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Pakistan and India...Why can't we be friends?

you still dint tell me where was i wrong in my first post that agitated you and the true motives & principals thet led to conception on "two nation theorie" which lead to division of india and 4 waers that followed and terrorism to name a few ...i ask you agin why was pakistan made in the first place for

The motive was the same injustice being a minority they were being crushed once the majority got the chance to do so and they surely were provided ample opportunities. Your posts are more anti Muslim and you claim Muslims hate Hindus fanatically.
tell me when did hindus were driven because of so called "fanatical hatred"

who satrted the hindu geonocide on "direct action day"

whio started the massacre of hindus in mulatn and punjab when they rejected the idea of partition of india on relegeous basis

who had sent afridies into kashmir in 1948

who started the operation giralter in 1964

who started killing of hindus in east pakistan under the name of operation search light

who burned 64 hindu pilgrims in ghodra which led to gujrat riots

Oh so you claim that no Muslim was ever killed by a Hindu just the same biased mentality quoting what suits you and sweeping everything else under the carpet thats the technique that works to demonise others.
The motive was the same injustice being a minority they were being crushed once the majority got the chance to do so and they surely were provided ample opportunities. Your posts are more anti Muslim and you claim Muslims hate Hindus fanatically.
World is anti-Muslim because 95% terrorists are Muslims... some kind of Islam abuse is going on?
The motive was the same injustice being a minority they were being crushed once the majority got the chance to do so and they surely were provided ample opportunities. Your posts are more anti Muslim and you claim Muslims hate Hindus fanatically.

so you are saying that so called "two nation theory" was instead based oh misconceptions and aprehensions rather than facts

tel;l me what was muslim population in india at the time of independence and what is there population now in india and the opportunities and freedom of worship and equality they get in india which are dream to most pakistanies in pakistan even today
Oh so you claim that no Muslim was ever killed by a Hindu just the same biased mentality quoting what suits you and sweeping everything else under the carpet thats the technique that works to demonise others.
no ji im saying when did hindus started any such acts of fanatical hatred against muslims or created trouble ..we hindus in all owr recorded history never prosecuted any relegeous minority on basis of relegeon be it muslims or christians until they provoked us by forcibal conersions

lolzzz india is the onli place christains , jews and muslims were never prosecuted go and read history and come with facts
tell me when did hindus were driven because of so called "fanatical hatred"

who satrted the hindu geonocide on "direct action day"

whio started the massacre of hindus in mulatn and punjab when they rejected the idea of partition of india on relegeous basis

who had sent afridies into kashmir in 1948

who started the operation giralter in 1964

who started killing of hindus in east pakistan under the name of operation search light

who burned 64 hindu pilgrims in ghodra which led to gujrat riots

Speaking of riots do you only show your concern for Hindus in riots who lose their lives if thats the case then its a pity and shameful. And speaking of East Pakistan should actually make you ashamed though i still have more dignity to not resort to your level of playing the blame game otherwise i can ask you about a lot of other incidents instigated by Hindus in which many lives were lost but that would bring me on your level (hateful remarks to earn a few brownie points) and i have no interest in that. I disagreed with your stance and i still do painting half the picture the way you like and calling it truth serves you right but not everybody.
so you are saying that so called "two nation theory" was instead based oh misconceptions and aprehensions rather than facts

tel;l me what was muslim population in india at the time of independence and what is there population now in india and the opportunities and freedom of worship and equality they get in india which are dream to most pakistanies in pakistan even today

I never said that. Secondly just like i am not speaking about present day India because i haven't ever been there therefore you can't claim to know what Pakistanis have the rights to do or not to do.
no ji im saying when did hindus started any such acts of fanatical hatred against muslims or created trouble ..we hindus in all owr recorded history never prosecuted any relegeous minority on basis of relegeon be it muslims or christians until they provoked us by forcibal conersions

lolzzz india is the onli place christains , jews and muslims were never prosecuted go and read history and come with facts

Keep your "know it all" claim to yourself Hindu and Muslim riots are a proof that they never lived in peace something which the Brits further exploited.
World is anti-Muslim because 95% terrorists are Muslims... some kind of Islam abuse is going on?

