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Pakistan & ISRAEL, a possibly close Relationship?

The polytheistic Arabs were largely at throat of each other to prove whose god was superior. They were also one of the most backward people on earth and until today there is no such thing called "Arab civilization". Muhammad excelled at establishing peace by demolishing polytheism and calling for one monotheistic God. The Arabs had no more excuse to cut each other throats. Beside that little has changed until today and even you admit that openly.

I do not understand how principles which were to develop much later - thanks to borrowing from Roman and Persian cultures could lead someone from darkness to light. The equation of freedom and progress relates inversely to advent of Islam. Countries like Persia, Roman-Arabia and Egypt which hosted 4000-5000 years of rich heritage went into totally clueless identity upon the spread of Islam. 1400 years of Islam has failed to turn Arabia into cradle of civilization.

In last 5000 years history of Arabia not a single achievement has emerged in any of the branches of human intellect known to mankind, whereby contributing anything to the advancement of humanity in Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Archaeology, Botany, Anthropology, Psychology, Literature, Palaeontology, Geology, Finance, Electronics, Oceanology, Weather, Computers & their associated technologies in, Aviation, Marine, etc, etc.

1. Arabs were NOT at each other's throats about whose god was superior. You just said it because you THINK so. Just shows your perspective and way of thinking. Do you have anything upon which to base your assertion? Make sure to bring something concrete because it will be shredded.

2. What is Arab history to you? Jahiliyah and then fast forward to 19th & 20th centuries with no stops in between? Are you serious about what you said? How could you make such a set of unfounded and bigoted assertions? Arabs did nothing for civilization? Why was Arabic the ligua-franca for international learning from early Abbasid period onwards, if it were not for Arab influence? Did Arabs do nothing for cultural, economic, commercial development in the three continents? Did Arabs not preserve, translate, and spread classical philosophy and mathematics?

You make it seem as though Arabs were barbarians who remain so to this day. May I enquire from whence springs such hatred? You can masquerade as a Pakistani nationalist, but I can not imagine what could motivate a Pakistani to go to such extremes just to denigrate a race, a culture, a people on the whole. I could understand indifference, or disdain, but I can not comprehend pathological hatred. What makes you so unbalanced in your exposition of unwarranted hatred? Surely no Paksitani would be so in thrall of Israel to go to such extremes. Are you really who you pretend to be? My doubts are certainly dispelled.

3. What came later than Quran that influenced it? Or am I reading you incorrectly? I specifically mean your assertion when you say: "I do not understand how principles which were to develop much later - thanks to borrowing from Roman and Persian cultures could lead someone from darkness to light." I hope you realize that the reference of leading from darkness to light comes from Surat-al-Baqarah.

4. Your enumeration of various fields of science for absence of 'Arab achievement' is duly noted. I would like to ask you what is 'Pakistani' contribution to the said fields of study. I ask this because you masquerade as a Pakistani nationalist. Surely your denigration of Arabs must have some Nationalistic angle. Let me ask how your Pakistani nationalist identity is helped or bolstered by such a display of bigotry towards Arabs.
I have studied the history of Israel in detail and a scant bit of Pakistan's. I can spot some similarities between the two states, correct me if I'm wrong.

1. As a precursor to Israel and pakistan, both Jews and Muslims were persecuted by Arabs and British India respectively.

2. Israel waged a defensive war against Arabs in 1948 to keep their state's integrity intact. Pakistan did the same around 1948.

3. Both Israel and Pakistan's creation involved mass emigration of Jews and Muslims respectively.

4. Both of them were created around 1947/48.

5. Later on, both Israel and Pakistan had to wage wars against bigger and more powerful neighbours to keep their integrity intact. Israel in '48, '67 and '73; Pakistan in '48, '65, '71.

6. Both states had state religions - Judaism and Islam respectively. Although Israel had been secular all the while, Pakistan was Islamised after the 80s.

7. Both of their creation was facilitated by the British Empire (Israel - Lord Balfour; Pakistan - It's founding father, who was a British)

Given so many similarities, we would expect Pakistanis to be very sympathetic to Israel. Pakistan could have a strong relationship from the start had it's founding fathers not paid attention to Arab propaganda. However, it appears Pakistan was fooled by Arab propaganda and with most Pakistanis being anti semitic, reconcilation seems next to impossible today.

The one difference I can see is Jews had an ancient connection to the land - via King David and Solomon's reign. Not sure about pakistan.

1. Pakistan was not created as a result of persecution by British India. Though some Pakistanis might make much of British suspicion and being left behind in socio-economic development, it is not of primary importance. The most important consideration was a fear of Hindu domination and the establishment of a Muslim majority country to safeguard the interests of Muslims of South Asia.

