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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

Where is nuke? This is water.
Whenever such a question arises Pakistanis always bring on the Nuclear Option

Just wanted to know from Pakistanis
  1. If you use TNWs it will be on Pakistani Soil. Do you seriously want to be the first (and probably the last nation) to use Nukes on your own people? Say we are about to capture Lahore. Will you use Nuke in the heavily populated Punjab region
  2. If you decide to use Strategic Nukes will you use them on military targets like missile bases or on civilian Population centers?
    1. If your first strike is on say Delhi in hope to cut off the political leadership it will not be effective as they will be in nuke proof bunkers. Yes millions of Civilians will die but political leadership will survive to order the second strike+ you will need more than 1 nuke to destroy 1400 sq km of delhi not to mention the ABM batteries
    2. If you strike the missile silos then civilian casualities will be limited and you will not sure that you have destroyed each and every silo not to mention airborne and seabased nukes
The way I see whatever be Pakistan's nuclear objective they will not be able to neutralize second strike capability leading to baraage of nukes on Pakistan
look just because it is not feasible today doesn't mean it will never be feasible....there is a reason Indian govt. has shown concerns when talks on dams on Brahmputra were on...

OK let me make it easy for you, it is not feasible for the next 100 years.

Does that work for you ? Indian govt. has shown rightful concerns about the talks on Brahmaputra because that is their JOB. But the same govt. also realise that there is nothing much china CAN do so these talks are at low priority.
. So if the Dams break (like the joke in Netherlands), the water will flow directly to Pakistan? Is India wanting Pakistan to "fetch" her water? That's possible in many ways :enjoy:
Water will flow but Pakistan will drowned, and will be termed as false flag.
Dam can be reconstructed and yes redestroyed
This is an effort to exploit on war option before war becomes inavitable. This shall be a big punch without any hostile war. What you can do without firing war, why should you go for a war?
Yes assumptions are usually the mother of all screw ups and this is where you screwed up. Your assumption that Chinese will look for any excuse to damage India is highly exaggerated and unfounded. China, like all nations, cares only for its own interests and the Indus Water Treaty (or lack of it) does not impact China's national interest in any way. Your assumption that China will go out of its way to antagonize India for Pakistan is baseless. China has a hugely favorable trade relation with India which is increasing every year. They would certainly not jeopardize that for something that does not concern them. Even morally China has no locus standi on this issue because China and India have no such treaty despite being in a very similar situation geographically.

You still don't get it, do you honestly think that if India goes down this route that things will carry on as normal? Chinese analysts have constantly called for the usage of waters that flow into India, to solve their own domestic water issues. The only thing which has deterred them is the negative fallout from such a venture, in light of India having quite a good agreement with Pakistan. Once your people start to play water wars, then your raise the threshold for extreme actions from their end, leaving Pakistan aside, the domestic pressure alone will call for such a move, after all, it's your government that pursued the policy first in the region. What reason will there be for China to continue as normal, when you're not?
As for antagonising india, they do that all the time, what's going to change? Oh yes that's right because you have trade with them they're just not going to do anything, and you wrote about me making exaggerated claims!
Your confidence in the whole "we trade with China they won't do anything" has already been shattered by their actions in the South China Sea, with nations they have far greater per capita trade with. Do tell me how trade relations have solved that dispute.You would have picked up on that had you read my replies to another poster.
By the way, instead of persistently engaging me you should lobby your government to go ahead with this move, considering you're a ardent backer of it. I wonder why it hasn't happened.
Since Jammu and Kashmir is occupied by India..the India state must share its part with JK...this has nothing to do with Pakistan...more like..India deprives occupied Kashmir from its share of water...and this would constitute a war crime as India is now guilty of looting natural resources of an occupied country.

Who knows ? Pakistan can even vacate occupied Kashmir seeing no more value when the waters stop flowing in.

What can Pakistan do if India builds dams across Indus, Chenab and Jhelum ?
Pakistan cannot do anything if India dumps IWT.

Why must India share water with Pakistan when each and every Pakistani gets excited when Indians perish ?
Options should be explored first inside IWT. Some work on this was done post Kargil. We have money to announce and complete new projects now. Should be looked into with urgency.
You still don't get it, do you honestly think that if India goes down this route that things will carry on as normal? Chinese analysts have constantly called for the usage of waters that flow into India, to solve their own domestic water issues. The only thing which has deterred them is the negative fallout from such a venture, in light of India having quite a good agreement with Pakistan. Once your people start to play water wars, then your raise the threshold for extreme actions from their end, leaving Pakistan aside, the domestic pressure alone will call for such a move, after all, it's your government that pursued the policy first in the region. What reason will there be for China to continue as normal, when you're not?
Only Indus and Sutlej have their fountain heads in Tibet. Majority of the water for these rivers are collected in India(39%) and Pakistan(47%). China accounts for very little here (6-15% based on source).
The place where China has leverage is Brahmaputra. Where they are already building many reservoirs and dams against the interests of India and Bangladesh. If anything, India should follow what China is doing with Brahmaputra and ensure that we have enough control over water.
Infact India can tighten the taps even without having to abrogate the IWT by utilizing waters to the maximum allowed in the treaty.
Regarding things going on as normal, this is not normal. You may like it, but for us to let the tap run even when you are killing our people in our home is not normal. We should ensure that Pakistan knows of the non violent repercussions of brewing trouble for India.
You still don't get it, do you honestly think that if India goes down this route that things will carry on as normal? Chinese analysts have constantly called for the usage of waters that flow into India, to solve their own domestic water issues. The only thing which has deterred them is the negative fallout from such a venture, in light of India having quite a good agreement with Pakistan. Once your people start to play water wars, then your raise the threshold for extreme actions from their end, leaving Pakistan aside, the domestic pressure alone will call for such a move, after all, it's your government that pursued the policy first in the region. What reason will there be for China to continue as normal, when you're not?
As for antagonising india, they do that all the time, what's going to change? Oh yes that's right because you have trade with them they're just not going to do anything, and you wrote about me making exaggerated claims!
Your confidence in the whole "we trade with China they won't do anything" has already been shattered by their actions in the South China Sea, with nations they have far greater per capita trade with. Do tell me how trade relations have solved that dispute.You would have picked up on that had you read my replies to another poster.
By the way, instead of persistently engaging me you should lobby your government to go ahead with this move, considering you're a ardent backer of it. I wonder why it hasn't happened.

I am not going to address your whole post although I disagree with you but you are right about one thing, nothing is going to change and the IWT is here to stay. Cheers.
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