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Pakistan and India...Why can't we be friends?

I am forced to generalize when I see Spring Onion, Raz Pak have given free hand and if I retaliate mods ban me. Also I have seen the silence of the intellectuals at that time who are preaching peace now. You said "They should be......" but reality is they are not. That is why I am forced to generalize . The day I see your silent majority is vociferous against this minority and mods are taking action against them, I will stand by you.

Again there is no silent majority everybody has a different opinion if somebody is being biased why do you do the same and claim you are forced to. You can still get your point across without disrespecting a religion or culture.
Listen nobody is Waajib-ul Qatl and again you are making the same mistake branding everyone as the same thats unfair because not everybody necessarily supports the things you mention and they do speak out. Honestly speaking without any disrespect to any hindu i have heard many hindus claiming they eat beef in India similarly others might not. I am not disrespecting your opinion of considering the cow holy thats is your right but we don't even ask others to follow the Quran because thats what we believe in not others they are free to do as they like as they should be and being decent human beings they won't pick on somebody's religion in the first place that is if they are decent human beings.
I can show you few muslims who even wrote against your holy book. That does not give me any right to burn your holy book. Just tell me honestly, if some muslims drink alcohol, does that mean alcohol is halal and can be used as drink at your holy place ?
Eating cow is not mandatory. If using paper is part of my religion , can i use holy book papers for that ?

Yes but it is mandatory to sacrifice on Eid
Wrong. Cow slaughter is not a customary ritual. Personally I hate all kinds of slaughter though. Take this post only as of academic importance. Don't attach any emotional value.

When it comes to Eid ul Adha it is mandatory.
Again there is no silent majority everybody has a different opinion if somebody is being biased why do you do the same and claim you are forced to. You can still get your point across without disrespecting a religion or culture.
of course, everybody has a different opinion, but why a particular opinion is suppressed ? why it is always that we should tolerate all the shits about our religion and not the other way around ? Why dont your mods ban them or warn them after reported several times but why a person following a particular opinion is banned ? Why you remain silent when those so minorities were saying bad things against our religion but now opposing me ?
of course, everybody has a different opinion, but why a particular opinion is suppressed ? why it is always that we should tolerate all the shits about our religion and not the other way around ? Why dont your mods ban them or warn them after reported several times but why a person following a particular opinion is banned ? Why you remain silent when those so minorities were saying bad things against our religion but now opposing me ?
How is this related to this thread >.<
I can show you few muslims who even wrote against your holy book. That does not give me any right to burn your holy book. Just tell me honestly, if some muslims drink alcohol, does that mean alcohol is halal and can be used as drink at your holy place ?

I am not saying that i just referred to the fact that some hindus do it as well secondly We aren't asking or forcing you to do anything that disrespects your religion you can do as you like but if we have to scarifice a lamb or a cow when it is mandatory we have to. I have never at least in my knowledge seen Hindu scriptures getting disrespected and they shouldn't but when it comes to Muslims you look at the venom out there even you said such things yourself refusing to accept that you might be wrong.
I am not saying that i just referred to the fact that some hindus do it as well secondly We aren't asking or forcing you to do anything that disrespects your religion you can do as you like but if we have to scarifice a lamb or a cow when it is mandatory we have to. I have never at least in my knowledge seen Hindu scriptures getting disrespected and they shouldn't but when it comes to Muslims you look at the venom out there even you said such things yourself refusing to accept that you might be wrong.
I am also not forcing you disrespect your holy figure. If I am a I writer can write anything. So why do you people get offended when anyone write against your religion and then your scholars call them wajeb-ul qatl ?
Ignore him.....pathetic way to increase post counts!
Except some extremists hindus like Shiv Sena members...and some others which counts negligible in total population of India hates Pakistan .....a common Indian thinks of getting quality education and a good job rather than plotting plans against the other nation?

There are issues like 'Kashmir' which needs peaceful talk rather than using guns....their is no use of using violence.

Most people in Pakistan have the same concerns they are more worried about how to make both ends meet rather than foreign threats real or otherwise
I am also not forcing you disrespect your holy figure. If I am a I writer can write anything. So why do you people get offended when anyone write against your religion and then your scholars call them wajeb-ul qatl ?

