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Pakistan and India...Why can't we be friends?

see its the double standards , hypocracy and intolerence of pakistanies which is the root cause that india and pakistan can never be good freinds

At least they can have peace, what war will give both of them?

We both are like 2 swords in South Asian region which USA uses. I like Indian Muslims not because they are minority but because they learnt the way to live with Hindus.

@Aamna14 here i give you another example, come in India any region any part.....you will feel secure (except J&K) but in Pakistan a Hindu cannot survive until and unless he/she is being oppressed....
India,Nepal,Bangladesh,Srilanka,Bhutan will have a different destiny than Pakistan. Pakistan should aspire to get close with Iran,Saudia and brother country Afghanistan. Secularism and hardline Islamic country cannot co-exist. another 200 years, Pakistan will evolve more close to middle east than to south Asia. the Punjabi and Sindhi population will slowly give up their Indic culture embracing the new identity.
0k then tell me why are non muslims targeted in all muslim nations ?

why were hindus killed in east pakistan in 1970 ?

why are christians, hindus,shias, ahmedies targeted on daily babsis by relegeous zeolots ?

why are hindu girls abducted , raped and then forciballi converted to islam ?

what was the basis of two nation theori?

why are many muslims followers of people like zaid hamis who openli boast of killing hindus and gazwa e hind and are proud that a mountain range in west of pakistan is named after the culling oh hindus ?

why do all terrorist in the worlsd get aafe haven in pakistan ?

see its the double standards , hypocracy and intolerence of pakistanies which is the root cause that india and pakistan can never be good freinds

Like i said you don't even want to know the root cause because your "know it all" attitude is more biased than you blame Muslims of being. When i talk about Muslims targetted in your place its shifting away from the topic but non Muslims are reason enough for you to pass a verdict on the "hypocrisy and intolerance" of Pakistanis. Anyways your attitude says it all. How many times you resort to name calling while i have never done that i never have and never will brand non Muslims in the stereotype of my liking. You spew hate and act as if the rest of the world is all ignorant except you. At least in this thread you are more biased and intolerant than the Muslims you blame so diligently so again like i said you prove it yourself.
At least they can have peace, what war will give both of them?

We both are like 2 swords in South Asian region which USA uses. I like Indian Muslims not because they are minority but because they learnt the way to live with Hindus.

@Aamna14 here i give you another example, come in India any region any part.....you will feel secure (except J&K) but in Pakistan a Hindu cannot survive until and unless he/she is being oppressed....

That can be debated. Anyways its no use speaking when people resort to name calling and still claim to be peaceful.
India,Nepal,Bangladesh,Srilanka,Bhutan will have a different destiny than Pakistan. Pakistan should aspire to get close with Iran,Saudia and brother country Afghanistan. Secularism and hardline Islamic country cannot co-exist. another 200 years, Pakistan will evolve more close to middle east than to south Asia. the Punjabi and Sindhi population will slowly give up their Indic culture embracing the new identity.
Why can't Pakistan share relations like Pak-China with India?

This south Asian region is most unstable region, 2 nuclear power can't be enemies until they both want to finish each other. India and Pakistan are 2 long lost brothers.
1. In 1857,the freedom loving soldiers of Hindustan had gathered before the rampart of the Lal Qilla in 1857 without any central direction, as if pulled by a magnetic attraction. The Sepoys were from all over, but mostly from the Bengal Army. They were Muslims and Hindus (Brahmin and Khatrya). When the frail old Emperor Bahadur Shah appeared on the rampart, the Sepoys broke into a slogan so loud and emotional that Delhi had never seen/heard before. The cry:

"Khalq e Khuda/
Takht e Padshah/
Huqumat e Sipahee"

had sent chill down the spine of the English Co from Calcutta to London. The English had written off the Mughal emperor as irrelevant in SA affairs.The Christian Church was mortified. Their sole objective in SA appeared jeopardized. The allegiance of all in SA - Hindus and Muslims, to the Mughal Emperor, a Muslim, was involuntarily and instantaneous.

2. This Hindu-Muslim unity was to terrify the British again during the Khilafat Movement. The stalwarts of that trend, C R Das and Netaji Subash, were exiled from Congress by the British stooges. Later when Jinnah showed such tendencies, he was also hounded out.

