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Pakistan Tests Upgraded Shaheen-1A Missile

So if the range of Shaheen 1 is increased from the original 750 kms to 1000 kms, is it safe to assume that the new technology used in alpha version will also find its way into the Shaheen 2 thus increasing its range from 2500 to 3000 Km. I believe General Talat Masoon is also referring to this when he says that the missile would be able to hit targets at 2500 to 3000 km. Shaheen 2 can already hit up to 2500 km.
But this is strictly my own speculation, i do not intend to invite a troll fest from the Indian side so just relax.
So if the range of Shaheen 1 is increased from the original 750 kms to 1000 kms, is it safe to assume that the new technology used in alpha version will also find its way into the Shaheen 2 thus increasing its range from 2500 to 3000 Km.

Read my previous post. The answer is yes. This was just a reduce range test for a bunch of new tech. All this will be available in Shaheen II & S III (to be tested). This test wasn't about just some additional range though :). That's easy part to increase range. ALPHA.....Advance LPHA. I'd like to stop now :).
Get me and the rest of the folk with some solid evidence before you dance to your tune mate. There is a international politics that determines the course of the world, there is every one involved and no one is out of the question. Every thing is manipulated as thing happen. US does not bark at INDIA for conducting a 5000 km missile test but it condemned the same with NK and might possibly with any other nation that not fit their view and might come up with sanctions against any such capable nation and the rest of the world will just watch and do nothing about that.
And as far as the Middle East is considered, it a volatile place with religiously emotional people can be directed against any one who is out of sync with the US views.
This we can see as a live evidence in the case of Egypt, Libiya, Siriya, etc.

if you can not thing global, then its your problem not mine.

Well sir, Uncle Sam notwithstanding, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have a very close relationship :
- the Saudis give oil to Pakistan at very cheap rates and long line of credit.
- Saudi Defence Minister Prince something-something is on record saying that they don't maintain a large army because of the fear of the Army becoming too powerful and overthrowing the regime and in any case, they can fall back on the Pakistan army to help them out when needed.Totally believable, given the history of PAF pilots fighting for their Islamic allies against Israel in the 60s & 70s.
- Why is the Pakistani Nuclear Bomb projected as the Islamic bomb or more correctly the Sunni Bomb? And why did Saudi Arabia liberally assist in funding the Pakistani nuclear program ?They see it as their insurance against nuclear Israel and Nuclear Iran.
ASIA PACIFIC Date Posted: 25-Apr-2012

Pakistan test-fires Hatf 4 IRBM

Farhan Bokhari - Correspondent - Islamabad

Ben Goodlad Land Systems Analyst - London

Pakistan test-fired a Hatf 4 (Shaheen 1A) intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) on 25 April: the first test of its kind since India tested its Agni 5 IRBM on 19 April.

Pakistan's strategic missiles do not match the Agni 5's range of 5,000 km, but as a senior Pakistani official stated after India's missile test: "Pakistan's current missiles all have the ability to strike targets deep inside India. We do not need to match the Agni 5."

The Pakistan Army said on 25 April that the Shaheen-1A missile that was test-fired was an "improvement in range and technical parameters over the Shaheen-1", although it did not give further details. A Western defence official based in Islamabad said the Shaheen-1A probably had improvements to its guidance system and was able to carry a heavier payload. "This is a more sophisticated version of the Shaheen-1," he added.


The testing of the Hatf 4 (Shaheen 1A) serves as a reminder of Pakistan's own ballistic missile capabilities and it is likely that the test was brought forward to serve as a response to India's Agni 5 test.

However, while the Shaheen 1A is reported to have an increased range of 2,500 km to 3,000 km, it does not provide a significant increase in capability over the Hatf 6 (Shaheen 2), which is also believed to have a range of 2,500 km. Both missiles have similar assemblies, so it is possible that this is part of an upgrade programme to bring the Shaheen 1 closer to the Shaheen 2 in terms of capability.
Well sir, Uncle Sam notwithstanding, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have a very close relationship :
- the Saudis give oil to Pakistan at very cheap rates and long line of credit.
- Saudi Defence Minister Prince something-something is on record saying that they don't maintain a large army because of the fear of the Army becoming too powerful and overthrowing the regime and in any case, they can fall back on the Pakistan army to help them out when needed.Totally believable, given the history of PAF pilots fighting for their Islamic allies against Israel in the 60s & 70s.
- Why is the Pakistani Nuclear Bomb projected as the Islamic bomb or more correctly the Sunni Bomb? And why did Saudi Arabia liberally assist in funding the Pakistani nuclear program ?They see it as their insurance against nuclear Israel and Nuclear Iran.

