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Pakistan National Anthem : The One Quaid Approved

The anthem commissioned by Mr Jinnah was just one of his legacies that his successors swept aside, along with the principles he stressed in his address to the Constituent Assembly on Aug 11, 1947 — meant to be his political will and testament according to his official biographer Hector Bolitho (Jinnah: Creator of Pakistan, John Murray, London, 1954).

I have read Hector Bolitho's Jinnah :Creator of Pakistan from cover to cover before & I just rechecked it a moment ago - There is no mention of any Anthem or any Mr.Azad anywhere in that book !

If you have any 'page number' - Do share it with me !

Is it confirmed or what? If tht was the National Anthem our Great Father Approved than Lanat on the turd who replaced it..

No it is not confirmed in the slightest bit; it is another one of those 'revisionism' that we've become ever so fond of !
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kindly post the link

most of the treads deleted .... but read column of Dr. SafdarMehmood

Jang Group Online


In addition to this According to Mr. Jagannat Claim his written Anthem was aired from Radio Pakistan 'Karachi Station' but it is a establish fact that Karachi Station was established in 1948, nor any record of this so called First National Anthem is available.

"1948 Rawalpindi-3 Radio Station with 500 Watt SW transmitter and Karachi Radio Station with 100 Watt SW transmitter were inaugurated
Radio Pakistan-
Chronology of PBC

additionally read the following link: Khurram's Desk: Jafri Reveals the Truth
I have read Hector Bolitho's Jinnah :Creator of Pakistan from cover to cover before & I just rechecked it a moment ago - There is no mention of any Anthem or any Mr.Azad anywhere in that book !
If you have any 'page number' - Do share it with me !

most of the treads deleted .... but read column of Dr. SafdarMehmood

Jang Group Online


In addition to this According to Mr. Jagannat Claim his written Anthem was aired from Radio Pakistan 'Karachi Station' but it is a establish fact that Karachi Station was established in 1948, nor any record of this so called First National Anthem is available.

additionally read the following link: Khurram's Desk: Jafri Reveals the Truth

Beena Sarwar writes that , (see the previous post) The reference she gave was about the 11th August speech by Jinnah meant to be his political will I think , but she hasn`t mentioned the page number .
The writer`s reply :

Thanks to Aqeel Abbas Jafri for posting Khurram Shafique's comment to my blog Journeys to democracy | Blog by Pakistani journalist & documentary filmmaker Beena Sarwar

Just for the record, Jagannath Azad never claimed that he was 'dramatically called to the Radio Station', or that he met Mr Jinnah personally. All that he said was that he was conveyed a message, apparently from Mr Jinnah, to pen this tarana within a few days, which he did, and that it was played on Radio Pakistan on Aug 14, 1947, and for several months after that.

He mentioned this incident in his book 'Ankhian TarastiaN HaiN' 1981) - Jagannath Azad referred to this incident, about how he came to write this tarana, in several other interviews and on his many visits to Pakistan. No one took it up or contradicted it then.

Zaheda Hina quotes the incident in her obituary of Azad mentioning the tarana in Express, August, 2004, uploaded on this blog in Sept 2009 - see Zaheda Hina on Jagannath Azad | Journeys to democracy She tells me that Mr Aqeel Abbas Jafri called her a couple of days ago, expressing his ignorance about her article and asking for a copy - so perhaps his research could be more meticulous.

[An aside for those who may be interested: the Maulana Salahuddin whom Azad refers to, quoted by Zaheda Hina, was the maternal grandfather of Asma and Hina Jillani].

It is indeed unfortunate there is no record of the tarana. However, the fact remains that some people who were around at the time do remember hearing in 1947 on Radio Pakistan - people of integrity like I.A. Rehman (who came to Pakistan in Nov 1947 and says Radio Pakistan played it for quite some time), Dr Mubashir Hasan, and Zaheer Kidvai (see his query on his blog, May 2005 - Windmills of My Mind: A Tale of Two Anthems In the absence of a record, it's Azad's word and their’s, against anyone else's.

I spoke to Zaheda Hina today. Having known Azad closely, she says, "There are people you know are truthful. Jagannath Azad was not a liar. If he says he wrote this tarana for Pakistan, at the behest of Mr Jinnah, I believe him. If there are people who choose not to believe him because there is no 'evidence', then that is their choice."