3. The English / British / Christian missionaries now set about immediate, midterm and long term measures to divide the population of Hindustan into acrimonious religious groups. Today we are slaughtering each other in the post long term phase. The crooked and cunning British has left us in a shape from which we may never recover in the foreseeable future. In essence the imperialists haven't left at all. That is why:
a.We are using his language abandoning Urdu, later exiled into Pakistan. Otherwise today there would be 2 blln Urdu speakers.
b. Throughout our life we try to speak/write good English, adopt English culture/custom and behave like Englishmen. But alas, eventually we fail. It is as if we were uncivilized/uncultured/pagans before the filthy English arrived to bathe in warm waters and eat human food.
c. We have adopted English common law as if we are English commoners. We use their jurisprudence,colonial administrative system, and system of governance.Was none of this present or unsuitable before they came? Then what did Sher Shah, Akbar and Jahangir give us? Is there a single instance of miscarriage of justice in the Shariah law we were following?Was there any Nand Kumar like incident in the entire Sulanate and Mughal era?

4. All these I mention because,sadly, v sadly, today Hindu India is allied to the sworn enemies of Islam/Muslims. In global polarization the Hindus should have been with the Muslim diaspora.
Excellent, very Excellent post @asad71. I think that Hindus, particularly nationalist variety would have a few issues with your post. You have gone beyond nationalism and ethnicity, and that is the only way peace can be brought to South Asia.

I am waiting for the day India elects a South Indian moderate to Prime Ministership. That day would be the beginning of the process that would bring peace to South Asia. Seriously folks North Indians, both current and former love to quarrel and fight.
1. In 1857,the freedom loving soldiers of Hindustan had gathered before the rampart of the Lal Qilla in 1857 without any central direction, as if pulled by a magnetic attraction. The Sepoys were from all over, but mostly from the Bengal Army. They were Muslims and Hindus (Brahmin and Khatrya). When the frail old Emperor Bahadur Shah appeared on the rampart, the Sepoys broke into a slogan so loud and emotional that Delhi had never seen/heard before. The cry:
"Khalq e Khuda/
Takht e Padshah/
Huqumat e Sipahee"

had sent chill down the spine of the English Co from Calcutta to London. The English had written off the Mughal emperor as irrelevant in SA affairs.The Christian Church was mortified. Their sole objective in SA appeared jeopardized. The allegiance of all in SA - Hindus and Muslims, to the Mughal Emperor, a Muslim, was involuntarily and instantaneous.

2. This Hindu-Muslim unity was to terrify the British again during the Khilafat Movement. The stalwarts of that trend, C R Das and Netaji Subash, were exiled from Congress by the British stooges. Later when Jinnah showed such tendencies, he was also hounded out.

3. The English / British / Christian missionaries now set about immediate, midterm and long term measures to divide the population of Hindustan into acrimonious religious groups. Today we are slaughtering each other in the post long term phase. The crooked and cunning British has left us in a shape from which we may never recover in the foreseeable future. In essence the imperialists haven't left at all. That is why:
a.We are using his language abandoning Urdu, later exiled into Pakistan. Otherwise today there would be 2 blln Urdu speakers.
b. Throughout our life we try to speak/write good English, adopt English culture/custom and behave like Englishmen. But alas, eventually we fail. It is as if we were uncivilized/uncultured/pagans before the filthy English arrived to bathe in warm waters and eat human food.
c. We have adopted English common law as if we are English commoners. We use their jurisprudence,colonial administrative system, and system of governance.Was none of this present or unsuitable before they came? Then what did Sher Shah, Akbar and Jahangir give us? Is there a single instance of miscarriage of justice in the Shariah law we were following?Was there any Nand Kumar like incident in the entire Sulanate and Mughal era?