2. Pakistan's war over Kashmir was strategic in nature. It was not defensive per se.

3. Migration post independence was a consequence of violence on both sides of the border. It was an unintended consequence of communal violence. There never was a plan of migration from the outset. Thus the similarity between Pakistan & Israel in this context is superficial.

4. OK. But the dynamics were different.

5. OK.

6. Pakistan was never secular as the accepted meaning of the word. The tolerance was part of culture, but events in 1945-1947 severly undermined the tradition of tolerance. Pakistan's raison-d-etre (sp?) was as a sanctuary for Muslims of South Asia. On the other hand Israel was meant to be a sactuary for world Jewery according to zionist ideal. Pakistan was a local solution to a regional concern. Israel's secularism is not taken seriously now or then. It is effectively an apartheid society and state.

7. Disagree. Jinnah was not British. If someone makes that claim, then they are purposely obfuscating. MQM partisans make demure noises along these lines to justify Altaf Hussain's British nationality. But in fact Jinnah carried a British Indian passport like all other compatriots of undivided India.


There are many on this forum who mock the idea of solidarity with Arabs. Most of these people do not live in Pakistan and some may even be masquerading as Pakistanis. The ground reality in Pakistan is that overwhelming majority of Pakistanis identify with Palestinians. The roots of this thinking go back much farther than 1947. Muslims of British India supported Ottoman empire and were bitterly opposed to British policy of war against it. Muslims supported Ottoman cause with donation drives, agitation, and a pledge by the British to not use Indian sepoys against Ottomans. The warm Paksitan-Turkey relations are an echo of that activism and its reciprocation. The dominant thinking in early 20th century was Pan-Islamism and therefore the Muslims of British India were supportive of Palestinians even before the creation of Pakistan.

Today's pseudo-intellectuals can make long arguments about recognizing Israel. But why do it without having a material and tangible difference in ground realities? Any argument for establishing diplomatic ties with Israel have a direct parallel with the case of Apartheid South Africa. Once Apartheid system was dismantled in South Africa, we established warm and cordial relations. We could do the same with Israel, but there has to be a solid reason for doing so. Until then, the best we can do for Israel is be indifferent. We have no Zionist lobby oiling our political machinery, we have no reason to be swayed against our historical and principled position.

There was no Arab propaganda that determined our position. Attributing our policy to Arab propaganda is a fallacy as I have shown above. Some burger Pakistanis dislike Arabs and cite attitude of Gulf Arabs as a reason. But the majority of Pakistanis have warm feelings for Arabs. There never was any propaganda, just factual reporting. Again, we have no zionist lobby and the news does not get twisted like it used to be in Western publications. Now most Westerners have adjusted their opinions based on less biased reporting and pro-Israeli propaganda by Zionists is not as effective as it used to be. Many Israelis are waking up to the reality of Apartheid and objecting. I hope that this trend continues and delivers results.
What Pakistan have gained from @$$ licking of arabs instead they are fighting their proxy wars in Pakistan, considering them and India factor i support some sort of relationship with Israel to balance the equation.
Now Pakistan wants to make relation with all those countries who are close to India to cut off India from them. I have been reading such threads alot. like Pak Israel freindship, Pak russian friendship. etc etc..
ideological enslavement is worst than armed colonialism!

1. Arabs were NOT at each other's throats about whose god was superior. You just said it because you THINK so. Just shows your perspective and way of thinking. Do you have anything upon which to base your assertion? Make sure to bring something concrete because it will be shredded.

The most remarkable feature of the political life of Arabia before Islam was the total absence of political organization in any form. With the exception of Yemen in the south-west, no part of the Arabian peninsula had any government at any time, and the Arabs never acknowledged any authority other than the authority of the chiefs of their tribes. The authority of the tribal chiefs, however, rested, in most cases, on their character and personality, and was moral rather than political.

The modern student of history finds it incredible that the Arabs lived, generation after generation, century after century, without a government of any kind. Since there was no government, there was no law and no order. The only law of the land was lawlessness. In the event a crime was committed, the injured party took law in its own hands, and tried to administer "justice" to the offender. This system led very frequently to acts of horrendous cruelty.

If the Arab ever exercised any modicum of restraint, it was not because of any susceptibility he had to questions of right or wrong but because of the fear of provoking reprisals and vendetta. Vendetta consumed whole generations of Arabs. Since there were no such things as police, courts or judges, the only protection a man could find from his enemies, was in his own tribe. The tribe had an obligation to protect its members even if they had committed crimes. Tribalism or ‘asabiyya (the clan spirit) took precedence over ethics. A tribe that failed to protect its members from their enemies, exposed itself to ridicule, obloquy and contempt. Ethics, of course, did not enter the picture anywhere.

