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Pakistan has been offered the Chinese 4th generation J-11 (SU27)

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You haven't flown one that is why you are saying it, Obsession is a small word, F-16 is one finest fighters in the world put a good pilot in it and you dont have to worry about any fighter.
And we are getting 50 J-10s we have an option of another 10 if needed. PAF used to advice Navy that let us give you cover when you guys are flying but they thought that they can do it without the help of PAF, After Atlan got shot down then they realised that they need a fast interceptor to keep them safe. Now a full sqd of Mirages is at their disposal, PN has a problem they dont get things in there mind problaly its the water, They still fly Missions without telling PAF the only time PAF is informed when they thing there *** is on line.

Hon.Muradk; sir
i never said that IRON EAGAL isnt the capable fighter bird,& i know its the best of the best,yes you are 100% right !i never flyed the bird , same as our former president musharaf , nor president g.w.bush ever flyed the brid in their lives, but still they know about the bird , and they decide the inductions of f16's in thier respected airforces, so i guss it has a lot with politics.
what my point is, due to our last experince with last democrat PRESIDENT OF US(bill clinton) , we had experinced great difficulty getting F-16's from US, & I am sure this time, with OBAMMA in white house, it will be most difficult idea to think?
So, what i cant understand the reason, why not our militry planners give up thier idea about more F-16's in paf, because politicly it would be imposible for pakistan to get more f-16's, it wouldbe maddness to keep planing & keep planing for more of these brids, what is our other options, why dont we try something else. why dont we can simply accept the fact that , these birds are ungetteble for now.:hitwall:
debate over F-16's isnt going any where, till we, find another musharaf & another g.w.bush?
easy batmanow easy my friend now sir murad also agree with me so have to wait some time
A lot has been said about US policy change once and if Mr. Obama enters white house. One should remeber that running an election campaign is one thing and running white house and maintaining a coalition quite another thing. In real world politics you have to take along all your coalition partners and to do that you have to satisfy some of their needs especially in a situation where your own *** is stuck in two places and you cant afford to loose one of your most crucial allies.

White house is already working with congress to resolve the F-16 issue and one way or the other these shall be coming.

Please read thread related to F-16.
What is an IRON EAGLE?.

You got to be kidding. F-16s are known as Fighting Falcons but after the release of the movie IRON EAGLE a Mega Blockbuster , Everybody started to call it IRON EAGLE . Most Air Forces call it Iron Eagle.
You got to be kidding. F-16s are known as Fighting Falcons but after the release of the movie IRON EAGLE a Mega Blockbuster , Everybody started to call it IRON EAGLE . Most Air Forces call it Iron Eagle.

lol sir but you know how childish these movie are? pure "Israeli" :D propaganda.

- all F-16s had Israeli camo
- the enemy as usual were the "evil" Iraqis but the funny thing is in many series they used Israeli Kfir as the bad guys and the cockpit were tinted black to make it look more evil..
- in some series Israeli F-4s were used as russian Migs..

so who said the american movie industry is not "jew" control? ;)
Hon.Muradk; sir
i never said that IRON EAGAL isnt the capable fighter bird,& i know its the best of the best,yes you are 100% right !i never flyed the bird , same as our former president musharaf , nor president g.w.bush ever flyed the brid in their lives, but still they know about the bird , and they decide the inductions of f16's in thier respected airforces, so i guss it has a lot with politics.
what my point is, due to our last experince with last democrat PRESIDENT OF US(bill clinton) , we had experinced great difficulty getting F-16's from US, & I am sure this time, with OBAMMA in white house, it will be most difficult idea to think?
So, what i cant understand the reason, why not our militry planners give up thier idea about more F-16's in paf, because politicly it would be imposible for pakistan to get more f-16's, it wouldbe maddness to keep planing & keep planing for more of these brids, what is our other options, why dont we try something else. why dont we can simply accept the fact that , these birds are ungetteble for now.:hitwall:
debate over F-16's isnt going any where, till we, find another musharaf & another g.w.bush?

Batman Sir
our wish lists aside, in the current financial climate PAF/PN just can not afford another platform. They are already inducting J10, F16s, and J10. It iwll take us into2015-16.I thin PAF will go for JXX post 2019. I dont see the need for another fighter of the same generation doing us any good.
Sir MuradK/Neo/ Fatman/Mark, Xman I need your opinion on a thought that i have had(not original of course). Would it not be financially more expedient to have PAF keep all the air assetts, and the command of forces run through a joint regional command represented by PA, PAF and PN to ensure a more coordinated effort in case of aggression. It will curb individual urges and agitation!!!:P;) Plus when your *** is on the line it would mean everybody will think in one direction. What would need to be done to achieve this?
lol sir but you know how childish these movie are? pure "Israeli" :D propaganda.

- all F-16s had Israeli camo
- the enemy as usual were the "evil" Iraqis but the funny thing is in many series they used Israeli Kfir as the bad guys and the cockpit were tinted black to make it look more evil..
- in some series Israeli F-4s were used as russian Migs..

so who said the american movie industry is not "jew" control? ;)

i note this so many times.but they make moves for guys who don't have defence info.and please see you nighbers whaat they do with us in there moves also

You got to be kidding. F-16s are known as Fighting Falcons but after the release of the movie IRON EAGLE a Mega Blockbuster , Everybody started to call it IRON EAGLE . Most Air Forces call it Iron Eagle.