4. All these I mention because,sadly, v sadly, today Hindu India is allied to the sworn enemies of Islam/Muslims. In global polarization the Hindus should have been with the Muslim diaspora.
Just answer this why Chinese(non muslims) are more dear to you than Hindus?
1. In 1857,the freedom loving soldiers of Hindustan had gathered before the rampart of the Lal Qilla in 1857 without any central direction, as if pulled by a magnetic attraction. The Sepoys were from all over, but mostly from the Bengal Army. They were Muslims and Hindus (Brahmin and Khatrya). When the frail old Emperor Bahadur Shah appeared on the rampart, the Sepoys broke into a slogan so loud and emotional that Delhi had never seen/heard before. The cry:
"Khalq e Khuda/
Takht e Padshah/
Huqumat e Sipahee"

had sent chill down the spine of the English Co from Calcutta to London. The English had written off the Mughal emperor as irrelevant in SA affairs.The Christian Church was mortified. Their sole objective in SA appeared jeopardized. The allegiance of all in SA - Hindus and Muslims, to the Mughal Emperor, a Muslim, was involuntarily and instantaneous.

2. This Hindu-Muslim unity was to terrify the British again during the Khilafat Movement. The stalwarts of that trend, C R Das and Netaji Subash, were exiled from Congress by the British stooges. Later when Jinnah showed such tendencies, he was also hounded out.

3. The English / British / Christian missionaries now set about immediate, midterm and long term measures to divide the population of Hindustan into acrimonious religious groups. Today we are slaughtering each other in the post long term phase. The crooked and cunning British has left us in a shape from which we may never recover in the foreseeable future. In essence the imperialists haven't left at all. That is why:
a.We are using his language abandoning Urdu, later exiled into Pakistan. Otherwise today there would be 2 blln Urdu speakers.
b. Throughout our life we try to speak/write good English, adopt English culture/custom and behave like Englishmen. But alas, eventually we fail. It is as if we were uncivilized/uncultured/pagans before the filthy English arrived to bathe in warm waters and eat human food.
c. We have adopted English common law as if we are English commoners. We use their jurisprudence,colonial administrative system, and system of governance.Was none of this present or unsuitable before they came? Then what did Sher Shah, Akbar and Jahangir give us? Is there a single instance of miscarriage of justice in the Shariah law we were following?Was there any Nand Kumar like incident in the entire Sulanate and Mughal era?

4. All these I mention because,sadly, v sadly, today Hindu India is allied to the sworn enemies of Islam/Muslims. In global polarization the Hindus should have been with the Muslim diaspora.
Why would India ally itself with any religious block.

Indians dont give a damn whether Muslims are killed in any other country, Indians dont give a damn whether Christians are killed in any other country.

There are 1.2 Billion Indians. We care for Indian interests - wherever and from which ever country that may be.
Exactly like China. Pakistani's and Razakars seem to think Chinese like Muslims or something.
They dont. They want their interests taken care of and will ally with any country that forwards their interests.
The 1857 thingy was a temporary convenience. The Mughals had been irrelevant in India for more than 100 years before 1857.

The stalwart of Khilafat was Mahatma Gandhi.

The Ali brothers turned on him soon after and showed their true colors.

India doesn't conduct it's business keeping religion in mind. It may be too difficult to understand for people from countries that were created on the basis of religious hate and exclusivity but that is not our problem to solve.

And who are these "sworn enemies of Islam/Muslims" that are being referred to?

India has nothing to do with the global Muslims (or any other religion). We just don't care.

We just don't need these cowardly Jihadis blowing up in our country.
well just in one case that india will admit importance of pakistan and also admit her mistakes
well just in one case that india will admit importance of pakistan and also admit her mistakes
We know the importance of Pakistan. What mistakes??? 26/11??? Pakistan denies everything,

--> Denies involvement in terrorist activities (LOL!)
--> Denies involvement in 26/11
--> Denies Osama was killed in their territory
--> Denies LoC ceasefire violations
--> Most favorite hangout place for terrorists
--> Terrorists like Hafiz Saed and Dawood Ibrahim are protected by Pakistan
We know the importance of Pakistan. What mistakes??? 26/11??? Pakistan denies everything,

--> Denies involvement in terrorist activities (LOL!)
--> Denies involvement in 26/11
--> Denies Osama was killed in their territory
--> Denies LoC ceasefire violations
--> Most favorite hangout place for terrorists
--> Terrorists like Hafiz Saed and Dawood Ibrahim are protected by Pakistan[/q

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