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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

very very difficult to choose fighter jets F 15,eurofighter.F 35,F22,SU 35,SU 37.Rafale very very very difficult whose is best
Superfalcon kindly when you are in a wild posting mood try to put all of your posts in one post rather then posting 2-3 lines after every other 2-3 mins to hike up your number of posts.
And kindly stick with the subject. its PAF F-16 discussion. not a random fighter jets discussion.
Ok grwoler but here we were talkin about the succesor for next decade to paf what should they choose but next time i will take care of these things but seems like u have always have some probleums with me noone says me a alot than you can i ask you why.
I agree with Growler on this.

This entire page has merely 10 lines of text and NO useful information.
When i see F16 Discussion post in "bold" on the home page, i click it with too much eagerness, and lately i have been very disappointed to see the text of useless information and tail-chasing posts.

Lets all be serious and stick to the topic of thread.

Ok sapper i accepted my mistake and now kindly let it go i will take care of it in future lets come on topic. what should PAF do to upgrade its old F 16 to block 52 and i know they are underway of mou upgradution but still they will not like block 52
Ok sapper i accepted my mistake and now kindly let it go i will take care of it in future lets come on topic. what should PAF do to upgrade its old F 16 to block 52 and i know they are underway of mou upgradution but still they will not like block 52

ok this has been discused already but let me tell you... MLU M3 for block 10-15 is as good as a block 52 however the "plus" version has a new frame and accommodates more modern systems. If you notice something that older PAF F-16s have shorter rudder base (dont know the proper term) has neither a parachute or more importantly MAW and only a longer frame supports it. so IMO their might be a little change in PAF MLU frames.
what about radar of mlu and block 52 are they will be new ones as on 52 or on mlu there will be same old ones
Most of us know what Egypt is owned aircraft f-16 but does anyone know what Egypt lost them????

Date \ No plane \ blocks \ Notes
January 20th 83 \ 9204 \ block 15a \ engine failure (death of the pilots)
6 نوفمبر 90 \ 9311 \ block 15e \ collided with the f-16a near Port Said
2 اكتوبر 91 \ 9312 \ block 15e \ ??????????????????????
6 نوفمبر 90 \ 9313 \ block 15e \ collided with the f-16a near Port Said
May 21 87 \ 9316 \ block 15f \ ??????????????????????
3 اغسطس 92 \ 9320 \ block 15g \ collided with the f-16a
12 يوليو 93 \ 9326 \ block 15j \ ?????????????????????
15 مارس 95 \ 9327 \ block 15k \ ?????????????????????
3 اغسطس 92 \ 9332 \ block 15l \ collided with the f-16a
10 مايو 94 \ 9520 \ block 32b \ ????????????????????
23 مايو 95 \ 9521 \ block 32b \ ???????????????????
21 ابريل 2008 \ 9533 \ block32b \, 80 miles south of Beni Suef
4 اكتوبر 94 \ 9917 \ block 40k \ ????????????????????
9 سبتمبر 93 \ 9928 \ block 40l \ ????????????????????
7 ابريل 97 \ 9807 \ block 40k \ collided with a f-16c in the air
7 ابريل 97 \ 9935 \ block 40m \ collided with f-16d in the air
14 يوليو 94 \ 9852 \ block40n \ ???????????????????
12 يونيه 99 \ 9979 \ block 40r \ Atinaalhbot crashed and the pilots survived
13 يوليو 2004 \ 9716 \ block 40 \. Is uncertain.

Marked \ with the aircraft, the sole survivor of the pilots have been dashed by collisions and runway while landing both Tairin succeeded in jumping and resulted in the crash of the plane body and burning cabin and destroy the tires and engine and then came American team in 2000 and the plane was not flying only 150 hours and the cost of repair of the aircraft at $ 3.2 million beginning in November 2005 became the plane airworthy again Intzer back to Egypt.

lets see what our egyptian friends have
The MLU will be exactly like the blk 52 except for 3 things
- No change in thrust
- No enhanced range/weight

and probably one more thing that is not coming to my mind right now.

Otherwise, it will be upgraded with the same features as a blk 52. Same radar (APG68v9), same avionics, ECM, etc.
That absent feature is Digital Radio Frequency Memory support which both our MLU's as well as the new Block 52's will lack.
Courtesy blain2

The MLU upgrade kits will include: APG-68(V)9 radar; Embedded GPS/INS (EGI); Link-16 data link; APX-113 Advanced Identify Friend or Foe (AIFF); Color Cockpit with Color Moving Map; ALQ-211(V)9 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (AIDEWS) Pod; Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Cockpit and External Lighting; Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod; Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS); Reconnaissance Pod capability; improved avionics systems; JDAM capability; EGBU capability; AIM-120 AMRAAM capability; and AGM-84 Harpoon capability. While many of the avionics systems and capabilities are common with the new Block 52s and the MLU, some significant differences remain between the MLU F-16 Block 15s and the new PAF Block 52s: there are no improvements to the Block 15s mission range and loiter time; there are no engine improvements; and, there are no improvements to payload capacity. Overall, the MLU program will extend the service life of Pakistan’s original F-16 aircraft and very significantly increase the capability of the Pakistan Air Force to conduct Close Air Support and night precision attack missions. I would like to highlight that in parallel with the significant improvement in weapon accuracy gained by precision guided munitions like JDAM, there is the potential to dramatically reduce collateral damage and civilian casualties.

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