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Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.

I really don't understand one thing, if BrahMos is invisible, fastest, coolest missile in the world as Indians over here claims, then why Russians don't have it in there service yet???
I really don't understand one thing, if BrahMos is invisible, fastest, coolest missile in the world as Indians over here claims, then why Russians don't have it in there service yet???

Dude the Indians like to live in their own bubble of mythical world. According to them everything in their hands are the best equipments in their world and even the equipments they buy from Isreal are some how according to them superior to american counter part.
The Brahmos is a export variant of P-800 that was developed in 80s. The Americans are always ahead of anything the Russians have developed. The widely used Moskit mach 3 AShM by Russians developed in 1970s had a counter missile by Americans in that same era and even the variants of SM-1 was capable to destroy the Moskit missile. The Indians some how believe Brahmos has no counter which is quite absurd and funny. Once the SM-2 is deployed by PN it will be one of the best ship launched surface to air missile in south asia. Lets hope the PN gets SM-2 block IIIB variant which has dual radar guided and IR seeker.
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Dude the Indians like to live in their own bubble of mythical world. According to them everything in their hands are the best equipments in their world and even the equipments they buy from Isreal are some how according to them superior to american counter part.
The Brahmos is a export variant of P-800 that was developed in 80s. The Americans are always ahead of anything the Russians have developed. The widely used Moskit mach 3 AShM by Russians developed in 1970s had a counter missile by Americans in that same era and even the variants of SM-1 was capable to destroy the Moskit missile. The Indians some how believe Brahmos has no counter which is quite absurd and funny. Once the SM-2 is deployed by PN it will be one of the best ship launched surface to air missile in south asia. Lets hope the PN gets SM-2 block IIIB variant which has dual radar guided and IR seeker.

even if you will get sm2 India can buy sm3 anyday....with aegis as well..You will get may be a dozen sm2 we will hundreds...We have the dollars baby....
Pakistan Navy's SM-2 will never be an answer to Brahmos...
why? because by the time PN gets SM-2, Brahmos will be upgraded to HYPERSONIC speeds...

Now ..How do I know? Just like How GROWLER knows about PN getting SM-2..

Wishful thinking...:azn:
even if you will get sm2 India can buy sm3 anyday....with aegis as well..You will get may be a dozen sm2 we will hundreds...We have the dollars baby....

:rofl: But baby How are you planning to integrate SM-3 in Indian Frigates and Destroyers which dont even have MK41! Will Indian Navy dump all the Barak missiles in indian ocean and and refit SM-3s with new VLS MK41 and sensors radars etc? Use some logic!
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Pakistan Navy's SM-2 will never be an answer to Brahmos...
why? because by the time PN gets SM-2, Brahmos will be upgraded to HYPERSONIC speeds...

Now ..How do I know? Just like How GROWLER knows about PN getting SM-2..

Wishful thinking...:azn:

I see your post as nothing but childish and a knee jerk reaction! The SM-2 will be inducted along with 8 FFGs by 2014.
My logic is fact because the FFGs employs MK13 launchers specifically made for Standard Missiles and thus SM-2 will full fill PN surface to air missile role. While your logic does not make any sense. the Hypersonic version of Brahmos will require new airframe that is resistant to high speeds etc and not logical to upgrade existing Brahmos to hypersonic unless its just a paint job.
But for now PN will have a great and capable counter for Brahmos.
I see your post as nothing but childish and a knee jerk reaction! The SM-2 will be inducted along with 8 FFGs by 2014.
My logic is fact because the FFGs employs MK13 launchers specifically made for Standard Missiles and thus SM-2 will full fill PN surface to air missile role. While your logic does not make any sense. the Hypersonic version of Brahmos will require new airframe that is resistant to high speeds etc and not logical to upgrade existing Brahmos to hypersonic unless its just a paint job.
But for now PN will have a great and capable counter for Brahmos.

you talking about being childish? I thought thats the sole reason why THIS thread was created in the first place...

see only time will tell if "your Logic" or "my logic" becomes a "Fact" ..In the mean while enjoy this about Hypersonic Brahmos by 2014..yes 2014...

From 2007 news ..

BrahMos to develop first hypersonic cruise missile in 5 years - Pravda.Ru

Pravda.Ru: Today Armed Forces in the world do not have hypersonic cruise missiles. How is your work on the hypersonic cruise missile?

Dr. Pillai: Joint Venture is working on the hypersonic cruise missile and we are keen to develop the world’s first hypersonic cruise missile. All legal and organizational matters between the governments and the companies-participants of the two nations are being formulated. A joint team is formed and we have jointly arrived at the technical specifications. In 5-6 years the missile will be ready.

One should not stop on today’s achievements. Yes, today we have a missile with unique characteristics, but we also look into the future. The work on the hypersonic missile is not just the race for technical superiority. This is also a marketing instrument. Our customers see that we are working on the cutting edge technologies and they know they can trust the products we offer.
I see your post as nothing but childish and a knee jerk reaction! The SM-2 will be inducted along with 8 FFGs by 2014.
My logic is fact because the FFGs employs MK13 launchers specifically made for Standard Missiles and thus SM-2 will full fill PN surface to air missile role. While your logic does not make any sense. the Hypersonic version of Brahmos will require new airframe that is resistant to high speeds etc and not logical to upgrade existing Brahmos to hypersonic unless its just a paint job.
But for now PN will have a great and capable counter for Brahmos.
So for $73 mil, you are saying Pak is buying a frigate with all the missiles and armament?

