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Pakistan warns US "disastrous consequences" on more raids

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Uh huh. You guys want Hafiz Saeed punished; OBL is nowhere on your list of most wanted.
This is just a lame consolation prize for you guys because you are impotent to do anything about your main targets.

Agreed that Hafiz Saeed is our prize-catch but saying AQ did not have India on its radar is foolish.

click and click and Click

One less enemy for us too.

And regards being impotent - we all saw how much virile you guys were on May 2. Please save me the laughs.And from now on the 'main targets' of our main targets will no longer be India. Think about it.

There is plenty of discussion going on amongst Pakistani members about this situation, exposing all points of view, on this forum. Some Indians are contributing constructively, but many others are just buzzing around taking cheap shots for troll value.

That is your attitude of taking any opposing POV or in general any Indian POV as trolling. Nothing can be done about that.
Again, this is all American activity for American national interests. They killed OBL, not Hafiz Saeed. India could not, can not, and will not try anything similar. The best you can do is to live vicariously through someone else, i.e. a consolation prize.


What makes anyone think Dawood, Hafiz Syed and company will not come on American radar?

Given Hafiz Syed's resume and his ambitions, he may very well dream of becoming the NEXT OBL.
We are pressed hard to figure out which side Pakistan Army is on in the WoT - Al Qaeda, or the Pakistani people?

I think the Pakistani security establishment has realized the danger of dealing with Islamic extremists. They are keeping a hold of the Afghan Taliban only as insurance to regain Afghanistan after US exit, or at least to make sure it doesn't become an Indian poodle.

However, I doubt they would continue supporting the kind of Islamic extremism as before -- you never know when one of these loose cannons will go and bomb a major power like US/Europe/Russia/China, etc. The Kashmir insurgency doesn't really need Islamic extremism to sustain itself -- it will go on regardless.

I actually think a US exit from Afghanistan will be good for the region, including India-Pakistan relations.
Uh huh. You guys want Hafiz Saeed punished; OBL is nowhere on your list of most wanted.
This is just a lame consolation prize for you guys because you are impotent to do anything about your main targets.

Just goes to show that nukes can be used to shelter terrorists. If your nukes could reach US, maybe they wouldn't have carried out this raid either and Osama would still be alive.

It appears that we don't need to do anything, Pakistan is doing a fine job by itself.
Who's blaming Indians for this raid?

You have to be appreciative of the fact that Indian political establishment has not issued any opportunistic statement while Pakistan is at its weakest

As regarding the raids by Indians on Pakistani soil, it must be clear by now to most that Indians don’t consider Pakistan to be equal in military capabilities nor do they fear your military. In terms of strength India is far far ahead of Pakistan. The only thing that is holding back India is the possibility of Pakistan using its nukes as its first resort. The world knows that when Bashar was talking of ‘catastrophic consequences’, he is simply talking of using nukes. That is the reason why nukes in the hands of Pakistan could be really very dangerous
And regards being impotent - we all saw how much virile you guys were on May 2. Please save me the laughs.

You are just proving my point about living vicariously because you can't take us head on.

And from now on the 'main targets' of our main targets will no longer be India. Think about it.

What makes anyone think Dawood, Hafiz Syed and company will not come on American radar?

Given Hafiz Syed's resume and his ambitions, he may very well dream of becoming the NEXT OBL.

I seriously doubt it. It's one thing to screw around with India, but if any of these guys mess with the big powers, the ISI will hand them over by the balls. They will not risk a repeat of OBL and, besides, none of these guys are relevant to the Afghan equation as OBL was.
Just goes to show that nukes can be used to shelter terrorists. If your nukes could reach US, maybe they wouldn't have carried out this raid either and Osama would still be alive.

It appears that we don't need to do anything, Pakistan is doing a fine job by itself.


You have to be appreciative of the fact that Indian political establishment has not issued any opportunistic statement while Pakistan is at its weakest

As regarding the raids by Indians on Pakistani soil, it must be clear by now to most that Indian don’t consider Pakistan to be equal in military capabilities nor they do they fear your military. In terms of strength India is far far ahead of Pakistan. The only thing that is holding back India is the possibility of Pakistan using its nukes as its first resort. The world knows that when Bashar was talking of ‘catastrophic consequences’, he is simply talking using of nukes. That is the reason why nukes in the hands of Pakistan could be really very dangerous

I don't think nukes are relevant. Even if we had an ICBM, Pakistan would never dare to shoot down a manned American aircarft. The US conventional military by itself is ridiculously superior. All this American self-congratulation is somewhat silly. Even if the Americans had announced a week in advance, the PAF still could not have done anything.

