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April 10, 2013-Pakistan test-fires Hatf-4 Shaheen-I

This was quoted in your media and by a few others through 'classified' military personnel who 'requested to stay anonymous'. There is no overestimation. That's the fact, the focus of this test wasn't a 150 KM 'range increase'....that's as simple as adding more solid fuel, nothing changes.

No, it wasn't. Some stupid smart ar$e edited the information on wikipedia.
You really believe every other word that comes out of the mouths of those "anonymous" fanboys? Who had even declared the range of this missile to be 3000km?

But this was to test the maneuvers, depressed trajectory, ballistics, and future aspects of independent reentry. Do you see when it leaves the launcher vs. the first version of Shaheen 1??? It uses variable trajectory, high drag, more power to confuse the others and through that, at the time of re-entry, going back to the variable depressed trajectory also helps with 'independent drops' if you will.
I already have explained that what improvements might be present in this missile in addition to increase in range. And MIRVs are not in the list. Kindly read this:

No, it wasn't. Some stupid smart ar$e edited the information on wikipedia.
You really believe every other word that comes out of the mouths of those "anonymous" fanboys? Who had even declared the range of this missile to be 3000km?
I already have explained that what improvements might be present in this missile in addition to increase in range. And MIRVs are not in the list. Kindly read this:

I don't quote from WIKI. I don't write crap that I am not sure about. And the MIRV's and SIRV's are VERY much in your pipeline. And this missile wasn't 3k km range one. So, I appreciate the input but I also kind of know what I am talking about. Do some research you and you'll find the sources. There wasn't any 'fan boy' that I am quoting here. These are world's reputable news agencies.
Even Shahhen 3 not tested till now with 3k range and you are here talking about ICBM ???

Well I know it is difficult to understand for you what I said but I urge you to think again that will clear any trolling misunderstandings in your mind……
I will just say you didnot tried to undwrstand my point……:yu:
I don't quote from WIKI. I don't write crap that I am not sure about. And the MIRV's and SIRV's are VERY much in your pipeline. And this missile wasn't 3k km range one. So, I appreciate the input but I also kind of know what I am talking about. Do some research you and you'll find the sources. There wasn't any 'fan boy' that I am quoting here. These are world's reputable news agencies.

in pipe line means can be anything from simple plan to develop one to near completion stage. btw what was the news reported in reputed news agencies exactly ? please give a link.
That Bolded part is what i mean to "Their are Political reason well known to everyone"

Just by chance if it fails in its first test ..... then Pakistan will not be left with any ICBM class Missile .... missile defence program hmm well w8ng for future development of Our Neighbors .... hope the Future will not be to far ..... May Allah bless the Indian Sub-continent :angel:

Well Pakistan has a good record of missile tests overall especially NESCOM hadnot ever failed……:azn:
well I wish this day would be far away from now atleast after 25-30 years
well till now nothing is confermed about ICBM
all are news reports and stories which can not be trusted
I don't know if someone has already posted this link from YouTube but here u go.
Aaj Kamran Kay Sath - 10 April 2013 - On Geo News - YouTube
Pakistan has got Taimoor missile and the range is 7000 km and also Pakistan has already got technology to fire missiles from submarines. : )
News is from Geo Aj Kamran Khan Kay saath.

3:02 -
Nasir Missile ... Nasra missile

What would he know about Pakistan's missile capabilities? He was just reporting on speculation.
I don't quote from WIKI. I don't write crap that I am not sure about. And the MIRV's and SIRV's are VERY much in your pipeline. And this missile wasn't 3k km range one. So, I appreciate the input but I also kind of know what I am talking about. Do some research you and you'll find the sources. There wasn't any 'fan boy' that I am quoting here. These are world's reputable news agencies.

Yes, the MIRVs are in the pipelines, but simply not for Shaheen-IA or Shaheen-III.

Don't take it to your heart.
@AhaseebA Is Shaheen-1A using vector thrusters? and if not then how did it make that sharp inclination?
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@AhaseebA Is Shaheen-1A using vector thrusters? and if not then how did it make that sharp inclination?

No, not thrust vectoring, That requires deflection of the nozzle.

It did so by deflecting the exhaust vanes just outside the nozzle..
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No, not thrust vectoring, That requires deflection of the nozzle.

It did so by deflecting the exhaust vanes just outside the nozzle..

What's the difference in deflecting and thrust vectoring? and if deflection of nozzle can be achieved then is thrust vectoring not easy to achieve?
I don't quote from WIKI. I don't write crap that I am not sure about. And the MIRV's and SIRV's are VERY much in your pipeline. And this missile wasn't 3k km range one. So, I appreciate the input but I also kind of know what I am talking about. Do some research you and you'll find the sources. There wasn't any 'fan boy' that I am quoting here. These are world's reputable news agencies.

A link please; from any of these "world's reputable news agencies" !
What's the difference in deflecting and thrust vectoring? and if deflection of nozzle can be achieved then is thrust vectoring not easy to achieve?

The VANES were deflected, and the thrust isn't that much great initially to do the vectoring stuff..
I'm no aviation guy, but I don't think that that pitching over was thrust vectoring by any means. It was a simple pitch over. You can see the thrust vectoring in THAAD ABM videos.


The forward fin shape has changed between shaheen and shaheen-1
Shaheen has Delta fins
Shaheen-1 has Clipped Delta fins

Another feature of shaheen series are two or four small exausts on the sides of main exaust as noticed by another member @mafiya ........ here

I am re-posting his picture..Although this one is without front fins and looks like shaheen-1A not shaheen-1.


same protrudences can be seen in this closeup of shaheen-1

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This is a video of Shaheen-1 in a previous test...Note what the missile does at 0:35


Now look at this latest video..Presumably of the latest test on 11th April 2013

So if we go by the shape of this missile..
It has no front Fins..
It looks like Shaheen 1-A not Shaheen-1..
So the test was of Shaheen-1A....Not Shaheen-1 as reported by media,...
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