The point is that a beautiful poem was written for Pakistan on the eve of Independence, at the behest of Mr Jinnah says the poet who happened to be a Hindu.

Even if that cannot be proved, why discard Azad’s tarana? There are many other songs that are considered to be national songs (not official anthems) like Sohni Dharti, or Jivey Pakistan. Why not add Azad's poem to that repertoire?

See also:

Balraj Puri's obituary in Milli Gazette, 16-31 Aug 2004: Tribute:Jagan Nath Azad – some reminiscences, The Milli Gazette, Vol.5No.16, MG110 (16-31 Aug 04)

Asfaque Naqvi 's reference to Azad's tarana in his article in “A word on Jagannath Azad”, Dawn, June 27, 2004 DAWN - Features; 27 June, 2004 - DAWN.COM

In addition to this According to Mr. Jagannat Claim his written Anthem was aired from Radio Pakistan 'Karachi Station' but it is a establish fact that Karachi Station was established in 1948, nor any record of this so called First National Anthem is available.
Azad himself refers to hearing his Tarana-e-Pakistan being broadcast from Radio Lahore on the night of 14 August 1947 in his book “Ankhen Tarastiyan Hain" published in 1981[18] and in “Hayat-e-Mehroom” published in 1987[19]
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Beena Sarwar writes that , (see the previous post) The reference she gave was about the 11th August speech by Jinnah meant to be his political will I think , but she hasn`t mentioned the page number .

I don't think the reference is accurate because one of the good things about having an Ebook is that one can search them quite thoroughly; no where in any place where the 11th August Speech is mentioned are those words used !

No wonder none of the more Authoritative Biographies on the Quaid I've ever read or ever heard or read the words of some of his contemporaries did such a thing ever find a mention !

Its unfortunate that there are those of us who forgo all sense of impartiality & skepticism when confronted with even hearsay that supports how we'd like things to be; the article may yet be an example of that !
I don't think the reference is accurate because one of the good things about having an Ebook is that one can search them quite thoroughly; no where in any place where the 11th August Speech is mentioned are those words used !

No wonder none of the more Authoritative Biographies on the Quaid I've ever read or ever heard or read the words of some of his contemporaries did such a thing ever find a mention !

Its unfortunate that there are those of us who forgo all sense of impartiality & skepticism when confronted with even hearsay that supports how we'd like things to be; the article may yet be an example of that !

You mean to say that 11th August speech was not meant to be Jinnah`s political will ??
Jinnah was a secular to the core and he wanted a secular Pakistan
Tens of authentic references can be made to prove that
You mean to say that 11th August speech was not meant to be Jinnah`s political will ??
Jinnah was a secular to the core and he wanted a secular Pakistan
Hundreds of authentic references can be made to prove that

No I meant to say that those words were not uttered by Hector Bolitho so far as I know nor did he mention anything about the commissioning of any anthem by the Quaid - the fact that he has been quoted as such is unfortunate !

Whether the Quaid was Secular or not or whether he wanted a Secular Pakistan or not is irrelevant to what I believe is a misrepresentation of Mr.Bolitho's words & it is unfortunate that an unsubstantiated piece of hearsay is being used to make a case by the lady who penned that article !
No I meant to say that those words were not uttered by Hector Bolitho so far as I know nor did he mention anything about the commissioning of any anthem by the Quaid - the fact that he has been quoted as such is unfortunate !

Whether the Quaid was Secular or not or whether he wanted a Secular Pakistan or not is irrelevant to what I believe is a misrepresentation of Mr.Bolitho's words & it is unfortunate that an unsubstantiated piece of hearsay is being used to make a case by the lady who penned that article !