Please take a look here.

$332mil is what India spent on each Russian frigate.
Rs.51.14 billion for the vessels and Rs.4 billion for 'additional equipment' to be fitted on them.
Mukherjee did not state what this additional equipment would be, but past experience would suggest this would be spent on the Barak anti-missile system that is being jointly developed by Israel and India.
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Pakistan Navy's SM-2 will never be an answer to Brahmos...
why? because by the time PN gets SM-2, Brahmos will be upgraded to HYPERSONIC speeds...

Now ..How do I know? Just like How GROWLER knows about PN getting SM-2..

Wishful thinking...:azn:

With a mach 4+ speed ESSM is highly effective against the Mach 2.8 Supersonic Brahmos. Against the hypersonic version if the Brahmos. If it was heading inbound it should still be effective. It's effectiveness would decrease though depending on the angle of attack.

It would be better for Pakistan to have the ESSM
A decent upgrade for our our Frigate fleet ... we need help ...

We are just ... hmm what you call it ...

Un equiped navy ... :whistle: ...

Untill we get the 8 Frigates from China
and those 6 fom US , our navy is in bad shape ....

Its almost impossible to cover the sea and border lines

The orions have helped some what but you really need ships and destroyers to command the sea shores of your country...

Hope fully we get those 4 more F22p and 4 Type 0845 chinese frigates it would be life saver

It would be ideal for Chinese missiles on these ships

The US friagtes are ... just ok .. for few years of service may be odd 10 years
and may be with US missiles on these ships it would be idea

But ... we do need those subs as well ...

Hopefully we will get those urgently needed 8 ships and 3 subs soon
A decent upgrade for our our Frigate fleet ... we need help ...

We are just ... hmm what you call it ...

Un equiped navy ... :whistle: ...

Untill we get the 8 Frigates from China
and those 6 fom US , our navy is in bad shape ....

Its almost impossible to cover the sea and border lines

The orions have helped some what but you really need ships and destroyers to command the sea shores of your country...

Hope fully we get those 4 more F22p and 4 Type 0845 chinese frigates it would be life saver

It would be ideal for Chinese missiles on these ships

The US friagtes are ... just ok .. for few years of service may be odd 10 years
and may be with US missiles on these ships it would be idea

But ... we do need those subs as well ...

Hopefully we will get those urgently needed 8 ships and 3 subs soon

another crappy thread....brahmoshhh is crap...garbage....like someone earlier said if its tht great of a missle why dont the russians have it in service....im sure even if the brahmosshh is stuck on one of theor frigates and lauched its crap *** pinpoint ability will completely fail to even hit a target.....i ask the bhartiz here show me a proof of a brahmosh being launched from a ship and hitting its target after completing its declared range and speed....oh and for those who say its still in testing stage and or is nearly being deployed....then please go back to your hole and come reply after that....and for the pakistani bruvz ...lissen guys lets talk about something they already have, deplyed and tested....no need tow waste time over their crap nuclear technology which their own scientists doubt....now please bhartiz dnt wine and wine over my last statement because i really dont wana waste time pulling those 2 mth old articles out from you own news channels and websites....so please ....peaceee
Did you only read the title?

Read the descriptions! It has a primary role against air threats such as Brahmos and secondary role against surface targets.

When we say "role against xyz weapon" (especially missiles) it is meant as counter measure and not counter-part. Meaning the "role against BrahMos" can only be played by anti-cruise missile system. SM-2 can only be seen as counter-part in some ways.

While BrahMos can carry nuclear warhead, SM-2 cannot. If Pakistan attempts any such experiment then we won't even have it as a counter-part in future.
FFG requires AShM SAM torpedo like any other frigates.
Its already clear that AShM will be Harpoon while the MK-13 launching magazine is specifically made for Standard Missiles. The only option is to go at Standard Missile 2. And yes PN will get it.

Okay, I am ready to fully believe that Brahmos will be dead in its launcher by just the sight of SM-2 on PN frigate. Yes, Brahmos will waive white flag and will refuse to leave its launching tube, agreed.

Question here is, is Pakistan getting SM-2?

Please provide a source stating that PN is getting SM-2 missiles.

If there is no source, this thread is worthless.


Question here is not if F-22s can, but is India getting F-22s?

I hope my Pakistani friends get the point.:D:D
you talking about being childish? I thought thats the sole reason why THIS thread was created in the first place...

see only time will tell if "your Logic" or "my logic" becomes a "Fact" ..In the mean while enjoy this about Hypersonic Brahmos by 2014..yes 2014...

From 2007 news ..

BrahMos to develop first hypersonic cruise missile in 5 years - Pravda.Ru
The Indians have tendency of over exaggerating everything about time frame induction of all the projects such as LCA, Arjun, Brahmos. Even the Brahmos is behind schedule, their might be some possibility that hypersonic version test may happen in 3-4 years from now and has to clear FOC which may not happen anytime soon and most probably the induction may start no earlier then 6-10 years from now. Indian military has yet to fully induct brahmos of all versions and sources suggest India may test 1st air launched version later this year and induction may start in 2012.

Hypersonic versions are not invincible either, this missile can be shot down on a heads on course.

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