Since Arabia did not have a government, and since the Arabs were anarchists by instinct, they were locked up in ceaseless warfare. War was a permanent institution of the Arabian society. The desert could support only a limited number of people, and the state of inter-tribal war maintained a rigid control over the growth of population. But the Arabs themselves did not see war in this light. To them, war was a pastime or rather a dangerous sport, or a species of tribal drama, waged by professionals, according to old and gallant codes, while the "audience" cheered. Eternal peace held no appeal for them, and war provided an escape from drudgery and from the monotony of life in the desert. They, therefore, courted the excitement of the clash of arms. War gave them an opportunity to display their skills at archery, fencing and horsemanship, and also, in war, they could distinguish themselves by their heroism and at the same time win glory and honor for their tribes. In many cases, the Arabs fought for the sake of fighting, whether or not there was a cause belli.

2. What is Arab history to you? Jahiliyah and then fast forward to 19th & 20th centuries with no stops in between? Are you serious about what you said? How could you make such a set of unfounded and bigoted assertions? Arabs did nothing for civilization? Why was Arabic the ligua-franca for international learning from early Abbasid period onwards, if it were not for Arab influence? Did Arabs do nothing for cultural, economic, commercial development in the three continents? Did Arabs not preserve, translate, and spread classical philosophy and mathematics?

And what was everyone speaking before that? Your assertions are based on teenager ideologies of Islam and Ummah fanaticism! Let me question you the alternative side. Why was Persian exodus into India was created upon the advent of Islam? Or the Assyrians of Levant traditionally known for their knowledge and innovation for 4000 years choose to flee rather than surrender to the Arab religion?

You make it seem as though Arabs were barbarians who remain so to this day. May I enquire from whence springs such hatred? You can masquerade as a Pakistani nationalist, but I can not imagine what could motivate a Pakistani to go to such extremes just to denigrate a race, a culture, a people on the whole. I could understand indifference, or disdain, but I can not comprehend pathological hatred. What makes you so unbalanced in your exposition of unwarranted hatred? Surely no Paksitani would be so in thrall of Israel to go to such extremes. Are you really who you pretend to be? My doubts are certainly dispelled.

May be instead of ranting you can come up with factual debate because that would be helpful. Losers usually resort to accusations, ranting, name calling and all the negative traits one can expect on PDF.

3. What came later than Quran that influenced it? Or am I reading you incorrectly? I specifically mean your assertion when you say: "I do not understand how principles which were to develop much later - thanks to borrowing from Roman and Persian cultures could lead someone from darkness to light." I hope you realize that the reference of leading from darkness to light comes from Surat-al-Baqarah.

A masters from Madrassah is not going to help you in your research. A deeper look into Roman, Persian and Semitic mythologies will reveal how much Islam has copied from these civilizations - especially Romans and Persians none of which are Abrahimic. Once again your frustated out-burst over nothing rather than a factual debate.

4. Your enumeration of various fields of science for absence of 'Arab achievement' is duly noted. I would like to ask you what is 'Pakistani' contribution to the said fields of study. I ask this because you masquerade as a Pakistani nationalist. Surely your denigration of Arabs must have some Nationalistic angle. Let me ask how your Pakistani nationalist identity is helped or bolstered by such a display of bigotry towards Arabs.

Like any imperial religion, Islamic history is very much doctored but beside that translation does not equal innovation. And Much of the Islamic golden age was the work of Persians, Egyptians, Central Asians and Assyrian converts. Had there been an indigenous Arab scientific & cultural spring then we should have seen the results of it as a subsequent civilization. Rather, Arabs remain one of the most backward and undeveloped people on earth with a culture more austere than Ethiopia and Somalia. The mongol sacking of Baghdad proved how stupid the Khalifah and his ruling elite as well as the subject were.

A debate with civility, fact, figures and references will be appreciated. Emotional outburst and defensive rampage will earn you some ridiculous nick name.
What a bunch of inaccurate historical nonsense from this Somebozo guy who lives in no other country than KSA. What are you doing in KSA? Should you not return to the slums of Karachi or somewhere in Islamabad? Who are you? Don't say Pakistani because that's not a ethnic group since Pakistan is only 65 years old!

The Arabian Peninsula is one of the most ancient regions in the world and the first place outside of Africa that was first inhabited by humans if we believe science.

