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'Pakistani officials planned to kill Asma Jahangir in India'

big deal so what?
she deserves to die and 99.9 percent of pakistanis agree.

i really don't care whether she lives or dies. She is not Indian. For all I care, put her and all the Pakistani human rights activists in jail and have them shot.

Just pointed out to our esteemed forum member, that its not Indian news, as he claims.
One thing you have to understand about both our Liberal-Secularists & Islamists is that both of them are very self-righteous, extremely condescending to each other & have this, unsaid, idea in their mind's eye that they are the Ultimate Wisdom in deciding most things. Unfortunately still the Islamists are all of that plus they're not all that bright but then again the so-called Liberal-Secularists even the odds by parroting someone else's rhetoric anyhow without extensively & intensively exploring the rationality of their positions....!

Damn, I'm sounding like all of the above too ! :ashamed:

@Armstrong - spare a thought for India where liberal-secularists and Islamists are on the same side. ;)

Sonia Gandhi 'cried bitterly' after seeing Batla House encounter images: Salman Khurshid in Azamgarh | NDTV.com

Arvind Kejriwal's Letter to Muslims saying Batla House encounter is Fake - New Delhi | Frrole
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Gents, this is Indian soft **** journalism at its very best of 'made up news'. Take it with a 'palm full of salt and pepper.'

looks like wiki picked it up too, and guess who's the only citation mentioned? Times of India.

Asma Jahangir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If this were real news, you'd think a large international news agency would at least mention it.
i really don't care whether she lives or dies. She is not Indian. For all I care, put her and all the Pakistani human rights activists in jail and have them shot.

Just pointed out to our esteemed forum member, that its not Indian news, as he claims.

nobody else needs to die just her because she is causing terrorism in our country.
Why you want to kill her?? Because she raised her voice against tortures?? Its really disgusting to see comments of senior pdf members like Imran.
Makes one wonder if some or even all of these guys are IB or MI-sponsored sock puppets, doesn't it?
Some of the comments on this thread are disturbing. She deserves to die? wow.
So why to Kill in India ?? because after that , PAK got one more Issue to blame India, that Indian killed favourate Pakistani lady and India is that bla bla etc :laughcry:

Moreover like PAK killed its journalist , judges for writing truth , you can also kill her in Pak what stopping you?
No no. American soft ****. Where is the sand? Where is the sand? Need to put head in :P

Washington Post Link
Top-secret U.S. intelligence files show new levels of distrust of Pakistan - The Washington Post

Part of Reuters
Pakistan: Investigate Plot to Kill Leading Rights Activist
@That Guy

I don't need to put my head in anything. It's a BS report, nothing more. Pakistan would gain nothing from her death, and it would only make the ISI and military look bad, as the report mentions, so it's nothing more than a rumor that the CIA is treating as a fact.
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looks like wiki picked it up too, and guess who's the only citation mentioned? Times of India.

Asma Jahangir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If this were real news, you'd think a large international news agency would at least mention it.

Top-secret files show new levels of distrust of Pakistan - The Denver Post

Other U.S. intelligence documents indicate that Pakistani officials weren't targeting just suspected insurgents.

In May 2012, U.S. intelligence agencies discovered evidence of Pakistani officers plotting to "eliminate" a prominent human rights activist, Asma Jahangir, according to the summary of a top-secret DIA report. Jahangir had been a leading public critic of the ISI for years.

The DIA report did not identify which officers were plotting to kill Jahangir, but it said the plan "included either tasking militants to kill her in India or tasking militants or criminals to kill her in Pakistan."

The U.S. agency said it did not know whether the ISI had given approval for the plot to proceed. Although the report speculated that the ISI was motivated to kill Jahangir "to quiet public criticism of the military," the DIA noted that such a plot "would result in international and domestic backlash as ISI is already under significant criticism for intimidation and extra-judicial killings."