The World is not anti Christian or Anti Jew when they fund all the terrorists so why not be a little fair. State sponsored terrorism is not considered terrorism according to you? If you include it you would see far more Muslim victims than perpetrators.
The World is not anti Christian or Anti Jew when they fund all the terrorists so why not be a little fair. State sponsored terrorism is not considered terrorism according to you? If you include it you would see far more Muslim victims than perpetrators.
Firstly Iam not blaming Muslims, just throwing facts.

Why ? Every top 10 most wanted terrorist is a Muslim?


Why not a Hindu, Christian, Jew? and you're just defending these terrorists... Accept the fact. Why Pakistan is the most favorite hideout of most dangerous terrorists?
I never said that. Secondly just like i am not speaking about present day India because i haven't ever been there therefore you can't claim to know what Pakistanis have the rights to do or not to do.
well i gave you some facts from the past but you misread and misiterprtated them all as false and hate mongering and what not

fact is hindus were /are not an agressive race/relegeon we beleave in justice to all or "sarv dharm sambhav" but its the muslims who belave in Kafir & muslim theori and according to most of you if i may say there are onli tow types of people in the world Muslims(belevers) or kafirs and all kafirs should become belevers/followers od islam and all those who reject your theori are 'wajib ul qatl' and countless massacers of hindus in subcontinent and countelss destruction of hindu tempels by over zelous muslims are a living testemony to it and my freind that is the root cause of all the trouble in so called riots which according to you were exploited by the british
Firstly Iam not blaming Muslims, just throwing facts.

Why ? Every top 10 most wanted terrorist is a Muslim?


Why not a Hindu, Christian, Jew? and you're just defending these terrorists... Accept the fact. Why Pakistan is the most favorite hideout of most dangerous terrorists?

I am not defending them just showing another fact. I never said they should do what they are doing but its worth mocking when people don't even bother accepting state sanctioned terrorism as an entity that breeds terrorism. Its a hypocritical principle because its not applied across the board not because i am not condemning them or anything.
well i gave you some facts from the past but you misread and misiterprtated them all as false and hate mongering and what not

fact is hindus were /are not an agressive race/relegeon we beleave in justice to all or "sarv dharm sambhav" but its the muslims who belave in Kafir & muslim theori and according to most of you if i may say there are onli tow types of people in the world Muslims(belevers) or kafirs and all kafirs should become belevers/followers od islam and all those who reject your theori are 'wajib ul qatl' and countless massacers of hindus in subcontinent and countelss destruction of hindu tempels by over zelous muslims are a living testemony to it and my freind that is the root cause of all the trouble in so called riots which according to you were exploited by the british

I wrote at least twice that nobody is Waajib ul Qatl if you want to deliberately ignore it because you can't digest that its your choice. Your claim that majority Muslims believe in two types of people is wrong thats just overlooking your own share of wrongdoings and blaming it on others all the time. I have met so many Muslims those who don't consider non Muslims inferior in any way those who know non Muslim people as well so your claim about the Majority is "flawed" The root cause is calling one party responsible when it obviously takes two to tango also to brand all others as war mongers and intolerant that is the real root cause.
I wrote at least twice that nobody is Waajib ul Qatl if you want to deliberately ignore it because you can't digest that its your choice. Your claim that majority Muslims believe in two types of people is wrong thats just overlooking your own share of wrongdoings and blaming it on others all the time. I have met so many Muslims those who don't consider non Muslims inferior in any way those who know non Muslim people as well so your claim about the Majority is "flawed" The root cause is calling one party responsible when it obviously takes two to tango also to brand all others as war mongers and intolerant that is the real root cause.

0k then tell me why are non muslims targeted in all muslim nations ?

why were hindus killed in east pakistan in 1970 ?

why are christians, hindus,shias, ahmedies targeted on daily babsis by relegeous zeolots ?

why are hindu girls abducted , raped and then forciballi converted to islam ?

what was the basis of two nation theori?

why are many muslims followers of people like zaid hamis who openli boast of killing hindus and gazwa e hind and are proud that a mountain range in west of pakistan is named after the culling oh hindus ?

why do all terrorist in the worlsd get aafe haven in pakistan ?

see its the double standards , hypocracy and intolerence of pakistanies which is the root cause that india and pakistan can never be good freinds

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