Yemen and today's Southern KSA are one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. Yemen, the ancestral homeland of Arabs, was throughout thousands of years known as Arabia Felix and were pioneers in many fields such as engineering (Marib Dam one of the wonders of the ancient world) trade, colonization, building the first skyscrapers, large cities etc. They were even ruled by one of the most famous queens in world history a certain Queen Sheba that is even mentioned in the Torah 3000 years ago 500 years before any Persian Empire ever emerged.

The Semitic civilizations which the Arabs are a part of are the oldest in the world of currently living ethnic groups. All Semitic people trace their origin to the Arabian Peninsula from ancient Babylonians to Assyrians who were speaking proto-Semitic languages and came from the South and West.

The Lakhmids, Nabataeans etc. people who left wonders of the world such as Petra, Palmyra, Mada'in Saleh, Hatra etc. who all happen to be World UNESCO World Heritage Sites today and one of the architectural wonders of the world. All thousands of years before the appearance of Islam.

Also read about the Ubaid Period that is 7300 years old and originated in Eastern Arabia and later spread to Mesopotamia..

After the appearance of Islam Arabs established one of the biggest and most influential empires ever that spread from Morocco in the West to Indonesia in the East. Changed the demographics, culture, linguistics, religion, customs, cuisine etc. etc.

Let's not even mention all the Arab scientists who changed the world and famous rulers, Al-Andalus, the Islamic Golden Age, the architectural constructions etc.

Moreover the Arabian Peninsula is one of the most diverse places with all kind of climates (tropical, sub-tropical, mountain climate, desert etc) landscapes (all kind of deserts (volcanic, rock, steppe, sand etc.), mountains, valleys, thousands of oasis, tropical forests/vegetation's, ancient cities, stunning architecture, ancients villages/monuments, stunning coastlines from the Red Sea (biggest coral reefs in the World after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia) the Arabian Gulf, biggest palm groves, etc.

We have nothing to envy anybody and Arabs are extremely proud people from nature of both being Arabs and Semitic people.

I suggest you move back to Pakistan I don't think types like yours will be missed rather the opposite. I actually hope you get kicked out since I doubt that you are a national in the first place. Or at least be occupied with washing toilets or something alike.

Take your frustrations somewhere else.

There are many on this forum who mock the idea of solidarity with Arabs. Most of these people do not live in Pakistan and some may even be masquerading as Pakistanis. The ground reality in Pakistan is that overwhelming majority of Pakistanis identify with Palestinians. The roots of this thinking go back much farther than 1947. Muslims of British India supported Ottoman empire and were bitterly opposed to British policy of war against it. Muslims supported Ottoman cause with donation drives, agitation, and a pledge by the British to not use Indian sepoys against Ottomans. The warm Paksitan-Turkey relations are an echo of that activism and its reciprocation. The dominant thinking in early 20th century was Pan-Islamism and therefore the Muslims of British India were supportive of Palestinians even before the creation of Pakistan.

The idea deserves to be mocked when you observe the clandestine dealings of Arabs with Israel itself. The pan-islamist clerics of subcontinent propagated a highly manipulated and stupid form of pan-Islamism in the society. Reality is that the khalifas in Ankara could give little fuq about bunch of Indian Muslims under British crown-ship. The Ottoman empire has long been dissolved and even the country of its origin has moved forward with ideals of modern state building therefore we look every bit stupid to take sides with non-existent legacies today. Pakistan is not the inheritor of Ottoman Empire but many of our pan-islamist clerics will have you believe otherwise.

Today's pseudo-intellectuals can make long arguments about recognizing Israel. But why do it without having a material and tangible difference in ground realities? Any argument for establishing diplomatic ties with Israel have a direct parallel with the case of Apartheid South Africa. Once Apartheid system was dismantled in South Africa, we established warm and cordial relations. We could do the same with Israel, but there has to be a solid reason for doing so. Until then, the best we can do for Israel is be indifferent. We have no Zionist lobby oiling our political machinery, we have no reason to be swayed against our historical and principled position.

Street intellectuals drawing parallels to print in shallow grade publications has no impact on ground realities. Even a basic internet search will reveal what was apartheid South Afria like.

There was no Arab propaganda that determined our position. Attributing our policy to Arab propaganda is a fallacy as I have shown above. Some burger Pakistanis dislike Arabs and cite attitude of Gulf Arabs as a reason. But the majority of Pakistanis have warm feelings for Arabs. There never was any propaganda, just factual reporting. Again, we have no zionist lobby and the news does not get twisted like it used to be in Western publications. Now most Westerners have adjusted their opinions based on less biased reporting and pro-Israeli propaganda by Zionists is not as effective as it used to be. Many Israelis are waking up to the reality of Apartheid and objecting. I hope that this trend continues and delivers results.

