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Pakistani OHP ship Status

Asalam-O-Alikum @TOPGUN How are you Bro. I really respect you a lot because you are the person who have given me knowledge about this on the forum. I would really like to connect with you and wanted to become your friend. Kindly add me...

Also I would like to know is it better to buy or get free of cost these OHPs or build:
3000 Tons Frigates and 1100 FACs/Corvettes with Chinese help.

Hello my bro , thanks for such kind words I really appreciate it you are already my bro and friend so no worries there I am honored!! yes you an add me here or I will add you np. Nothing is free my bro yes these ships the OHP's are still a vital assets to PN with the right upgrades and weapon systems and I think PN is going in the right direction with them with Turkish help remember we paid for the upgrades but the ships them selves re cost free can't beat that even on a bad day . We are looking to get 7 more of these which is a huge gap filler with the right upgrades these ships will still have many years to serve in PN. I don't know much about the 3000 tons and 1100 FAC/ Corvettes but if all goes well we can maybe see more F-22ps and OHP's with also the purchase of 6 Chinese subs. Again this on the cards now and from what I have heard and learned about we shall have to see what more comes out of PN in the due time .
Hello my bro , thanks for such kind words I really appreciate it you are already my bro and friend so no worries there I am honored!! yes you an add me here or I will add you np. Nothing is free my bro yes these ships the OHP's are still a vital assets to PN with the right upgrades and weapon systems and I think PN is going in the right direction with them with Turkish help remember we paid for the upgrades but the ships them selves re cost free can't beat that even on a bad day . We are looking to get 7 more of these which is a huge gap filler with the right upgrades these ships will still have many years to serve in PN. I don't know much about the 3000 tons and 1100 FAC/ Corvettes but if all goes well we can maybe see more F-22ps and OHP's with also the purchase of 6 Chinese subs. Again this on the cards now and from what I have heard and learned about we shall have to see what more comes out of PN in the due time .

Is it possible to install on this OHP Ships Chinese weapons ?
Is it possible to install on this OHP Ships Chinese weapons ?

I do not think the Americans will allow that ... even letting the Chinese close to the ship plus this is a all American ship with all American parts can't be mixed and matched .. just won't work bro .
Is it possible to install on this OHP Ships Chinese weapons ?

its possible to do anything but it will cost a lot of money-western compatible systems are far easier to adapt

i think a max. of 4 OHP's will be delivered to the PN. the other 4 would be a new batch of improved F-22P's.
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its possible to do anything but it will cost a lot of money-western compatible systems are far easier to adapt

i think a max. of 4 OHP's will be delivered to the PN. the other 4 would be a new batch of improved F-22P's.

In the past we did install the LY-60 air defence system on the Type-21 Frigates, I thought it would be again a cheap solution, if install a new system like the "HQ-9"(may be to large and heavy^^) or another Chinese AD-System on the OHP class ?
In the past we did install the LY-60 air defence system on the Type-21 Frigates, I thought it would be again a cheap solution, if install a new system like the "HQ-9"(may be to large and heavy^^) or another Chinese AD-System on the OHP class ?

good point.....depends what role these OHP's will operate under....ASW or multi-role FFG
I do not think the Americans will allow that ... even letting the Chinese close to the ship plus this is a all American ship with all American parts can't be mixed and matched .. just won't work bro .

On the contrary.. mix and match is what is usually done in Pakistan. But it does not have to be Chinese systems. There are other SAM systems available that can work well with the OHP.
well question remains whether we will get them or not. India has strong lobbying in USA these days
guys don't forget the time factor here , our Amazon class are already over aged , once they are retired we need some ships to fill the gap , if not heavier than type 21 than at least equal to them.... but we need better SAMS of our ships for sure , without potent SAMS its not going to worth
Pakistan only needs a compact well trained well armed modern Navy,the focus should be on second strike capablity.
Just like the Israeli's with their Dolphin class subs,Pakistan needs comparable subs(4).

That is precisely our Naval Doctrine and Strategy.

We have no ambition to becoming a Blue Water Navy to Project Power.

Our sole purpose is to protect our Sea Lanes, Territorial Waters and our Coastline.

That is why our emphasis is on having a Large Submarine Force.
Asalam-O-Alikum @TOPGUN How are you Bro. I really respect you a lot because you are the person who have given me knowledge about this on the forum.:woot::woot::woot: I would really like to connect with you:woot::woot::woot: and wanted to become your friend. Kindly add me...
Also I would like to know is it better to buy or get free of cost these OHPs or build:
3000 Tons Frigates and 1100 FACs/Corvettes with Chinese help.



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