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Pakistan is like Iran on Steroid - John Bolton [VIDEO]

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Talk $hit about my country and you'll get it right back in your face.
Why are you here and starting the fight in the beginning? It was an Indian who joined Lance.

So mind you business and you won't be disturbed, capishe?

And your cowards getting slaughtered like pigs after creating your own monster :lol:

seems like an year of banning wasnt enough post reported
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Why are you here and starting the fight in the beginning? It was an Indian who joined Lance.

So mind you business and you won't be disturbed, capishe?

Like I said. You talk $hit about my country, I'll do it right back.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3678383 said:
seems like an year of banning wasnt enough post reported

Lance and DroneAcharya started it and some other Indians joined in, thinking it would be a piece of cake.

So I responded to them in an appropriate way.

Like I said. You talk $hit about my country, I'll do it right back.

Well tell your Indians friends to buzz off then, if you don;t want to be insulted. Its very simple.

Don;t insult us, and you won;t be insulted.
At least we know how to make cars. What does Pakistan know how to do other than train terrorists? :lol:

its funny how you trained mujahideens, started a soviet war, and that time, were chanting like these are soldiers of allah etc etc

and now all your dirty mess is gonna be blamed on us :lol:

funny man
Lance and DroneAcharya started it and some other Indians joined in, thinking it would be a piece of cake.

So I responded to them in an appropriate way.

Well tell your Indians friends to buzz off then, if you don;t want to be insulted. Its very simple.

Don;t insult us, and you won;t be insulted.

Stop crying and man up.
Stop crying and man up.

No you man up stop barking like an animal.

If you cant treat members with just and moral principles, don't be expected to be treated just and moral principles.

You man up, don;t like this place, go to Bharat Rakshak!

When you are here? Get lost then.
Pakistan is certainly mass producing nukes and trying to control Indian agression with it.

Pakistan is coming to a point where it no longer can compete with India. Our new Anti Ballestic missiles the AAD, PAD and Akash can provide 3 layered defence. Moreover the test of next month of PDV missile will make India one of the few nations to conduct anti ballestic missile test in outer space with a kinetic Kill vehicle. Our nuke subs also will add to Pakistani fears because we have the second strike capability. Moreover home built navy is now getting stronger and stronger.

Arihanth subs will make us second strike capable. This is heart breaking for Pakistani planner. They have no options to deal with this. Sorry you are not getting a nuke capable Slbm from anywhere in the world .

You best friend china has recently said "Sino-Indian relations are the priority of 21 century" and take trade over $100 bill by 2014. Interdependence of India and china is increasing so are the relations.

I think it is better for Pakistan to leave nukes and come on table to talk how to do some business. How to build new cities and auto manufacturing hubs. We can do that together. Increase dependence on each other and see the fruits in the long run.
No you man up stop barking like an animal.

If you cant treat members with just and moral principles, don't be expected to be treated just and moral principles.

You man up, don;t like this place, go to Bharat Rakshak!

When you are here? Get lost then.

You pakistanis are pro at whining like sissies. You don't know when to shut up, that's your biggest problem.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3678393 said:
its funny how you trained mujahideens, started a soviet war, and that time, were chanting like these are soldiers of allah etc etc

and now all your dirty mess is gonna be blamed on us :lol:

funny man

lol, USA never cared about Pakistan or Afghanistan in the first place. It was all about countering the Soviets.

Same thing for Mohammad Mossadegh and why they ousted him out. We need to learn our mistakes.

People like Bush can never be trusted.
At least we know how to make cars. What does Pakistan know how to do other than train terrorists? :lol:

Poor xLancex doesn't know that the U.S. state is the biggest sponsor of terrorism throughout the globe.
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