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Pakistan warns US "disastrous consequences" on more raids

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The Indian Army is capable of doing what the americans did, but we consider any such act will result in destroying our reputation in the international arena, and any such act will result in unnecessary tension between the two nations. After all we see that hitting a dead snake is worthless.
A real super power does not seek war, but will always be prepared to handle any war in case its brought to its shores. India is one such nation. We do not seek war, we might be spending much of our GDP to build newer and buy better weapons technology but we do not do it in the intension of using them as a first strike capability unless you bring war up on us.
When i say war, i am talking about real battle between our armed services. 26/11 will never be considered as a war on India, we consider it as a cowardly strike by some thugs from your soil aided by your so called intelligence services.

Do not compare your armed forces with of the US not anywhere close... stop being a damn troll and trying to boost up you ego with big damn words which only have meannig in your wet dream.. trying to raise tensions here .Super power? your nation is not a super power get that through head what do you think if india was to attack Pakistan we would just sit till hell no anyhow think about peace and frienship rather then war cuz if it does happen too many people will die on both sides enough of the blood shed has already happend futhermore , this thread is about Pakistan warning the US nothing to do with your nation stick to the topic or you will find your way out of here real quick jerk.... :angry::tdown:
^^ May not be at the same level as the US, but it is powerful enough compared to Pakistan's forces conventionally, and you know that. The only thing that saves you is the nuclear blackmail.
Do not compare your armed forces with of the US not anywhere close... stop being a damn troll and trying to boost up you ego with big damn words which only have meannig in your wet dream.. trying to raise tensions here .Super power? your nation is not a super power get that through head what do you think if india was to attack Pakistan we would just sit till hell no anyhow think about peace and frienship rather then war cuz if it does happen too many people will die on both sides enough of the blood shed has already happend futhermore , this thread is about Pakistan warning the US nothing to do with your nation stick to the topic or you will find your way out of here real quick jerk.... :angry::tdown:

And u are replying to a troll and using inflamatory remarks against India too...
Staying on topic ... Pakistan has to defend its territory first from US which is treating as its own backyard... rather then bashing at India ... as per the history pakistan can only warn and do nothing against US .... What can pakistan do practically even if they decide to do?
That is some joke....

PESHAWAR, Pakistan - The U.S. carried out its first drone attack in Pakistan since Osama bin Laden's death in an American raid this week, killing 15 people in a hail of missiles near the Afghan border Friday, Pakistani intelligence officials said.

The strike targeted a vehicle suspected of carrying foreign militants in the North Waziristan tribal area, an al-Qaida and Taliban stronghold that has been subject to frequent missile attacks, said the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

The aircraft fired eight missiles at the vehicle as it drove near a roadside restaurant, killing at least 15 people, including foreign militants, said the officials. At least one civilian died when the missiles damaged the restaurant and a nearby home, they said.

It was unclear whether intelligence gleaned from the U.S. commando raid that killed bin Laden on Monday played a part in the drone strike.

Drone attacks are extremely unpopular in Pakistan, and the most recent attack could further increase tensions between the U.S. and Pakistan that have spiked in the wake of bin Laden's death.

Many U.S. officials have expressed skepticism of claims by Pakistani officials that they didn't know where bin Laden was hiding — even though he was found in a compound in the army town of Abbottabad, only about a two hours' drive from the capital.

The U.S. refuses to publicly acknowledge the covert CIA drone program in Pakistan, but officials have said privately that the attacks have killed many senior al-Qaida and Taliban commanders.

Pakistani officials regularly condemn the attacks as violations of the country's sovereignty. But many are believed to privately support the program, and some of the drones are suspected of taking off from inside Pakistan.
First US drone attack in Pakistan after bin Laden's death kills 15, say Pakistani officials - Brandon Sun
Do not compare your armed forces with of the US not anywhere close... stop being a damn troll and trying to boost up you ego with big damn words which only have meannig in your wet dream.. trying to raise tensions here .Super power? your nation is not a super power get that through head what do you think if india was to attack Pakistan we would just sit till hell no anyhow think about peace and frienship rather then war cuz if it does happen too many people will die on both sides enough of the blood shed has already happend futhermore , this thread is about Pakistan warning the US nothing to do with your nation stick to the topic or you will find your way out of here real quick jerk.... :angry::tdown:

Well, i am not saying my nation a super power but we are capable of a sneak in operation, if we do a sneak in surgical operation as the US carried out on your soil, it will definitely result in a full scale war, and you would be left with no other choice other than using your nuclear weapons. As I already said, we still respect the people of Pakistan and their nations sovereignty hence we are decent enough not to carry out any such stupidity.
As far as warning the US, we consider that as a political stunt by the GoP to persuade its people. How many warnings have you guys issued since the beginning of the drone attacks in your soil. I would say it will go in hundreds and yet the US has not stopped violating your sovereign air space or the land.
After 26/11, we asked your intelligence chief to come to India and debrief us on the intelligence that we had at our disposal and your government did not send him. This time the US has done a un-authorized operation on your soil and the US demands that your intelligence chief to explain how the worlds most wanted man got to stay in a cantonment city. the moment they ask his presence your government send him.
From the perspective where the people of India sees this action is that, you guys don't have the balls to say No to your so called ally who is rapping your country in front of you. Oh i forgot the other reason that you are not having the courage to say No is, your economy for the defense depends on the US package on war on terror in your western frontier, which your military is using to enhance its capabilities in the east to make sure that you have enough resources to throat a incursion by the Indians.
Well I got one thing to say, our army or the Government of India and its people have no interest in crossing the border to occupy your land, but once you have too many resources at your disposal on the east your army will not be sitting there but will try to cross the LOC like you guys did in the Kargil.
Rather than augmenting your capacity in the east, i would recommend that your government divert the money for its nations development, education.
Instead of using words Pakistan should simply allow some of the Chinese anti aircraft units to practice target shooting using the drones as live targets. The Chinese will acquire valuable experience while Pakistan will get rid of the terror attacks by the drones.
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