Other than the usual propaganda blabber I do not see anything of value coming out of this post. Perhaps some logical reasoning can help. Why do majority Pakistani's have warm feelings for Arabs? Just because a million or two have employment in the Gulf? That would translate as a cheap sell out. Strategic interests and FO policy is made on long terms goals, sane minded approach and analytic thinking - not emotionalism and religion.

What a bunch of inaccurate historical nonsense from this Somebozo guy who lives in no other country than KSA. What are you doing in KSA? Should you not return to the slums of Karachi or somewhere in Islamabad? Who are you? Don't say Pakistani because that's not a ethnic group since Pakistan is only 65 years old!

The Arabian Peninsula is one of the most ancient regions in the world and the first place outside of Africa that was first inhabited by humans if we believe science.

Yemen and today's Southern KSA are one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. Yemen, the ancestral homeland of Arabs, was throughout thousands of years known as Arabia Felix and were pioneers in many fields such as engineering (Marib Dam one of the wonders of the ancient world) trade, colonization, building the first skyscrapers, large cities etc. They were even ruled by one of the most famous queens in world history a certain Queen Sheba that is even mentioned in the Torah 3000 years ago 500 years before any Persian Empire ever emerged.

The Semitic civilizations which the Arabs are a part of are the oldest in the world of currently living ethnic groups. All Semitic people trace their origin to the Arabian Peninsula from ancient Babylonians to Assyrians who were speaking proto-Semitic languages and came from the South and West.

The Lakhmids, Nabataeans etc. people who left wonders of the world such as Petra, Palmyra, Mada'in Saleh, Hatra etc. who all happen to be World UNESCO World Heritage Sites today and one of the architectural wonders of the world. All thousands of years before the appearance of Islam.

Also read about the Ubaid Period that is 7300 years old and originated in Eastern Arabia and later spread to Mesopotamia..

After the appearance of Islam Arabs established one of the biggest and most influential empires ever that spread from Morocco in the West to Indonesia in the East. Changed the demographics, culture, linguistics, religion, customs, cuisine etc. etc.

Let's not even mention all the Arab scientists who changed the world and famous rulers, Al-Andalus, the Islamic Golden Age, the architectural constructions etc.

Moreover the Arabian Peninsula is one of the most diverse places with all kind of climates (tropical, sub-tropical, mountain climate, desert etc) landscapes (all kind of deserts (volcanic, rock, steppe, sand etc.), mountains, valleys, thousands of oasis, tropical forests/vegetation's, ancient cities, stunning architecture, ancients villages/monuments, stunning coastlines from the Red Sea (biggest coral reefs in the World after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia) the Arabian Gulf, biggest palm groves, etc.

We have nothing to envy anybody and Arabs are extremely proud people from nature of both being Arabs and Semitic people.

I suggest you move back to Pakistan I don't think types like yours will be missed rather the opposite. I actually hope you get kicked out since I doubt that you are a national in the first place. Or at least be occupied with washing toilets or something alike.

Take your frustrations somewhere else.

Arabia Felix and Central Arabia aka Najd are two different entities to be compared with even the dialects, genealogy and culture is different. I will appreciate if you do not take offence when Arabia is referred because that points to Central Arabia aka Najd. We all know how great of a civilization Yemen is and the effects are even felt today. As a matter of fact I would like to draw parallels between Yemenite-Arab Civilization as that of progress, art, culture and accomplishments vs that of Najd which tends to be very "dry".

The Yemeni influence all over Arab culture is a testimony to a great and continous civilization of past. Same cannot be said for all Arab regions.

History of Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Brief History of Yemen: Rich Past, Impoverished Present - TIME

As a matter of fact, the entire Southern KSA is under Yemite cultural domination.

If Pakistan was importing Yemite influence, it would be a different story all together but the Arab influences in Pakistan are fabricated by clerics in there backyards derived from obsolete ideologies which cannot even be found in the most remote Arabian dessert anymore.

What is more infuriating is that while Arabia itself is on a remarkable drive to reform and adapt Science and Technology, we are going in a reverse gear trying to get close to 7th century as much as we can. 90% problems lies in the head of politicians and 10% with the people of Pakistan.
The idea deserves to be mocked when you observe the clandestine dealings of Arabs with Israel itself. The pan-islamist clerics of subcontinent propagated a highly manipulated and stupid form of pan-Islamism in the society. Reality is that the khalifas in Ankara could give little fuq about bunch of Indian Muslims under British crown-ship. The Ottoman empire has long been dissolved and even the country of its origin has moved forward with ideals of modern state building therefore we look every bit stupid to take sides with non-existent legacies today. Pakistan is not the inheritor of Ottoman Empire but many of our pan-islamist clerics will have you believe otherwise.