Hector Bolitho writes that the 11th August speech by Jinnah was the greatest speech of his life . According to Bolitho , Quaid said that Hindus and Muslims were to be equal citizens of the state as a fundamental principle !! (This most important part of speech which makes Jinnah`s political will absolutely clear , is surprisingly missing in the official archives) . Beena Sarwar has most probably pointed towards this . This is a much more serious than the matter of the "first national anthem"

Hector Bolitho writes that the 11th August speech by Jinnah was the greatest speech of his life . According to Bolitho , Quaid said that Hindus and Muslims were to be equal citizens of the state as a fundamental principle !! (This most important part of speech which makes Jinnah`s political will absolutely clear , is surprisingly missing in the official archives) . Beena Sarwar has most probably pointed towards this . This is a much more serious than the matter of the "first national anthem"


Yes I've read this exact page; I just didn't like the unfortunate piece of article writing that passes for journalism these days where giving a spin to things is preferable to objectivity - the Anthem is no where in site but somehow the twain meet in the article & in the same sentence as if they flow from each other !
Yes I've read this exact page; I just didn't like the unfortunate piece of article writing that passes for journalism these days where giving a spin to things is preferable to objectivity - the Anthem is no where in site but somehow the twain meet in the article & in the same sentence as if they flow from each other !

She has made it clear in the next paragraph :) , But I do agree with you that the way she has mixed her personal opinion with the reference quoted , is a bit misleading .

She writes:
This speech, literally censored by “hidden hands” as Zamir Niazi documents in Press in Chains (1986), also contains Mr Jinnah’s famous lines about the “fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State”,where religious identity becomes secondary and where religion, caste or creed “has nothing to do with the business of the State…”
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She has made it clear in the next paragraph :
This speech, literally censored by “hidden hands” as Zamir Niazi documents in Press in Chains (1986), also contains Mr Jinnah’s famous lines about the “fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State”,where religious identity becomes secondary and where religion, caste or creed “has nothing to do with the business of the State…”

No she hasn't; in her ardent desire to further her view point she took a surprisingly unsubstantiated proclamation & embedded it within her article whilst connecting it with a speech delivered by the Quaid ! :P
Beena Sarwar writes that , (see the previous post) The reference she gave was about the 11th August speech by Jinnah meant to be his political will I think , but she hasn`t mentioned the page number .
The writer`s reply :

Thanks to Aqeel Abbas Jafri for posting Khurram Shafique's comment to my blog Journeys to democracy | Blog by Pakistani journalist & documentary filmmaker Beena Sarwar

Just for the record, Jagannath Azad never claimed that he was 'dramatically called to the Radio Station', or that he met Mr Jinnah personally. All that he said was that he was conveyed a message, apparently from Mr Jinnah, to pen this tarana within a few days, which he did, and that it was played on Radio Pakistan on Aug 14, 1947, and for several months after that.

He mentioned this incident in his book 'Ankhian TarastiaN HaiN' 1981) - Jagannath Azad referred to this incident, about how he came to write this tarana, in several other interviews and on his many visits to Pakistan. No one took it up or contradicted it then.

Zaheda Hina quotes the incident in her obituary of Azad mentioning the tarana in Express, August, 2004, uploaded on this blog in Sept 2009 - see Zaheda Hina on Jagannath Azad | Journeys to democracy She tells me that Mr Aqeel Abbas Jafri called her a couple of days ago, expressing his ignorance about her article and asking for a copy - so perhaps his research could be more meticulous.

[An aside for those who may be interested: the Maulana Salahuddin whom Azad refers to, quoted by Zaheda Hina, was the maternal grandfather of Asma and Hina Jillani].

It is indeed unfortunate there is no record of the tarana. However, the fact remains that some people who were around at the time do remember hearing in 1947 on Radio Pakistan - people of integrity like I.A. Rehman (who came to Pakistan in Nov 1947 and says Radio Pakistan played it for quite some time), Dr Mubashir Hasan, and Zaheer Kidvai (see his query on his blog, May 2005 - Windmills of My Mind: A Tale of Two Anthems In the absence of a record, it's Azad's word and their’s, against anyone else's.

I spoke to Zaheda Hina today. Having known Azad closely, she says, "There are people you know are truthful. Jagannath Azad was not a liar. If he says he wrote this tarana for Pakistan, at the behest of Mr Jinnah, I believe him. If there are people who choose not to believe him because there is no 'evidence', then that is their choice."

The point is that a beautiful poem was written for Pakistan on the eve of Independence, at the behest of Mr Jinnah says the poet who happened to be a Hindu.

