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Pakistan warns US "disastrous consequences" on more raids

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I see we have the usual Indian troll brigade having a pow-wow.

So many Indians are still seething with frustration at the failure of their government to do anything after 26/11, so now they are living vicariously through American might.

Every jingoinstic Indian teenager has suddenly become a geopolitical expert on American policy.

Nope just as the 9/11 victims' families getting their justice, we too are getting ours :)
i think it is just to improve sinking credibility of pakistani govt and military in the eyes of common pakistani.
I see we have the usual Indian troll brigade having a pow-wow.

So many Indians are still seething with frustration at the failure of their government to do anything after 26/11, so now they are living vicariously through American might.

Every jingoinstic Indian teenager has suddenly become a geopolitical expert on American policy.

As Hillary said ...No matter how many years it take to punish the criminal,finally we'll punish them......
it took americans 10 years to get justice...
We'll never forget 26/11...We too want justice...
Lets wait and see wat will happen to Pakistan in coming days :cheers:
When the two elephant fights, it is very dangerous for the audience, and we are the audience
Again, this is all American activity for American national interests. They killed OBL, not Hafiz Saeed. India could not, can not, and will not try anything similar. The best you can do is to live vicariously through someone else, i.e. a consolation prize.
I see we have the usual Indian troll brigade having a pow-wow.

So many Indians are still seething with frustration at the failure of their government to do anything after 26/11, so now they are living vicariously through American might.

Every jingoinstic Indian teenager has suddenly become a geopolitical expert on American policy.

And the Pakistanis as usual living in denial with fabricated claims to soothe themselves and as usual blaming the Indians.

Its business as usual mate.:)

Again, this is all American activity for American national interests. India could not, can not, and will not try anything similar. The best you can do is to live vicariously through someone else, i.e. a consolation prize.

Wait wait --

With LeT and JuD taking the lead in conducting the funeral prayers of Usama all over Pakistan and Gee'loony' hailing him as a martyr of the Islamic world , I would not shoot words in haste like you did.

Our role is to grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy the show unfolding in our neighborhood. After all who can forget Usama had also declared war on us infidels too. Just that we were a bit lower in the priority but nevertheless he was an enemy for us too.
When the two elephant fights, it is very dangerous for the audience, and we are the audience

"When two elephants fights its the grass that pays the price"

Two elephants"
USA and Taliban/alqueda (whatever you call it)"

Grass = ?
And the Pakistanis as usual living in denial with fabricated claims to soothe themselves and as usual blaming the Indians.

Its business as usual mate.:)

Who's blaming Indians for this raid?
As Hillary said ...No matter how many years it take to punish the criminal,finally we'll punish them......
it took americans 10 years to get justice...
We'll never forget 26/11...We too want justice...
Lets wait and see wat will happen to Pakistan in coming days :cheers:

ohh you don't know how much we want to see India making a move, cause Pakistan is going to be destroyed one way or the other but I want to see India suffer before that :cheers:
Who's blaming Indians for this raid?

I'm talking about the Pak attitude over here - blaming the Indians of trolling instead of doing a bit of introspection of what landed Pakistan in the soup there are now in.

BTW the word vicarious pleasure reminded me - is it anything like Pakistanis associating themselves with any achievement of China and comparing India with China,l rather than with pakistan itself. ?
So many contradicting statements from both the countries in such short period of time proves only one theory - Pakistan and the US, both had talked about it and given the green signal to the operation before it was conducted.

However, Pakistan's fear of the backlash from the terrorist organizations made them stay quiet and play the ignorance card.

But when we read this carefully:
Calling the American raid a “misadventure,” General Kayani told the Pakistani reporters that another, similar, raid would be responded to swiftly, a promise that seemed intended to tell the Pakistani public that the army was indeed capable of stopping the Americans’ trying to capture other senior figures from Al Qaeda.

We are pressed hard to figure out which side Pakistan Army is on in the WoT - Al Qaeda, or the Pakistani people?
With LeT and JuD taking the lead in conducting the funeral prayers of Usama all over Pakistan and Gee'loony' hailing him as a martyr of the Islamic world , I would not shoot words in haste like you did.

Our role is to grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy the show unfolding in our neighborhood. After all who can forget Usama had also declared war on us infidels too. Just that we were a bit lower in the priority but nevertheless he was an enemy for us too.

Uh huh. You guys want Hafiz Saeed punished; OBL is nowhere on your list of most wanted.
This is just a lame consolation prize for you guys because you are impotent to do anything about your main targets.

I'm talking about the Pak attitude over here - blaming the Indians of trolling instead of doing a bit of introspection of what landed Pakistan in the soup there are now in.

There is plenty of discussion going on amongst Pakistani members about this situation, exposing all points of view, on this forum. Some Indians are contributing constructively, but many others are just buzzing around taking cheap shots for troll value.
So many contradicting statements from both the countries in such short period of time proves only one theory - Pakistan and the US, both had talked about it and given the green signal to the operation before it was conducted.

However, Pakistan's fear of the backlash from the terrorist organizations made them stay quiet and play the ignorance card.

I would say that was quite a stupid decision -

The Talibunnies and the AQ are not fools to believe this balder-dash the Establishment is dishing out.

Unfortunately they will anyway target Pakistani state and sadly the innocent people, but by claiming credit (in the scenario the Army knew of this Op.) they could atleast have painted a more rosy picture of Pakistan in the World and their credibility would have sky-rocketed.

But now neither the US nor terrorists believe them. Loose-Loose situation instead of at least a Win-Loose situation.
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