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The Canadian air space violations were done for mere testing of the plasma stealth the Russians have developed... It was tested on a flight of Tu-22s... They were literally undetected...

And the Chinese getting plasma tech is something impossible... The Ruskies will never give it...:tongue:

And if the chinese are so innovative like you said, they wouldnt have reverse engineered Russian products so cheaply...

Mind you they are yet to acquire (build) an aircraft carrier...:smitten:
This is like talking about who is going to win the world cup in 2050. Too early.
China is atleast 25 years behind Russia in terms of aeronautics. Most of their programmes are base on Russian designs and helps. Topic closed.
Would these two jets be equally good or better/superior than another one?

Russia and India are jointly developing PAK-FA. Both nations are funding / creating technology for stealthy beast. What is the current status of PAK-FA?

China intends to put J-XX under operational by 2015.

When PAK-FA would be inducted?

the chinese jxx


the indian pakfa

pakfa vs jxx why not Jyy does it matter?

why not LMFS VS XBC?

let pakfa get a final config this is not the product and other one product of JXX i hope to see someday in the distant future till then compare what you have ....
nobody knows exactly the full capabilities all we know is from the news in the air so and one plane is a prototype and other isz in development were prototype isz under prduction so budddy what is there to discuss

it will be something like kids saying my dad is greater and the other one saying mine isz greater. nothing but it will be a trolls thread no point of discussions
China is atleast 25 years behind Russia in terms of aeronautics. Most of their programmes are base on Russian designs and helps. Topic closed.

I doubt it, going by the number of patents and technical literature coming from Chinese research centers in the last ten years. If you don't believe do some research on the topic we discussed last 'digital beam forming' and look at the number of credible Chinese sources that pop up.
I think we should be realistic.

America is far ahead in terms of Fighter jets and Bombers. Avionics etc.

They made the first bombers which can travel more than Mach 2.0 speed, Stealth fighters, drones. Because they spent money on research and education.

Yes the world is trying to catch them but still need more resources. The Chines is also doing well since last 2 decades but still very much to improve.
Russia was doing till in 80's but are also behind in term of new fighter jets and Aviation industry then America.

I doubt it, going by the number of patents and technical literature coming from Chinese research centers in the last ten years. If you don't believe do some research on the topic we discussed last 'digital beam forming' and look at the number of credible Chinese sources that pop up.

Thats totally unfair!! If number of patents is the criteria of scientific and technological advantages in aeronautics and aviation industry than Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and few other countries may already developed a good fighter aircraft without other's help.

China's aviation technologies and industry is yet to mature in the line of US, Russia and Europe. They have huge infrastructure and bases for developing systems. China got much of the helps from Russia and Israel for their last fighter J-10. They need to work a lot.

BTW don't start next time a thread like PAK DA vs J-ZZ. :taz:
Thats totally unfair!! If number of patents is the criteria of scientific and technological advantages in aeronautics and aviation industry than Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and few other countries may already developed a good fighter aircraft without other's help.

China's aviation technologies and industry is yet to mature in the line of US, Russia and Europe. They have huge infrastructure and bases for developing systems. China got much of the helps from Russia and Israel for their last fighter J-10. They need to work a lot.

BTW don't start next time a thread like PAK DA vs J-ZZ. :taz:

I think you're confusing with the ability to build something with the willingness to build something. If SK or Japan had spent as much effort building an indigenous aircraft the past 20 years as China has, I'm sure they'd be able to build something on at least on the level of the Gripen by now and probably closer to the Eurofighter or Raphael range. But why would they? There are simply too many political and economical incentives for them NOT to do so.
Alot of chinese research works stays in chinese and are not translated.

This gives people the impression that China has only started research work since opening up, when infact they are now doing more research in english.

And also translate previous research work if they think others are also working on it, to prevent claims of copying.

I remember there is an instance where Japanese annunced a break through in an area of material science. Couple of weeks later a more improved version surfaced in China and have them shocked. But actually the research was already done and they just translated the paper from chinese archive into english
no not even on par...no chance...it wont be anywhere near pak-fa in 2015..maybe in 2030-35....

Exactly, maybe the Puke will match the J-XX after 2030 or something however, in these decades to come, it won't come anywhere near the J-XX. Afterall, everything Indian has failed so far...
Alot of chinese research works stays in chinese and are not translated.

This gives people the impression that China has only started research work since opening up, when infact they are now doing more research in english.

And also translate previous research work if they think others are also working on it, to prevent claims of copying.

I remember there is an instance where Japanese annunced a break through in an area of material science. Couple of weeks later a more improved version surfaced in China and have them shocked. But actually the research was already done and they just translated the paper from chinese archive into english

This is true. In fact, I talked to a fellow South Korean who has a masters, and he told me that in South Korea the master & phD researchers can all read Chinese (because they need to read Scientific Literature in Chinese) even though they cannot speak it. I ask him how they know how to read, they told me it's a gradual thing.

I also want to make a point on "patents". The patent applications (and granted) quoted by Martian2 is only those filed in the USA (and EU). Keep in mind there's a lot of prejudice against Asians in USA and EU. To file a single patent application costs upwards of $14,000 to $100,000.... and that does not guarantee your application will be accepted, which means you can lose all that money for nothing! While Chinese are being rejected one too many times, the Americans are being granted patents for ridiculous things (such as "one click", etc). Thus, it only makes it "appear" the Americans are more "innovative" than the Chinese. This does not factor in the numerous patents from Taiwan, HK, Singapore, etc. Nor does it factor in patents and inventions and innovation in mainland China.

So why do people want to patent in USA, you ask? Basically as a tool to prevent entry to market by competitors. :angel:
Till the Time PAK-FA iss not completed, J-XX cannot be a reality or if Blue prints are stolen from US, then its a Different case for China, all in all J-XX it will be a cheap rip-off as its already produced bretheren.
Till the Time PAK-FA iss not completed, J-XX cannot be a reality or if Blue prints are stolen from US, then its a Different case for China, all in all J-XX it will be a cheap rip-off as its already produced bretheren.

Well said pal, who say Indians are not smart ?
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