured a journalists who was a catholic. she was so impress by her capture she converted to islam.

US poured millions of dollars to create more madrassa and imans in Pakistan - why when the US is a Christain country ?

Hamas was created by Israel to control the Palistiens .
But sometime back an ISI DG gave an interview to Geo's program "Jawab Deh" some of you might have seen it. He revealed that Pakistan also sent Anti-Aircraft missiles to Bosnians against Serbs. Bosnian were under constant bombardment by Serbian Airforce. He claimed that delivery of these weapons helped to put some weight on the Bosnian side:

A number of countries are candidates for having supplied directly to Bosnia. Pakistan delivered equipment, as did the Sultan of Brunei, who paid for anti-tank missiles from Malaysia. In January 1993 already, a Pakistani vessel with ten containers of arms, which were destined for the ABiH, was intercepted in the Adriatic Sea. Pakistan definitely defied the United Nations ban on supply of arms to the Bosnian Muslims and sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles were air lifted by the Pakistani intelligence agency, ISI, to help Bosnians fight the Serbs, an ex-ISI Chief has officially admitted in a written petition submitted before a court in Lahore. The document was submitted by Lt. General (Retd) Javed Nasir, who was head of the ISI from March 1992 to May 1993, in a case he filed against the owner and editors of the largest newspaper and TV group of Pakistan, in an anti Terrorism Court. It remains unclear how the missiles were transported to Bosnia and who did it.
Did you not read what kbagdadi said

Its was the west that planted the seed of Nationalsim in Islamic countries.

Al Queda does such a group exsists ? , only made-up by the US to justify 9/11 and to start a recruit in the west so that Muslims will hate and kill in the west ! ie extremist

the Wahhabist created by the British to control Middleast and to kick out the Turks

the Sunni-Shia created by the US coalition to justify their stay in Iraq, killing and controlling the Iraqi civillains.

Taliban tarnished by the media - i would love to see an example of an islamo-facist taliban.
I hardly beleive that the Taliban are a Islamo-facist when at one point captured a journalists who was a catholic. she was so impress by her capture she converted to islam.

US poured millions of dollars to create more madrassa and imans in Pakistan - why when the US is a Christain country ?

Hamas was created by Israel to control the Palistiens .

Dear Arsenal 6,

You were building a nice and even a debatable post till you said " Hamas was created by Israel to control the Palistiens"

Come on can you provide us with one credible source of your fantastic above theory ?

hamas was created by israel so that there might be some opposition to fatah and weaken the palistenians. i think i did read it in a newspaper somewhere.
Dear Arsenal 6,

You were building a nice and even a debatable post till you said " Hamas was created by Israel to control the Palistiens"

Come on can you provide us with one credible source of your fantastic above theory ?


Hamas was set up by the israeli to counter fatah in the late 80s its common knowledge.
The same way pakistan made the taliban or the US created mujahadeen and thought they could control them.
Hamas was set up by the israeli to counter fatah in the late 80s its common knowledge.
The same way pakistan made the taliban or the US created mujahadeen and thought they could control them.

Dear Dabong1,

Why would Israel create an organisation whose founding pledge is to destroy Israel. Yes Pakistan did create Taliban but Taliban never threatened to destroy Pakistan in its founding charter of duties ?

Dear Dabong1,

Why would Israel create an organisation whose founding pledge is to destroy Israel. Yes Pakistan did create Taliban but Taliban never threatened to destroy Pakistan in its founding charter of duties ?


Are hamas capable of destroying israel now or in the near future?
The israeli are the most powerful nation in the ME armed with the latest planes,atomic bombs and guns but somehow hamas with a few bombers is going to destroy israel.

According to former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Charles Freeman, Shin Bet—the Israeli counter-intelligence and internal security service—knowingly created Hamas: “Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet, which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO.”

But there is something bitterly ironic in Israel’s support for Fatah against Hamas—and it should be a lesson to governments everywhere that meddle in other states’ affairs. In the past, Israel supported Hamas against Fatah. Indeed, in the 1970s and 80s, Israel played a not insignificant role in encouraging Hamas’s emergence in the belief that such an Islamist group might help rupture support for the mass nationalist movement of Fatah. Twenty years later, Israel has switched sides, hoping that it can encourage Fatah to see off Hamas. It wants “moderate” Palestinians to take on the “extremist” Palestinians it helped create. Like America and Britain before it—both of whom have supported and armed Islamist movements in the Middle East in attempts to undermine secular nationalist parties—Israel is learning the hard way that it is one thing to let radical Islamists off the leash but quite another thing to rein them back in again. If you make monsters, you shouldn’t be surprised if they come back to bite you.

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas until his death by Israeli air strike in 2004, formed Hamas as the military wing of his group the Islamic Association, which was licensed by Israel 10 years earlier. During that period, when there was open conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian nationalists, Israeli officials gave the nod to and even indirectly funded the establishment of Islamic societies in the West Bank and Gaza that might weaken the Palestine Liberation Organization. Martha Kessler, a senior analyst for the CIA, has said, “[W]e saw Israel cultivate Islam as a counterweight to Palestinian nationalism.” The very Islamic groups “cultivated” by Israel in the 1970s became Hamas in the 1980s, which went on to become Israel’s biggest nightmare in the 1990s. It remains so today.

ARSENAL6 posted the link,its a good read.
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