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Pakistan-Turkey 4 Milgem Ada Class Corvettes Contract - Construction started

supersonic missiles can not fly as low as subsonics,they also not stealth,can not maneuveur so at the end almost equevalant to new age high subsonic missiles,the most challenge for the warships is several incoming missiles from multiple directions.Turkish atmaca anti ship missile has capable of low sea skimming,target identification,2D maneuveurable,and have a data link connection and on future she will gain dual seeker-j band plus IIR,amd I hope target timing of multiple missiles.
supersonic missiles can not fly as low as subsonics,they also not stealth,can not maneuveur so at the end almost equevalant to new age high subsonic missiles,the most challenge for the warships is several incoming missiles from multiple directions.Turkish atmaca anti ship missile has capable of low sea skimming,target identification,2D maneuveurable,and have a data link connection and on future she will gain dual seeker-j band plus IIR,amd I hope target timing of multiple missiles.
And top attack capability.
Jinnah-Class Frigate: Pakistan Navy’s JF-17
A mega defense deal was signed between Turkey & Pakistan. In which Pak was to acquire navy ships from Turkey. But it is not acquiring Turkish Ada class corvettes, instead it is acquiring its heavily modified version called Jinnah class corvette - which we may call JF-17 of Pak Navy.

With MILGEM the electronic support measure suites will allow better operability with the Agosta 90B since both are similar ESM suites

and we know how well Pakistan used radar emissions in operation swift retort

so using ESM to collect enemy radar emissions and then using our own electronic attack assets to counteract is very goods news

glad Pakistan is focussing on this spectrum of operations than just planting big missiles on their boats like the Russians

lastly for VLS 4 x Type 054AP (32) + 4 x MILGEM (16) = 192 missiles within 3-5 years

a very modest and great capability within a short period of time

Pakistan navy is seeing its decade come true
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Do not see chines version of hq-16 guidance radar poor image only thing visible is radar type and Vls

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