As regards India, it's not just nukes. It's the fact that any Indian raid would not be a standalone affair: it would trigger a full scale war which may or may not go nuclear.
You are just proving my point about living vicariously because you can't take us head on.

I seriously doubt it. It's one thing to screw around with India, but if any of these guys mess with the big powers, the ISI will hand them over by the balls. They will not risk a repeat of OBL and, besides, none of these guys are relevant to the Afghan equation as OBL was.

You dont get it.. Even a nuclear armed Nepal is hard to take on. Lives are at risk when there are people who threaten and warn each and every-time on nuking others.

We have already seen people after people giving "warning" to India on something that US did and we had no idea until it came in media.

The situation can be compared to a small kid having a Machine gun inside class rooms threatening others after watching too much of GI Joe.
I seriously doubt it. It's one thing to screw around with India, but if any of these guys mess with the big powers, the ISI will hand them over by the balls. They will not risk a repeat of OBL and, besides, none of these guys are relevant to the Afghan equation as OBL was.

Ok, going by your thoughts the news that came out yesterday that Zawahiri betrayed OBL should not hold much water.

Also, this entire game is too complex to decode on a forum given the fact that the constraints and conditions are known only to a few select people and they are not present on this forum.

It will be realistic to assume that India, being a growing power (militarily and financially) will manage to convince the world community in general and US in particular abt the dangers Dawood and Syed and his company pose to international peace.

And I think, India should not be counted out, though we are a much weaker power as compared to the US, our ability to operate on your territory should not be questioned. In the next elections in India, if Modi comes in and if there is another 26/11 type attack, then we may see fireworks very soon.

Tides may change anytime. "Change" is the only constant out here.
You dont get it.. Even a nuclear armed Nepal is hard to take on. Lives are at risk when there are people who threaten and warn each and every-time on nuking others.

We have already seen people after people giving "warning" to India on something that US did and we had no idea until it came in media.

The situation can be compared to a small kid having a Machine gun inside class rooms threatening others after watching too much of GI Joe.

No, you guys don't get it. Indians are living under the delusion of being some kind of super power.

Well, America gave an example of what a real super power is: a real superpower can conduct a standalone operation secure in the knowledge that the other side will not escalate.

India has no such assurance. In fact, quite the opposite since they know that any misadventure will quickly escalate into a full scale war.
No, you guys don't get it. Indians are living under the delusion of being some kind of super power.

Well, America gave an example of what a real super power is: a real superpower can conduct a standalone operation secure in the knowledge that the other side will not escalate.

India has no such assurance. In fact, quite the opposite since they know that any misadventure will quickly escalate into a full scale war.

Why does Pakistan think that India is afraid of a full scale war ?

Our reserves can last much longer than yours (in other words, mine is bigger than yours)

And please dont even talk about nukes, let them rest in their air conditioned silos.

As regards India, it's not just nukes. It's the fact that any Indian raid would not be a standalone affair: it would trigger a full scale war which may or may not go nuclear.

I beg to differ with you; I don't think India fears a full scale war if for once it leads to no disputes between India and Pakistan.
It will be realistic to assume that India, being a growing power (militarily and financially) will manage to convince the world community in general and US in particular abt the dangers Dawood and Syed and his company pose to international peace.

And I think, India should not be counted out, though we are a much weaker power as compared to the US, our ability to operate on your territory should not be questioned. In the next elections in India, if Modi comes in and if there is another 26/11 type attack, then we may see fireworks very soon.

I agree with your first paragraph. Even if there is another 26/11 blamed on someone in Pakistan, India will not attack Pakistan directly. It will play its diplomatic and financial cards to elevate the perpetrators on the international stage and get the US or NATO to carry out the attack. The stated reason will be to defuse the tension between two nuclear rivals.
I agree with your first paragraph. Even if there is another 26/11 blamed on someone in Pakistan, India will not attack Pakistan directly. It will play its diplomatic and financial cards to elevate the perpetrators on the international stage and get the US or NATO to carry out the attack. The stated reason will be to defuse the tension between two nuclear rivals.

Yes, very much.

We can say this to US/NATO - Hey guys look, this Dawood and Hafiz are a big pain the a$$, if you do nothing abt them then WE WILL.
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