Street intellectuals drawing parallels to print in shallow grade publications has no impact on ground realities. Even a basic internet search will reveal what was apartheid South Afria like.

Other than the usual propaganda blabber I do not see anything of value coming out of this post. Perhaps some logical reasoning can help. Why do majority Pakistani's have warm feelings for Arabs? Just because a million or two have employment in the Gulf? That would translate as a cheap sell out. Strategic interests and FO policy is made on long terms goals, sane minded approach and analytic thinking - not emotionalism and religion.

Arabia Felix and Central Arabia aka Najd are two different entities to be compared with even the dialects, genealogy and culture is different. I will appreciate if you do not take offence when Arabia is referred because that points to Central Arabia aka Najd. We all know how great of a civilization Yemen is and the effects are even felt today. As a matter of fact I would like to draw parallels between Yemenite-Arab Civilization as that of progress, art, culture and accomplishments vs that of Najd which tends to be very "dry".

The Yemeni influence all over Arab culture is a testimony to a great and continous civilization of past. Same cannot be said for all Arab regions.

History of Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Brief History of Yemen: Rich Past, Impoverished Present - TIME

As a matter of fact, the entire Southern KSA is under Yemite cultural domination.

I am not a Najdi. My father is Hejazi (one of the oldest inhabited places in the world with great history as well) and my mother is Yemeni. Najd is a sparsely inhabited area that is only one part of the Arabian Peninsula.

There is basically no difference between Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula so that's not correct. Bahraini, Qatari, Emirati, Omani, Yemeni and Saudi and Jordanians (not Jordanian-Palestinians) are one and the same. Same people with a few regional differences. All Arabs and Semitic people with Central/Southern Arabian cultural spheres in the age of Islam and before that mainly Southern Semitic/Central Semitic.

Najd itself is not what you think it is. Living in KSA you should know that Qassim Province (one of the most conservative areas of KSA) have given the state artists, clerics, diplomatics, architects and many other influential people. Especially Unaizah. See here:

Unaizah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even fierce anti-Muslims like yourself.:azn:

Also Najd is and never was inhabited by many people. It was mostly a area of transit. Most Nadjis actually hail from Hejaz or Yemen. KSA culture is not Najdi culture but KSA itself is very diverse. Also it's just one part of Arabia and the Arabian Peninsula.

Don't allow your hatred for some Najdi clerics/cultural influences/Al-Saud family etc. from acknowledging historical accuracies or labeling/talking about Arabs as you did.

My paternal family were/are semi-Hejazi nationalists and I remember that my great-grandfather was not welcoming when Hejaz was captured by Al-Saud but this is history now. They are people like anybody else. Good and bad.

Many are very friendly people/farmers/simple peaceful/friendly/pious people.
Arabia Felix and Central Arabia aka Najd are two different entities to be compared with even the dialects, genealogy and culture is different. I will appreciate if you do not take offence when Arabia is referred because that points to Central Arabia aka Najd. We all know how great of a civilization Yemen is and the effects are even felt today. As a matter of fact I would like to draw parallels between Yemenite-Arab Civilization as that of progress, art, culture and accomplishments vs that of Najd which tends to be very "dry".

The Yemeni influence all over Arab culture is a testimony to a great and continous civilization of past. Same cannot be said for all Arab regions.

History of Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Brief History of Yemen: Rich Past, Impoverished Present - TIME

As a matter of fact, the entire Southern KSA is under Yemite cultural domination.

Don't you think there is an influence of climate as far as Najd desert is concerned? When all you have is desert with blinding heat where no crop and no nothing can possibly grow, it is only normal that region would remain backward.

UAE and Qatar are not desert backwaters because they have access to ports, which Najd, for the most part, does not have.
Don't you think there is an influence of climate as far as Najd desert is concerned? When all you have is desert with blinding heat where no crop and no nothing can possibly grow, it is only normal that region would remain backward.

UAE and Qatar are not desert backwaters because they have access to ports, which Najd, for the most part, does not have.