Even if that cannot be proved, why discard Azad’s tarana? There are many other songs that are considered to be national songs (not official anthems) like Sohni Dharti, or Jivey Pakistan. Why not add Azad's poem to that repertoire?

See also:

Balraj Puri's obituary in Milli Gazette, 16-31 Aug 2004: Tribute:Jagan Nath Azad – some reminiscences, The Milli Gazette, Vol.5No.16, MG110 (16-31 Aug 04)

Asfaque Naqvi 's reference to Azad's tarana in his article in “A word on Jagannath Azad”, Dawn, June 27, 2004 DAWN - Features; 27 June, 2004 - DAWN.COM

Azad himself refers to hearing his Tarana-e-Pakistan being broadcast from Radio Lahore on the night of 14 August 1947 in his book “Ankhen Tarastiyan Hain" published in 1981[18] and in “Hayat-e-Mehroom” published in 1987[19]

Yara, you have just posted word to word replying comment of Beena Sarwar from a blog without given it a second thought, it have very basic flaws in it .....

1- it is referring Mr. I. A Rehman (who came to Pakistan in November), is a very weak reference to be quoted
because he was not in Pakistan in the evening of '13 August 1947' when Mustafa Ali Hamdani announced Pakistan Broadcasting services from 'Lahore station' , & for Mr. I.A Rehman to listen that poetry it was necessary for him resides in areas where transmission of Lahore station was available, but 'unfortunately' no account of Mr. I.A Rehman is available in this regards.

Secondly there are thousands of people still alive who claim to listen the Mustafa Ali Hamdani announcement personally, but its a very very contradicting fact that only two or three men like Mr. Zaheer A kidvai ( age '7' at that time) & Mr. I. A Rehman claimed to listen that so called first National Anthem.

2- As per claim Mr. Azad was contacted to write this poetry at 09th of August 1947 which was relayed first time after Mustafa Ali Hamdai's announcement of Pakistan Broadcasting Services, and 'Mr. Azad took five days to get that job done', now calculated number of days from the 09Th of August (as per claim), it mean that Azad completed & handed over the said poetry to the 'All India Radio' at 13th of August 1947, at this stage I am not questioning the exact timing of the submission or handing over of Azad's poetry to AIR, but please tell me how on the earth it was possible to complete the pre & post production procedures and other technical requirements in a short spam of time of few hours (Mustafa Ali Hamdani announcement took placed at 11:59 13th August 1947) and that to at the day of 13th August when normal circumstance was not prevailing... ???

3- The record of Mustafa Ali Hamdani Annoucment is still available (link posted below), but no record of that poetry is available in Radio Pakistan, conspiracy theory .... ???


4- For people like us this theory of 'First National Anthem' is just the twisting and distortion of facts. In Beena Sawar own word posted at a blog (& copied by you here)

"Just for the record, Jagannath Azad never claimed that he was 'dramatically called to the Radio Station', or that he met Mr Jinnah personally. All that he said was that he was conveyed a message, apparently from Mr Jinnah, to pen this tarana within a few days, which he did, and that it was played on Radio Pakistan on Aug 14, 1947, and for several months after that."

In the original article of Beena Sarwar (link: Bring back Jagannath Azad’s Pakistan anthem | Journeys to democracy) She writes:

'Jagannath Azad was working in Lahore when Mr Jinnah commissioned him for this task just three days before Independence. He complied, Mr Jinnah approved the lyrics, and the anthem went on air on Radio Pakistan the day Pakistan was born.'

now compare both of her write-ups which contradict to each other, claim start from 'Mr. Jinnah commissioned and end to a message apparently from Mr. Jinnah', 'Frist claim about 5 day which than dropped to 3 days'

Now it is also claimed that Quaid approved Mr. Jagan Naat poetry himself, and that too in few hours, I found no
evidence that Mr. Jinnah was that well versed in Urdu, in fact those people who know about Quaid are well aware that Quaid's Urdu was as good as of any 'Goora shaib' how could he approve it by himself. In addition to this Quaid was in Karachi from 07th of August to 15th August, so how Mr. Jagan Naat presented his work to Quaid and how he approved that 'First Anthem in few hours'...... ???

I can state some other flaws of this theory, but I think its enough for a single post.
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