And also a Pakistani source ;)

Top-secret US intelligence files show new levels of distrust of Pakistan - DAWN.COM
...it would only make the ISI and military look bad...so it's nothing more than a rumor -
Gee, I had no idea that the "ISI and military" cared about their image when they initiated hostilities with India in 1965, unleashed an unprecedented terror campaign in 1971, hung a prime minister, slew pro-independence militants in Kashmir, or killed Saleem Shahzad. So they did these things because they were concerned about "looking bad" rather than following lawful orders. Who could have guessed???!!!
People like Asma Jahangir is a necessary evil in every country.. I mean if some one like her questions my countrys secret service, I will be disturbed too.. But people like her keep in check those organisations who were supposed to protect us.. Otherwise they will turn into another Gestapo
ok thats fine but there is a difference between treason and human rights. meeting bal thackery is hypocrisy on her behalf, or did she go there ot inform him that he is a crazy lunatic? where was the human rights activist then? she went to meet a guy who wanted to kill muslims, she even wore his favorite colors, but back home she is talking **** about our army who is trying to fight extremists?

What is wrong in that? If I come to Pakistan, I would definitely like to meet Zaid Hamid.
Well we all should hope ISI would do this great favor to our nation really very soon INSHALLAH
WASHINGTON: Pakistani military officials plotted to kill prominent human rights activist Asma Jahangir while she was on a visit to India, according to new US intelligence disclosures arising from the Snowden affair.

The plan was evidently aborted after she learned of it and went public. But it is just one incident in a pattern of extrajudicial killings orchestrated by Pakistani military and intelligence leaders, according to classified documents given by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to the Washington Post, which reported some episodes and extracts to protect perceived US interests vis-a-vis Pakistan.

US spy agencies have for years reported senior Pakistani military and intelligence leaders were orchestrating a wave of extrajudicial killings of terrorism suspects and other militants, the paper said.

It added in July 2011, an assessment of communications intercepts and other intelligence by the NSA concluded that the Pakistani military intelligence had continued over the preceding 16 months a pattern of lethally targeting perceived enemies without trial or due process.

The killings, according to the NSA, occurred ''with the knowledge, if not consent, of senior officers''.

The disclosure is important in the context of Pakistan's persistent denials of its use of terrorism, both domestically and against India.

New Delhi alleges attacks against India, on the border and inside the country, are carried out by the Pakistani military intelligence.

But Islamabad insists it is done by ''non-state actors,'' and on occasions has even gone to the extent of claiming India conducts terrorist attacks on itself and blames Pakistan.

The US assessment of Pakistani behavior in this regard, particularly in its domestic context, is blunt, stark, and even self-incriminating.

In fact, the Post report says, US officials repeatedly sought to keep evidence of Pakistani human rights abuses out of the public eye.

A classified diplomatic cable sent from the US Embassy in Islamabad to officials in Washington in September 2009, raising concern about the extrajudicial killings of militants by Pakistani army units, advised against public disclosure of the incidents. It said it was more important to maintain support for the Pakistani armed forces.

But while US publicly portrays Islamabad as an ally, the 178-page summary of the US intelligence community's so-called ''black budget'' reveals an intense focus on Pakistan as a toxic swamp of terrorism and nuclear proliferation.

''Pakistan appears at the top of charts listing critical US intelligence gaps. It is named as a target of newly formed analytic cells. And fears about the security of its nuclear program are so pervasive that a budget section on containing the spread of illicit weapons divides the world into two categories: Pakistan and everybody else,'' the Post report says, alluding to the fact that despite such concerns, Washington has lavished $26 billion aid to the country over the past 12 years.

The Snowden disclosures reveal the US is devoting tremendous amount of money, resources, and energy to assess Pakistan's nuclear arsenal and its safeguards.

US agencies are focused on two particularly worrisome scenarios, the report said: the possibility that Pakistan's nuclear facilities might come under attack by Islamist militants, as its army headquarters in Rawalpindi did in 2009, and even greater concern that they might have penetrated the ranks of military or intelligence, putting them in a position to launch an insider attack or smuggle out nuclear material.

Some success was reported in understanding the security of Pakistan nuclear arsenal. The black budget describes the creation of a Pakistan WMD Analysis Cell to track movements of nuclear materials.

Agencies, including the CIA and the Defense Department, were able ''to develop and deploy a new compartmented collection capability'' that delivered a ''more comprehensive understanding of strategic weapons security in Pakistan''.

Even so, ''the number of gaps associated with Pakistani nuclear security remains the same,'' the document said, and ''the questions associated with this intractable target are more complex''.

The budget documents indicate US intelligence agencies are also focused on the security of the nuclear program in India, the report said, without providing details.

Disclosure that India is also under US scrutiny in this regard should disabuse planners in New Delhi that Washington treats it as an ally in such matters.
Pak military plotted to kill Asma Jehangir in India: US intelligence report - The Times of India

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