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Pak-Russia defence agreement

BAtman, I tolled you nothing will happen in the olympics, you was so convinced a bomb blast will take place.:taz:

Thanks almighty allaha it didn't happened, which was the good news, but taking premptive & talking premptive measures wasn't was a SIN then & now?
I was happy to be wrong about that, but just think what if , that has happened ?
OfF topic!
Why nato & US are so keen to change of rgimes in midlleast specially in sirya ?
Because sirya supports hizbollha & hizbollaha is the pain in the head of israel?
What is the motive behind anti-iranism of america, because iran stratagicly allways keeps israel as its primry target?
Why pakistan is a unspoken target, because of the fear that it can arm more islamic states with nuckes like it, has done to Iran & libya?

No independent policy making islamic nation is acceptable to israel & US!
Just right now turkey been kicked in a war against sirya, to soften siryan defences & america can swiftly can invade sirya later? Just like it did with iraq which asked to attacked diplomaticly kuwait?
Double staged attack on iraq in 15 years , & american flag was flying high in baghdad.
Just imagine , what if pakistan was asked to play a dirty role against IRAN ?
So its a big ball game , & this secret deal between pakistan & russia is vry upsetting to US, israel , & india .
On topic!
Another bullshit. Hindis think they are some kind of super power in the region or something. Pak & Russia will move forward & there is nothing you all can do anything about it.

But yes we can expect major terror activity from both US & India to damage the relationship because this is what you all use & it is an excuse for US & India as well. Plus I think we will see an Indian official going to Russia soon to stop Pak Russia new friendship but nothing will happen because Russia knows India is ditching Russia for US.

You can hatch as many eggs you want & you can also count the chickens, but you are done. India choose US over Russia.

Nope pak*...No change in policy of not arming India's adversaries: Russia - The Times of India
I don't think pakistan or Russia interested in defence deal ,Pakistan is using Russia card to counter balance America ,and russia is interested in pakistan Gas pipeline ,Steel mill and afghanistan and there is no way India can object on this front between two sovereign country.
Pakistan can buy weapons from china with easy long term loan and for SAM pakistan can buy HQ-19 from china

A complete version of the S-400, designated the HQ-19, was developed jointly with China. China provided the majority of the funding for development.[2] Photos of the S-400 in China were released by Jane's Information Group in May 2009.[26] Russia has also offered the system to the United Arab Emirates,[27] Malaysia,[citation needed] and Greece.[27

S-400 (SAM) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not quiet. By approaching Russia we are admitting the stupidity of our F.policy in last 40 years. Russia can also help us re-invent our "strategic depth" strategy and extend it to C.Asia and finally Turkey, something we have always wanted to achieve.
You are right but still its not too late . Once you have very good relation with russia and pakistan already have good relation with china US will will think twice to harm pakistan ,about strategic dept now problem after 2014 .
Pakistan has suffer alot now time is coming for peace an prosperity
You are right but still its not too late . Once you have very good relation with russia and pakistan already have good relation with china US will will think twice to harm pakistan ,about strategic dept now problem after 2014 .
Pakistan has suffer alot now time is coming for peace an prosperity

Really naive way of thinking .

Wake up ,Cold war is over a long time ago.

Russia and China need USA more than they need Pakistan and both Russia and China share

the same concerns about religious extremism as USA.

For Prosperity Pakistan needs to learn to stand on its on feet rather than clinging to superpowers one after another.
Really naive way of thinking .

Wake up ,Cold war is over a long time ago.

Russia and China need USA more than they need Pakistan and both Russia and China share

the same concerns about religious extremism as USA.

For Prosperity Pakistan needs to learn to stand on its on feet rather than clinging to superpowers one after another.

Wake up son, mama is going to pick u from the kindergrden!
Read it, its a hot war out there!
Russia to liberate the world from US occupation

Yevgeny Fyodorov
A State Duma deputy, the head of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Russian State Duma, Yevgeny Fyodorov, told Pravda.Ru of his impressions from visiting the APEC summit in Vladivostok. According to him, the meeting showed that the U.S. gradually loses absolute power in the world economy and politics. The power and influence of other countries, such as Russia and China, grows against such a background.

State Duma deputy, the head of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Russian State Duma Yevgeny Fyodorov:

"APEC is a very interesting and important event, although it seems to be an ordinary one. The leaders get together and discuss important issues, but in reality it is the key event in today's global scenario. With the onset of the global economic crisis,with political and economic turbulence, the APEC is a key event in terms of the demonstration of new vectors of unity of the international community outside the United States.
It is clear that it is not a split - everyone still plays by American rules, but the countries already demonstrate their independence in economic policy. I was there and saw how angry Mrs. Hillary Clinton was when she came from China, where several Chinese leaders - especially those who are to become top officials of China next year - did not even want to meet her. In China, Clinton was told no when she wanted to take on mediator's functions in resolving China's territorial disputes with Asian countries.