I haven't seen that movie, is it good?.
I haven't seen that movie, is it good?.

Its ok i guess i have it ! there are severl parts of iron eagle the one being talked about here does infact use Israeli f-16's and kafir's but its a movie a low budget film who cares!:disagree:
Batman Sir
our wish lists aside, in the current financial climate PAF/PN just can not afford another platform. They are already inducting J10, F16s, and J10. It iwll take us into2015-16.I thin PAF will go for JXX post 2019. I dont see the need for another fighter of the same generation doing us any good.
Sir MuradK/Neo/ Fatman/Mark, Xman I need your opinion on a thought that i have had(not original of course). Would it not be financially more expedient to have PAF keep all the air assetts, and the command of forces run through a joint regional command represented by PA, PAF and PN to ensure a more coordinated effort in case of aggression. It will curb individual urges and agitation!!!:P;) Plus when your *** is on the line it would mean everybody will think in one direction. What would need to be done to achieve this?

Dear hon.Araz, sir
i am 1000% agreed with your view point,due to our current financial climate, but what !if we have to face multiple enemy on 2 different war theaters ?
my, thinking was , if we can get 40 j-11b's , surly we will keep moving the things in right directions, its not what many of our commrads think about me.
the sitution, pakistan is facing now is similar to IRAQ after frist gulf war, allied nations systemticly took out the cash from IRAQ, then they putted sanctions against IRAQ, and NO FLY ZONES were created to cut off IRAQI air frontiers & to have a free and safe air for allied birds therefore, on the eve of 9\11, IRAQ was been a sitting duck.
all this, resulted in the ultimate invassion of IRAQ, and due to all of above mentioned steps, IRAQI air force cant even go in the air, they had to put their mig-29 in IRAN.

I dont want, all this happen to us, so for this very reason i was pushing for j-11b's , because they are easy to get! as they were offered by CHINA itself, on the other hand, from now & till 2016 if we ever attacked by any one , from any side then we will have no chances, to goafter or to have deep strikes inside the enemy's heart.

And from 2009 to 2016 , we need birds to fly across pakistani airspace, i guss we have altogather 300 planes now, most them were on the werge of expiries. out of 300 ,only 140 are good for any kind of combat, we need at least 250 plus, efficient, modren fighters in our inventry.
so the question is ?does our current financial situation ,allows us to buy new birds?
a very, easy anwer willbe NO, but fact should be kept open, strong security allways gives a bond of good economy, currently due to our worsing security situation results can be put as an easy example.

at any cost & at any price, pakistan cant stop its defence needs, as for j-11's , i guss it would be easier for usto get them on easy payment way,& if we can get them on loan, it will be great,& i guss we, cant get same kind of deal in the case of F-16's or any other westrn platform, surly it will not be easy and it will not come same as J-11's!

I never, thought that j-11's ,couldbe better than f-16's but its, the political conditions in comming future specialy in usa, the last nial was put in the cofin of Jhon Mccain, FROMER SECTRY OF STATE & FROMER CHEIF OF USA ARMED FORCES,(repblican)GEN. COLIN POWELL enddrosed BARRAK OBAMMA as a next US president, BARRAK OBAMMA'S intentions are very clear and known about pakistan, unfortuntly most of US politicians never change thier policies, once which they speak out in public, i guss OBAMMA in power , we will be at same page ,as we once were before at, the times of bill clinton.

therefore we, had to think positivly on each posible solution for our defence, which is very important factor to achive great economy , our economy now realy in worse shape, because of our bad security? but even for now we, cant close our eyes, saying our economy is bad? even in the worse shape of our economy !we cant say, that we cant defend our country?
I am very sory, to putting my arguments, but as i consider them important, i will keep posting them with, respect to allof our honriable comrads like you.
Batmannow i always agree with u besides the fact we are friends! but u have changed your story around this time u have been agreeing and stating the fact that we need
j-11's now wat happen yaar?? we are talking about worse case scenero if the drama begins with the f-16's then we need or should get another platform and that would and should be j-11 as some of us have agreed ! may i right?
Batmannow i always agree with u besides the fact we are friends! but u have changed your story around this time u have been agreeing and stating the fact that we need
j-11's now wat happen yaar?? we are talking about worse case scenero if the drama begins with the f-16's then we need or should get another platform and that would and should be j-11 as some of us have agreed ! may i right?

i reapeat same before so many times but my lovely batmanow never accept even our respected sir murad clear that j11 will be in paf if we never get f-16. are you agree batmanow:smitten:
Thankyou imran sir!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Batmannow i always agree with u besides the fact we are friends! but u have changed your story around this time u have been agreeing and stating the fact that we need
j-11's now wat happen yaar?? we are talking about worse case scenero if the drama begins with the f-16's then we need or should get another platform and that would and should be j-11 as some of us have agreed ! may i right?

thanks a lot TOPGUN; sir,
simply to put, my point is, stop thinking about of the begining of the dam drama's ,& start prepareing for the worst case scenero's.
actuly , we pakistanis was & were kept our minds the theories of world war2 in our heads, and i dont like that!
think by yourself , why should! will be thinking of worst case scenero's ,waiting for when actully worst case scenero's will hapen? why dont we think it before?
why, we should not move ahead of the times?
what was happening in fata, if we ever thought it before, it wouldnt happened today.
thats my point was for j-11's, when we know won't get F-16's, what we are waiting for?:cry:
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