First of all there is not such thing as a Islamic Bomb, its all BS. Its a nuclear bomb and the purpose of it is to deter against India in case push comes to shove. This is as simple as it gets.
We do have an obligation as would any other Muslim country to protect Saudi Arabia in case of an attack from outside but that is not due to our love for the regime but because of the holy places Macca and Madina, more specifically Kaba.
First of all there is not such thing as a Islamic Bomb, its all BS. Its a nuclear bomb and the purpose of it is to deter against India in case push comes to shove. This is as simple as it gets.
We do have an obligation as would any other Muslim country to protect Saudi Arabia in case of an attack from outside but that is not due to our love for the regime but because of the holy places Macca and Madina, more specifically Kaba.
Sir you don't consider but world knows it this is and they also know where we get funds from to maintain our Nuclear Program and what kind of relations Saudi And Pakistan Have
why does not PA reveal the range and tell the world what they have in thier pocket rahter than allowing speculation to go gaga.I think they are enjoying this seculation and if true the PA officers who knew the data might even be here in PDF just enjoying what both Pakistanis and INDIANS have to guess on the range of this missile.
They will not until India tests its first ICBM openly.....I guess......:coffee:
The speed with which it took off, i think it would require max 3-5 mins to hit any target in India. This time leaves little to no time for an ABM system to successfully intercept an incoming missile.

My point on tac missles as opposed to ICBM, more useful in Pak's situation, less able to be countered. Same for India. In the current geo-political situation, ICBM's are an expensive waste
It was no ICBM test. It were just some posters who were guessing that Pakistan would respond to Indian ICBM test with another. ICBM is long way, I expected a upgraded missile of Shaheen or Ghauri series.

Anyways, Shaheen 1A was just an updated version of Shaheen 1, with a range between 2500 and 3500 (Not 1000 or 750). It probably has a different fuel or engine.
where is the test video showing this missile hitting its target ?
why are it not shown?
so far i have failed miserably to see a video of it hitting its target . Please someone give me link to video iut hitting the target
I guess we never seen any video for our missiles hitting their targets before.They don't release those videos....:smokin:
Shaheen 1-A is improved version of Shaheen 1 (750Km)
To carry new type of warheads improve accuracy and 300Km more range. I suspect one more thing pakistan convert Shaheen 1 ballistic missile into Anti Ship Balistic missile.
According to India's Ministry of Defence this is just a ordinary missile with a range of 1,000km,so they dismissed it.
NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD: Pakistan tested an upgraded version of its Shaheen missile on Wednesday, in an apparent retaliation to India's Agni V launch. A Pakistani army statement said the Shaheen 1A is a nuclear-capable intermediate-range ballistic missile, while military analysts said it was capable of covering almost all of India.

Interestingly, the Pakistani authorities withheld crucial information about the missile, namely its range, which is what gives a missile its bragging rights. According to reports by observers,;) the missile touched 1,000km, though there was no confirmation from Pakistan, and its point of impact was in the Indian Ocean. Many of Pakistan's missiles can reach faraway Indian cities, so this was hardly a breakthrough. This has led many to suspect that the question of parity with India was paramount during the test launch.

The test of Shaheen 1A came up for mention in the monthly security review meeting called by defence minister A K Antony on Wednesday, which was attended by national security adviser Shiv Shankar Menon and the three service chiefs.

But the test was largely dismissed as "routine" in nature, with the range of the 750km Shaheen 1 missile probably being extended. Pakistan also has the Shaheen-II missile that has a strike range of 2,500km.

But the test made one thing very clear: Pakistan continues to maintain the "parity" argument with India. Particularly in defence and security matters, Islamabad ignores the growing asymmetry with New Delhi to be seen as "equal". Pakistan's strategic plans division chief Lt Gen (retd) Khalid Ahmed Kidwai said the improved missile version could successfully hit a target in the Indian Ocean and would "further strengthen and consolidate Pakistan's deterrence capabilities''. An expert said the latest launch signifies "Pakistan's resolve to upgrade and modernize its nuclear delivery system''.

"Authorities have not described the missile's exact range but this is perhaps the longest-range missile in Pakistan's nuclear programme. An intermediate-range missile is capable of hitting targets at a distance of 2,500 to 3,000km," said Talat Masood, a defence analyst.

Pak fires Shaheen in tit-for-tat test - The Times of India
There is good news Pakistan fire Shaheen 1-A near Islamabad "Nilor" into sea ok and the length if we calculated from islamabad to sea roughly 3500Kms so guys gues what if the above info is correct which seems to be then Shaheen 1-A range aroximatly 3500 Kms to 4000Kms + what you people think
There is good news Pakistan fire Shaheen 1-A near Islamabad "Nilor" into sea ok and the length if we calculated from islamabad to sea roughly 3500Kms so guys gues what if the above info is correct which seems to be then Shaheen 1-A range aroximatly 3500 Kms to 4000Kms + what you people think

express news also declaring it a long rage approx 1000-3000 km range missile any confirmation???????????????


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