She also heard no in response to her requirement to set the yuan rate. It is an annual requirement of the United States to China to set the yuan rate for political reasons to pump resources and opportunities from China to the U.S. It is an additional form of tribute from China, which China had to deal with every year for political motives. Nowadays, the U.S. was refused. The world is changing.

Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly expressed his attitude to the dollar as the world reserve currency. In fact, he offered the countries of the world to start building a large number of regional currencies as an alternative to the reserve system of the dollar. This is a strong step and a strong move, including the initiative to switch to mutual payments. He also said that Russia and China had already switched to the system and he urged other countries to follow the example. This shows that the world begins to change fundamentally, and Russia's role at this point is to become the leader in changing the world. I would say that Putin as the leader of the national liberation movement in Russia, demonstrated himself at the event as a leader and provider of ideas for the world national liberation movement against the system of occupation, which was formed after 1991 not only about Russia but also China and many other countries.

From this point of view, it is the key and turning meeting of the leaders of world's largest economies, which creates conditions to reformat the entire economic system of the world - moving away from the U.S. Do not forget that the U.S. consumes a half the world's GDP, despite the fact that there is only 4.5 percent of the population living there. In other words, they eat ten times as much as compared to the citizens of all other countries. And they eat at the expense of China, Russia, India, Brazil - all other countries.

Today, the world begins to unite against the colonizer - USA. For the time being, it is a conceptual and preparatory process, but it takes place. In this regard, I would call the preliminary results of the meeting in the Far East the meeting of the future members of the world national liberation movement to free the world from the U.S. occupation.

Elizaveta Lavrentieva


Read the original in Russian
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Come back tommarow after history period , I will give you more of this yummy !
Pakistan, Russia move closer

President Putin canceled his visit to Pakistan at the last moment. The Bharati punditry was ecstatic. The newspapers from Delhi to Deccan applauded in unison while the leftist wannabe elite in Islamabad got ample ammunition to deride the Pakistani foreign policy. Friends who get great pleasure when bad news emanates from Islamabad made it a point to send us the links. Commentators on this site were besides themselves.
The euphoria was a bit pre-mature. Now that the dust is settling down, the news from the Volga is not all that bad for Pakistan. As a matter of fact, the news is good coming from the Russian Ministry of Defence.
It seems that Russia is ready to sell arms to Pakistan, but in deference to Delhi’s sensibilities, Moscow will initially sell Islamabad equipment which is dual use. It is clear that Moscow already sells the RD-93 engine to Pakistan albeit it is through China. Pakistan can now expect direct sales from Moscow.
Kommersant Sergei Strokan, has written an article “Pakistan and Russia move closer toward military cooperation.”

He quotes Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies says “Russia no longer intends to please India by refusing to cooperate militarily with Pakistan – a country that holds serious sway over the situation in Central Asia and Afghanistan.”
“Pakistan exerts huge influence over the country. Moscow is racking its brains over how to ensure the safety and security of the southern borders of the CIS when U.S. and NATO troops finally pull out of Afghanistan. If Russia continues to snub Pakistan in favor of India, it would ultimately run contrary to the interests of Russia’s security
,” Pukhov said.
Russia is expected to assist Pakistan in upgrading the Steel Mills, and providing roads and rail assistance in connecting Tajikistan with Pakistan. Some MOUs have also been signed on energy.
“Russia is unlikely to sell Islamabad an air defense system or fighter aircraft,” said Pukhov. “Still, dual-use systems, such as the Mi-17 helicopter, could be supplied, in addition to combat training and the exchange of military experts.”

The news emanating from the Caucus mountains is that Russia want to get closer to Pakistan because Islamabad holds tremendous influence on Afghanistan and the former Turkish states of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan etc. It is to be noted that Pakistan has a border with Tajikistan –were it not for the Wakhan corridor–which was illegally handed over to Afghanistan to create a buffer between the IVC successor state of Pakistan and the USSR.
Joshua Kucera has also written an artcile–”Fearing Afghanistan, Russia Gets Closer To Pakistan”.
Russian Ministry of Defense, in an interview with Kommersant:
“India remains Moscow’s most important partner in the area of [military-technical cooperation], both in terms of volume and potential. Yet Delhi’s attempts to diversify its supplies of new weapons – increasingly from Western countries – are making Russia flinch. Moscow has explained to Delhi, in no uncertain terms, that it can also diversify its military-technical ties by means of a rapprochement with Pakistan.”
Press reports emanating from Russia seem to indicate that Russia is keenly interested in building ties with Pakistan. A regional block could be the end result. Moscow already has set up the Dushambe 4 with Tajikistan and Afghanistan. The SCO is another vehicle which unites Pakistan with Russia.
The Hindu, in a piece headlined “Growing Russia-Pakistan ties a reality that India will have to live with” quotes an unnamed Russian diplomat saying as much:
“India could have been more loyal to Russia in the field of military and technical cooperation and saved it from the disagreeable situation in which Moscow on its own has to search for markets to sell military equipment meant for Delhi,” said another Russian diplomat. The consolation: even in the most optimistic scenario, the diplomat asserted, military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan would remain insignificant and would not alter the balance of power in the region.
But Afghanistan is perhaps the key driver in the Russia-Pakistan rapprochement, writes Sadhavi Chauhan in an analysis for OpenDemocracy:
While Pakistan’s deteriorating relations with the US have led it to look for new regional allies, Russia’s increased closeness to Islamabad is primarily motivated by the situation in Pakistan and around. As the US prepares to curtail its presence in Afghanistan by 2014, Russia fears that state failure in that country will cause a spillover of Islamic fundamentalism into Central Asia, and from there into the southern regions of Russia. Having just dealt with Islamist secessionist movements in Chechnya and the South Caucasus, this is not a scenario that Russia would welcome.
In this context, while Russia is aware of Islamabad’s role in fomenting international terrorism, it realises that any successful resolution of the problems associated with Afghanistan must involve Pakistan. A cancelled presidential visit cannot change the relevance of this, or of Russia’s goal, in enhancing ties with Pakistan, of securing greater cooperation on counter terrorism.
Pukhov agrees:
“Pakistan exerts huge influence over the country. Moscow is racking its brains over how to ensure the safety and security of the southern borders of the CIS when U.S. and NATO troops finally pull out of Afghanistan. If Russia continues to snub Pakistan in favor of India, it would ultimately run contrary to the interests of Russia’s security.”
The recent visit of General Kayani to Russia meant that the balance of power has now started to shift in a lot of ways towards Pakistan. We have already seen many instances of Pakistani leadership retracting itself from the American camp due to their charming ability to treat their allies like slaves and not listening to their problems, concerns, and spectacularly failing to identify all conflicts of interests.

