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Solving Pakistan Navy's Ship Problem

You're not even capable to make a CAR - 90% of Pakistani made products have foreign components either TABLET - CAR. How you believe that you can make WEAPONS for your National security local made ???
r u a pakistani?
then start acting like one!

Acting like one and ignoring the facts you neva achieve anything xcept khyaali palaoo banana kar kudhe koosh hotay rahna... ground realities are far far different then imagination... What Pakistan make and made and what not!
Acting like one and ignoring the facts you neva achieve anything xcept khyaali palaoo banana kar kudhe koosh hotay rahna... ground realities are far far different then imagination... What Pakistan make and made and what not!

we make nothing?
here you go:

Agriauto Industries Limited :: By. Mahaan.net
and this is just one company, might want to do some research on gandhara industries too.

also most of the body parts of cars are made by the companies themselves (i.e indus motors, honda atlas)

another one:
Atlas Engineering
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It seems a bunch of US Navy officers have been advocating small missile corvettes in the USN publication "Proceedings" and the main argument against them is lack of range in big theatres like the pacific.

Yet it seems PN is focused on the big prestige boats. Sadly, ego seems to be taking front seat over reason and even budget in dire circumstances. PN seems willing to drive around a large OHP essentially with the armament of a corvette and spend the cost of an f16 every year in just running expenses of that one ship over making serious visionary decisions. Here is an article that outlines the case against small ships in the USN. Trying to find the handful of papers pro small ship published in the "Proceedings
It's really a shame to see members start fighting each other just to prove they know more than the other......
If you can't show solidarity with each other as a Pakistani here, how will you work for a better Pakistan....
the problem is allocation of funds not ships. with only 22% share of the defence budget, it leaves little money for capital investments on a large scale or for that matter replacement of old assets.
we make nothing?
here you go:

Agriauto Industries Limited :: By. Mahaan.net
and this is just one company, might want to do some research on gandhara industries too.

also most of the body parts of cars are made by the companies themselves (i.e indus motors, honda atlas)

another one:
Atlas Engineering

Mate all these plants are assembly plants and Pakistan still don't produce car engines and some other products and we import those part from outside
It has long been a general misconception in Pakistan that ‘TOT’ implies that we start making sophisticated machines/ships/aircraft in Pakistan from scratch. Reality is quite different.

However it must be made clear that no single company manufactures all components by itself. Design & manufacture of each component is specialised to such an extent that aircrafts, submarines, warships manufacturing companies sub-contract a lot of parts to other companies. Quite often the resources required to build a new machine such as an aircraft are so great that different countries join together.

Let us take the example of of Al Kahild MBT. Despite the joint efforts of HIT Taxila & NORINCO ; the power train is 6TD-2 Diesel engine manufactured in Ukraine’s Malyshev Factory and transmission train is French SESM ESM 500 -5 speed transmission both supplied by KMBD of Ukraine.

Pananvia Tornado was a joint venture between UK, Germany & Italy. Front fuselage & tail assembly designed and manufacture by British BAE Systems, Central fuselage by EADS of Germany, Wings by Aeritalia of Italy. Engines co developed by Rolls Royce (UK), Fiat (Italy) & MTU (Germany).

Spanish F-100 Frigate has US Aegis Combat Control System, its propulsion system is CODOG with 2 General Electric LM2500 gas turbines & 2 Caterpillar 3600 Diesel engines; both US firms. It carries US built Radar, US designed 5 inch gun, Sea Sparrow AA missile, Harpoon anti-Ship missile and Sikorsky SH-60 Helicopter.

Bitter truth is that except for very few countries such as the US, Russia & may be China & France; even European nations do not have financial resources and technological expertise to build all the sophisticated systems required in a modern battle machine. Thus to admit that we only “assemble” in other words put together different pieces produced elsewhere to construct an aircraft, submarine or a vessel does not mean we are less of a Pakistani. As matter of fact one is being more of a Pakistani to admit what we can or cannot do.

Nevertheless if some of my countrymen refuse to wake up from dream land, they have every right to do so. This post is not meant to insult or demean anyone; just a reminder that mere wishing cannot change the reality.
Nevertheless if some of my countrymen refuse to wake up from dream land, they have every right to do so. This post is not meant to insult or demean anyone; just a reminder that mere wishing cannot change the reality.

If it was back in the 50's.. getting an aircraft up in the air or a tank rolling required perhaps less sophistication .Back then tanks with mostly an engine and an armoured shell on top..along with a gun were fairly competitive. Today's tanks are electronic powerhouses along with sophisticated systems that includes state of the art metallurgical and chemical process for the body and armour.. without it.. they are sitting ducks.

The Argentinians had a small aviation industry going up back in the 50s as well. Even they hired a designer, but the Pulqui series was very simple . Today's combat equipment is a VERY(and the more overstated the better) complex system. It is NO mean feat to even manufacture one on licence.. rather than co-develop one with another nation To top that off, to do so with the shambles of an economy that Pakistan has always had(along with the massive corruption and general toddler like sense of direction) is even more appreciable. Both as a complement, and as a limitation to what can be done by us.
the problem is allocation of funds not ships. with only 22% share of the defence budget, it leaves little money for capital investments on a large scale or for that matter replacement of old assets.
My understanding of the defence budget layout was that the 'declared' allocation for the various service arms represented resources required for 'day to day operations' (maintenance, salaries, logistics etc.) and that the funds for acquiring new assets were not part of those respective allocations.
Mate all these plants are assembly plants and Pakistan still don't produce car engines and some other products and we import those part from outside
that is where you are wrong, they are not assembly plants, they are actually making things from scratch. the more you know...
I think the key for Pakistan to be a lethal force does not lie in bulky ships nor fast ships.

They key is highly automated ocean vehicles that are capable to launch asymmetrical warfare. For example, automated ocean vehicles that store cutting edge laser technology laden drones in it...small and agile. Launch them very very close to the Aircraft Carrier solely meant to disable the people on board. Launching hundreds at one time (since they are small yet highly advance) will ensure that the carrier becomes a sitting duck.

Drones capable to refuel the planes. Drones that have radar and other sensitive equipment to monitor the airspace effectively yet saving a lot of monetary resources.

Pakistan can wreak havoc on the enemy if it deploys its R&D towards this technology.
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