Nonsense. Najd is not all deserts ffs. Oh the ignorance. There is even a mountain range and one of the biggest valleys in the world. Wadi Hanifa that is nearly 1000 km long. Historical Najd is only a few miles from the Arabian Gulf. Moreover Najd is the agricultural heartland of KSA and have a very large production of fruits, vegetables, wheat etc. Some cities even have a pleasant climate since they are situated on hills/mountains. The climate of Najd is no different than what you see directly northwards (Southern/Central/Western Iraq). Same geography even. No wonder than most Arab tribes in Iraq hail from Najd to this very day and immigrations took place back and worth until very recently.

I hear fellow Hejazis and other Arabs labeling Najdis backward but I don't agree and I am not Nadji at all. They have a great tradition of poetry, the Arabic language, trade, horsemanship etc.

But what are we talking about? 100 years ago more people lived in Makkah and Madinah alone than all of Najd. Najdis themselves originally hail from Hejaz, Yemen, Oman and other areas of the Arabian Peninsula.

Only thousands of years ago (when the climate was completely different and vast tropical forests covered much of the Arabian Peninsula (today only smaller areas in KSA, Yemen, Oman remain) more people lived there.
Don't you think there is an influence of climate as far as Najd desert is concerned? When all you have is desert with blinding heat where no crop and no nothing can possibly grow, it is only normal that region would remain backward.

UAE and Qatar are not desert backwaters because they have access to ports, which Najd, for the most part, does not have.

Not necessary, there are number of places around Najd with great weather, agriculture, springs and moderation.

I am not a Najdi. My father is Hejazi (one of the oldest inhabited places in the world with great history as well) and my mother is Yemeni. Najd is a sparsely inhabited area that is only one part of the Arabian Peninsula.

There is basically no difference between Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula so that's not correct. Bahraini, Qatari, Emirati, Omani, Yemeni and Saudi and Jordanians (not Jordanian-Palestinians) are one and the same. Same people with a few regional differences. All Arabs and Semitic people with Central/Southern Arabian cultural spheres in the age of Islam and before that mainly Southern Semitic/Central Semitic.

Najd itself is not what you think it is. Living in KSA you should know that Qassim Province (one of the most conservative areas of KSA) have given the state artists, clerics, diplomatics, architects and many other influential people. Especially Unaizah. See here:

Unaizah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also Najd is and never was inhabited by many people. It was mostly a area of transit. Most Nadjis actually hail from Hejaz or Yemen. KSA culture is not Najdi culture but KSA itself is very diverse. Also it's just one part of Arabia and the Arabian Peninsula.

Don't take your hate for some Najdi clerics/cultural influences/Al-Saud family etc. from historical accuracies.

My paternal family were/are semi-Hejazi nationalists and I remember that my great-grandfather was not welcoming when Hejaz was captured by Al-Saud but this is history now. They are people like anybody else. Good and bad.

Many are very friendly people/farmers/simple peaceful/friendly/pious people.

The context of this forum is debating Pakistani politics and geo-political implications on Pakistani politics from surrounding regions. Not Arab history and culture. The issues discussed are nationalist in nature and debating political corrections is not the intention because a lot of slang is used to refer to historical events which are only understandable in local context.

While I appreciate your enthusiasm to debate honorably and present factual data - unlike some ranting members here. Kindly understand that the purpose of this thread is not to pit to Pakistan VS Arabs, propagate anti-Arabism or bash a country and its civilization for the sake of ranting but to debate pure political issues from the Pakistani perspective and independence - that is should Pakistan and Israel forge a close relation?. Therefore, I agree with all what you have presented but unfortunately they do not fit into the context of this thread. Remember, no one bothers when Arabs choose to forge close relations with whatever nation they wish to - even India!

Pakistan forging relations with Israel would not automatically constitute to a hostile policy against Arab but would be rather based on Pakistan own geo-political and strategic interests. Geography cannot be changed.

The core of debate is should Pakistan forge relations with Israel according to its independent foreign policy and strategic needs. NOT should Pakistan take sides in Arab vs Israel or sacrifice its interests in the light of proving its Arab-Brotherhood.
Nonsense. Najd is not all deserts ffs. Oh the ignorance. There is even a mountain range and one of the biggest valleys in the world. Wadi Hanifa that is nearly 1000 km long. Historical Najd is only a few miles from the Arabian Gulf. Moreover Najd is the agricultural heartland of KSA and have a very large production of fruits, vegetables, wheat etc. Some cities even have a pleasant climate since they are situated on hills/mountains. The climate of Najd is no different than what you see directly northwards (Southern/Central/Western Iraq). Same geography even. No wonder than most Arab tribes in Iraq hail from Najd to this very day and immigrations took place back and worth until very recently.