Nobody is Waajib ul Qatl if a scholar says such a things its his lack of knowledge the life of any human being isn't that cheap if a scholar doesn't know even the basics of Islam and declares others as waajib ul Qatl then he is to be blamed. Yes people get offended because they don't write books on Christianity or Hinduism or other religions to get a nod from the West and if they do its equally wrong.
Most people in Pakistan have the same concerns they are more worried about how to make both ends meet rather than foreign threats real or otherwise
I opened this account to bash Pakistanis but here iam doing a peace talks... ;-)

I really enjoy friendly rivalry ....like Indo-Pak cricket matches but ugly gun battles, blood sheds on both sides... Many analysts even say India-Pakistan war will happen in next few decades...we the youth of both nations should try our level best to stop this..
I opened this account to bash Pakistanis but here iam doing a peace talks... ;-)

I really enjoy friendly rivalry ....like Indo-Pak cricket matches but ugly gun battles, blood sheds on both sides... Many analysts even say India-Pakistan war will happen in next few decades...we the youth of both nations should try our level best to stop this..

The youth needs to get rid of the chest thumping jingoism for once because it won't serve them in the least if it results in a war. Wars only end up doing irreversible damage to a region and its population on so many levels. Most people who do glorify war are not the ordinary people who would have to face its consequences and since we are speaking of two nuclear armed states the consequences would be too horrible to be deciphered.
The youth needs to get rid of the chest thumping jingoism for once because it won't serve them in the least if it results in a war. Wars only end up doing irreversible damage to a region and its population on so many levels. Most people who do glorify war are not the ordinary people who would have to face its consequences and since we are speaking of two nuclear armed states the consequences would be too horrible to be deciphered.
Both countries won't get into nuclear war, because it would be a suicide.

Both Pakistan and India have people which get influenced easily, elements like Zaid Hamid , Bal Thackeray and i would say again say 'media' are reasons behind flaring hatred between these 2 nations.
actualli the thing is pakistan as a nation state was concieved on the notion of hate against hindus was actualli promoted by the ulema after 1857 gadar and offficial demice of Mughal empire when muslims were helpless after british took over and the ulema started thinking of getting there easterwhile power back first people like sir syed ahmed khan tried by education but there was a differnt school of thaought which had other ideas and it statred palnting them in muslim sayki and it was feuled by British who saw a chance to control india thru devide and rule(which they learned after the cardiges fiasco leading the revolt of 1857 deu to beef tallow and pig fat) and the other things were more socio economik like

1. at that time(talking about the time after 1st WW) it had to do with emerging educated class of hindus whome the middle class muslims saw as a threat against there future interests cause hindus being more controlable & non baised against other relegeous communities and were preffered by railways, beurocracy, postal servisec ,judeciarry and other non forces kinda jobs ..

2.secondli muslim elite were against hindus getting power after british had gone because hindus by and large were against the feudal system and muslim elite was not comfortable with land reforms and doing away with there jageers

3.then there were muslim poor/low castes like ghosi, qasai, kunjre,sakke, julaheand others who were promised of" mal e ghanimat"(hindu girls and there money&land) if they being the majority be sucsessful in ethnick cleansing of hindus (which they did for there reward in NWFP,Sindh,Multan,Punjab,Bengaland treid to do in hydrabad daccen)

so the idea of pakistan was flouted by british in minds of Muslim Elite which watered down to muslim society as a whole and conception of pakistan was flouted

then came ghandi and nehru factor in congress after 1st world war which agitated jinnah as his idea of home rule was almost acepted before ghandi gave the idea of poorn swaraj & used non voilence, civil disobedeance and swadeshi which beame way more acepeted by the masses and soon Ghandi was leading congress and jinnah went into sulk

now came the nawabs and british who knew jinnah was a able person and had a grudge against ghandi so they patronised jinnah and coxed him to fight for differnt state for muslims

british knew they had to leave india after WW2 but wanted a partial control over india which became impossible with ghandi led congress and genrel indian popoulation hated the british
so they helped jinnah led MS create the pakistan and fedual muslim elite was always too eager & happy to support british and there pawn jinnah and some nawabas even used there pwoer and money for the same and spread the idea of ethinik cleansing of hindus where ever muslims were in majority


so tell me pakistani freinds how can a nation that was born on basick notion of hate hindus and feudalism can ever be a freind with India ...please dont mind my some harsh comments
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