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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

Indian boL Bachan still continue ........from 2008 till date ...
BCCI has taken a revenge and said will not play a cricket series with Pakistan.:coffee:
I believe we both are not able to push our points properly...Let me try one more time.
Again you're not quite getting he point, or maybe I'm not explaining it well. At the moment the Chinese won't bother, why go through the hassle, and they will be viewed negatively. If India embarks on the water escapades, then you will give them them miles of rope with which to work with. They have no reason to be nice, neutral, and be quite horrible in fact. By the way, China gains a great deal by stopping Indian water, it deals with domestic water issues, and comes tot he aid of an ally who is being given an unfair hand.
The first bold part is the whole point i am making..second is where i differ...Unless and until they have an interest of their own they won't do anything irrespective of how fair/unfair Pakistan is being treated....think on this with me...India Pakistan relations are simply pathetic when it comes to trade and business...They both can easily let go each other...this is not the case with China and India...In short Indus treaty has been upheld even during wars..the way this fact wont stop China from blocking waters(should domestic situation worsen) same wayit wont force them to do anything unless and until there is a tangible gain(read domestic situation)...

Why not? Precedent was set by Switzerland during WW2. They said to Nazis that they will poison the Rhine if they so much set one foot inside. It worked!!.

The treaty was strong for the last 3 wars. Maybe policy makers are at the wits end on containing the threat with minimum casualty to Indians.
Chinese can screw us anytime as there is no treaty there...the point is not about if they can screw us or not...the point is what they are going to get by screwing us...India Pakistan relationship is like that it wont hurt either party if we just stop dealing with each other...is the same true for China and India?? So in short what is that China going to gain by stopping water?? and the day they can without hurting their own interests they would...then it wont matter if we still oblige to Indus water treaty or not...no??


Chinese cannot screw us for the simple reason that Tibet is relatively uninhabited and there is no one to consume that water :lol:

Second water cannot be stored forever, the dam will overflow :cheesy:

Third, there is perma frost in Tibet so its neither cheap nor easy to do construction there.

Fourth, The mighty Himalayan ranges surround the Bhrama kund, so that water is not going anywhere.

Fifth, water will freeze at that temperature so its not that easy to transport it elsewhere

Sixth, Water can only flow downhill :cheesy: ....... and that will mean into India.

If the chinese really wanted to screw us on water, they will simply have to spend hundreds of billions of $ to do so. It would be cheaper to buy more aircrafts and missiles :lol:

Chinese cannot screw us for the simple reason that Tibet is relatively uninhabited and there is no one to consume that water :lol:

Second water cannot be stored forever, the dam will overflow :cheesy:

Third, there is perma frost in Tibet so its neither cheap nor easy to do construction there.

Fourth, The mighty Himalayan ranges surround the Bhrama kund, so that water is not going anywhere.

Fifth, water will freeze at that temperature so its not that easy to transport it elsewhere

Sixth, Water can only flow downhill :cheesy: ....... and that will mean into India.

If the chinese really wanted to screw us on water, they will simply have to spend hundreds of billions of $ to do so. It would be cheaper to buy more aircrafts and missiles :lol:
look just because it is not feasible today doesn't mean it will never be feasible....there is a reason Indian govt. has shown concerns when talks on dams on Brahmputra were on...
The question is can he cancel the treaty.

What will India do with the water? At some point in time they shall have to release the water.

india cannot use the Indus waters. Jhelum and Chenab are a different story

look just because it is not feasible today doesn't mean it will never be feasible....there is a reason Indian govt. has shown concerns when talks on dams on Brahmputra were on...

you cannot conquer geography
the damage can be severe to bangladesh which is the reason for india's concern
you cannot conquer geography
the damage can be severe to bangladesh which is the reason for india's concern
India was concerned that it will hurt Bangladesh and that's why raised it to china on their behalf?? Sorry but it is not making any sense...:disagree:

You can't challenge technology...what is not possible feasible today might be tomorrow...anyways we are wasting time on hypothesis so let's take a break....

India was concerned that it will hurt Bangladesh and that's why raised it to china on their behalf?? Sorry but it is not making any sense...:disagree:

You can't challenge technology...what is not possible feasible today might be tomorrow...anyways we are wasting time on hypothesis so let's take a break....

if bangladesh goes dry or under water where are all the bangladeshis going ? they are coming only to one country
if bangladesh goes dry or under water where are all the bangladeshis going ? they are coming only to one country
Dont you find it strange that the country who is going to impacted is not making the noise but the country which fears refugee crisis is making the noise...
Dont you find it strange that the country who is going to impacted is not making the noise but the country which fears refugee crisis is making the noise...

India was fast asleep too when the China Pak N collaboration commenced.Or , if it was awake , India certainly didn't show it.
India was fast asleep too when the China Pak N collaboration commenced.Or , if it was awake , India certainly didn't show it.
No India did what it can - protest ...as lip service as it can but we did protest....Bangladesh has decent enough relations with China...but still not as concerned as India...i wonder why??
No India did what it can - protest ...as lip service as it can but we did protest....Bangladesh has decent enough relations with China...but still not as concerned as India...i wonder why??

They will.But when India acts to protect its interests in the face of Chinese dams.And those protests will be directed agsinst India.

The onus is on India to acquaint BD with the prospects of what BD faces when the full brunt of the Chinese actions become evident on the ground with India then forced to react to protect its share of water.
Assumptions are usually the mother of all .......But you know the Chinese will look for any excuse to damage India, and what better with India playing the water game.

Yes assumptions are usually the mother of all screw ups and this is where you screwed up. Your assumption that Chinese will look for any excuse to damage India is highly exaggerated and unfounded. China, like all nations, cares only for its own interests and the Indus Water Treaty (or lack of it) does not impact China's national interest in any way. Your assumption that China will go out of its way to antagonize India for Pakistan is baseless. China has a hugely favorable trade relation with India which is increasing every year. They would certainly not jeopardize that for something that does not concern them. Even morally China has no locus standi on this issue because China and India have no such treaty despite being in a very similar situation geographically.
Whenever such a question arises Pakistanis always bring on the Nuclear Option

Just wanted to know from Pakistanis
  1. If you use TNWs it will be on Pakistani Soil. Do you seriously want to be the first (and probably the last nation) to use Nukes on your own people? Say we are about to capture Lahore. Will you use Nuke in the heavily populated Punjab region
  2. If you decide to use Strategic Nukes will you use them on military targets like missile bases or on civilian Population centers?
    1. If your first strike is on say Delhi in hope to cut off the political leadership it will not be effective as they will be in nuke proof bunkers. Yes millions of Civilians will die but political leadership will survive to order the second strike+ you will need more than 1 nuke to destroy 1400 sq km of delhi not to mention the ABM batteries
    2. If you strike the missile silos then civilian casualities will be limited and you will not sure that you have destroyed each and every silo not to mention airborne and seabased nukes
The way I see whatever be Pakistan's nuclear objective they will not be able to neutralize second strike capability leading to baraage of nukes on Pakistan
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