I hear fellow Hejazis and other Arabs labeling Najdis backward but I don't agree and I am not Nadji at all. They have a great tradition of poetry, the Arabic language, trade, horsemanship etc.

But what are we talking about? 100 years ago more people lived in Makkah and Madinah alone than all of Najd. Najdis themselves originally hail from Hejaz, Yemen, Oman and other areas of the Arabian Peninsula.

Only thousands of years ago (when the climate was completely different and vast tropical forests covered much of the Arabian Peninsula (today only smaller areas in KSA, Yemen, Oman remain) more people lived there.

Not necessary, there are number of places around Najd with great weather, agriculture, springs and moderation.

Okay, I get you guys but it seems the culture of Najd is somewhat different from Western (hijaz) part of Arabia. It's sparsely populated as well.

I have heard about some of my friends who have toured Saudi Arabia and they all say Saudi is very modernised and developed. So, I get a feeling that when people stereotype the Arabs as backward, they actually refer to this sparsely inhabited part of Arabia. The kind of stereotyping which is very unfair to Saudi Arabia as a country.
I understand this but I just reacted to some of your comments regarding Arabs which I did not found accurate which you later admitted yourself and backtracked and from what I understood you were referring to Najd and some damaging influences from there according to you. I respect that I have never nor do I seek to discuss internal Pakistani issues since they do not concern me.

Also, KSA is not perfect (we all know) but just wait a 1-2 decades when the older generation will be gone and times will change rapidly as they already have done in the last 10 years. Even in extremely conservative areas of Najd. Whether this will be better we will see but for atheists like you it is probably a good thing.

All I am saying is that it's as baseless to attack a certain people/civilization (as old as the Arab and Semitic one even more so) based on a few incidents/things you dislike.

I am not in favor of rape (LOL) but I don't need to denounce all of South Asia/Indic areas as vile, dirty and primitive rapists etc because of a few incidents of brutal rapes/murder.

Anyway in a world that is increasingly looking more similar for each day and where religion will ultimately play a lesser role, history alike, this discussion is rather dull.

Anyway sorry for any angry attacks.

Okay, I get you guys but it seems the culture of Najd is somewhat different from Western (hijaz) part of Arabia. It's sparsely populated as well.

I have heard about some of my friends who have toured Saudi Arabia and they all say Saudi is very modernised and developed. So, I get a feeling that when people stereotype the Arabs as backward, they actually refer to this sparsely inhabited part of Arabia. The kind of stereotyping which is very unfair to Saudi Arabia as a country.

I will gladly reply to your questions in another thread since it's off-topic. Other than that I can recommend you to visit the picture thread about Saudi Arabia in the Arab Defence forum. Especially the last 4-5 pages where I and others have posted pictures from all over KSA. Remember we are talking about one region out of a lot of different regions on the Arabian Peninsula - old as ancient. Moreover a very sparsely populated place. But one of the ancient cities of Najd is a World UNESCO Heritage Site today so... sparsely inhabited or not:)
You guys are acting like Isreal is the only developed country in the world.
Instead of recognizing a country which is based on genocide and the brutal oppression of the Palistinians, why don't we invest in ourselves and get to their level?
The difference will be that we will have done it on our own where as they did it while sucking at the teets of the American Tax payers.

I respect your post and also i respect your view to see Pakistan as a principled nation...I have some question...If human right issue is a factor to have a relationship then first of all as per your claim and offcial stand, Pakistan should not have any official relation with India due to Kashmir issue, Pakistan should not have any relation with China because of Tibet issue and the examples goes on...So inspite of human right violation, still then China is your life line friend and India and Pakistan are officially full fledged good relation neighour...

Guys the issue is that Pakistan always like to take a pricipled stand on Israel because you need a gunnie pig nation to sacrifice in your foreign policy to show that how true Muslim nation Pakistan is....Beleive me....nothing wrong with it as India has done the same mistake to our socialist times to follow the same path by staying away from Israel to appease our Muslim vote bank politics....

Honestly speaking whenever politicial and social thinker in South Asia think about Israel, they really do not take deciscions by making good analysis of benefit or loss of relationship with Israel rather they just use it as a pawn of their internal political power play to get some sympathy from public....Every thing was same till the India came out of socialist era and started building relatinship with Israel......

My approch is that if Pakistan would like to see barometer of foreign policy relationship with a criteria of who is treating Muslim people properly in respective countries then of course India and China should not be their diplomatic relationship list....But still then you have relation with India because ....Pakistan knows relation with India is a fact and necessity in the same way India has no option but to make good relationship with Pakistan is a necessity...The same kind of necessity is not offered by Isreal to Pakistan....
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