It now appears as though the establishment and the leadership of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has shifted gears towards Russia, who now see us as their potential friend; as the old saying goes "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" this is where interests of Pakistanis and Russians converge.

What does this mean for the region? Well, as a past enemy, the Russian Federation has always loathed Pakistan and even played a major role in dismemberment of the Eastern Wing of the country back in 1971, however, a new resolve to oust the American influence in the region is where now Pakistanis see themselves as the emerging power in the Central Asian and Middle Eastern region.

Due to the influence Pakistan already wields in this region, the Russians will stand to gain a powerful ally in the South Asian region and easy access to warm waters. This means ease of austerity measures and more fluid economy for Central Asian'istan' countries.

Pakistan stands to gain at several points but it would be a true test of time of the Pakistani leadership to maintain its ties and mutual beneficial exchange between the two countries. If Pakistan cannot capitalize on this opportunity then it would require a miracle to save its economic condition from the current state of turmoil.

So the big question then becomes, what can Pakistan really achieve by signing on with the Russians? That remains to be seen. But a speculative analysis would lead us to believe that Pakistan can better its economy, become self-sufficient, and work as a balancing factor in the region against both the Americans and the Indians.

Russians are our permanent neighbors whereas Americans are mere guests, it may be more than prudent to say that hopping aboard the Russian train will bring many more benefits than with the American bandwagon, but at the same time Pakistanis cannot rely on any power player to provide for its economy; that Pakistanis will have to do on their own using their wits as best as possible.

There are many weighing factors, which will come into play when Pakistan steps into the Russian camp, but in order to steer itself clear from trouble, Pakistan will have to keep the current Syrian conflict in mind and act accordingly to maneuver itself and the world for more favorable peaceful circumstances.

Pak1stanFirst-Russian visit: insights | Reports
A visit by Kiyani, if is added such grave importance, shows that pakistani members believe here that their democracy is nothing but a Sham; He is army chief not, leader of your parliament.
just 1 question what pakistan really achieved by being close (so damn close ki nak ke baal jaisa) to america and china that they r desperate to sit in russian lap. Earlies "closeness" brought nothng except misery and jehadis the new one wont bring any thing much better.
A visit by Kiyani, if is added such grave importance, shows that pakistani members believe here that their democracy is nothing but a Sham; He is army chief not, leader of your parliament.

I don't care about democracy in Pakistan. I would have a strong leader who can lead Pakistan than a stupid party called PPP.
I don't care about democracy in Pakistan. I would have a strong leader who can lead Pakistan than a stupid party called PPP.

Just fucked off Democracy , National Interests comes first

Wait a sec, i am confused... I thought jinnah wanted some democracy stuff that he talked about, have you guys already given up on that ? So is ayub now the father of pakistan or something?
Wait a sec, i am confused... I thought jinnah wanted some democracy stuff that he talked about, have you guys already given up on that ? So is ayub now the father of pakistan or something?

Seriously we (generaly) don't give a sh!t about democracy!! Stop talking like kids, we want a modern state based on Islamic principes and that all!! Who ever have a problem with that, can go to the hell, we don't care about them !
Its good for India , in even of War, Russia can stop supply of Engines spare parts .... reducing their airforce ..........Russia and India both benefit

Russia get Hard Cash , I
India get hold on Pak military, in terms of controlling spare parts quality n quality and stop in case it want , incapable there flying horses.

Wow , both finger in butter .....its good deal , Go PAK GO

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