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PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

Well this was a waste of time
PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report
21 Feb, 2019


ISLAMABAD – The Pakistan Air Force is reportedly readying itself against any misadventure by India amid rising tensions between two nuclear-armed neighbours in the aftermath of Pulwama attack.

War drums seem to be beating between the two countries as fighter jets from Pakistan and India are reportedly taking to skies on unusual low-level flights.

A number of social media users in Pakistan took to Twitter to share that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighters jets broke sound barriers at Shakargarh and Sialkot sectors twice on Thursday, giving a strong message to India that any adventure would be responded with heavily.

The reports of sonic booms near the Working Boundary come amid the PM Imran’s authorisation of a comprehensive military retaliation in case of any aggression by India.

Pakistan’s National Security Committee also discussed the ongoing tension between the two countries, with top civilian and military leadership standing on one page.

The NSA committee also noted that the Feb 14 attack was conceived, planned and executed on the Indian soil, and that Pakistan had nothing to do with the Pulwama bombing.
Here is the mirage jet flying low over Karachi at night .

PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report
21 Feb, 2019


ISLAMABAD – The Pakistan Air Force is reportedly readying itself against any misadventure by India amid rising tensions between two nuclear-armed neighbours in the aftermath of Pulwama attack.

War drums seem to be beating between the two countries as fighter jets from Pakistan and India are reportedly taking to skies on unusual low-level flights.

A number of social media users in Pakistan took to Twitter to share that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighters jets broke sound barriers at Shakargarh and Sialkot sectors twice on Thursday, giving a strong message to India that any adventure would be responded with heavily.

The reports of sonic booms near the Working Boundary come amid the PM Imran’s authorisation of a comprehensive military retaliation in case of any aggression by India.

Pakistan’s National Security Committee also discussed the ongoing tension between the two countries, with top civilian and military leadership standing on one page.

The NSA committee also noted that the Feb 14 attack was conceived, planned and executed on the Indian soil, and that Pakistan had nothing to do with the Pulwama bombing.

They don't seem to have any first-hand reports. Took things from this forum & other social media outlets and made up the news.
What's latest is that:

Pakistan Air force is on High Alert. Fighter Jets loaded with A2A and A2G weapon systems.

The 10KM rule was reaffirmed in the bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan, known as the "Agreement On Prevention of Air Space Violations and For Permitting Over Flights and Landings by Military Aircraft."

A. Combat aircraft (to include fighter, bomber, reconnaissance and armed helicopter aircraft) will not fly within 10 kms of each other's airspace including ADIZ. No aircraft of any side will enter the airspace over the territorial waters of either country, except by prior permission.

B. Unarmed transport and logistics aircraft including unarmed helicopters, and Air Observation Post (AOP) aircraft, will be permitted up to 1000 meters from each other's airspace including ADIZ.



Meanwhile there is a news from Eastern borders that: The explosions heard in Zafarwal and Narowal areas on Eastern borders of Pakistan are Indian jets creating sonic boom.
They are holding a military drill on their side of the borders.
Although intimidating but it's a normal thing fighter jets do during exercises.
Pakistan army has Increased presence in the area but no shots fired from any side yet.
They don't seem to have any first-hand reports. Took things from this forum & other social media outlets and made up the news.

Reporting is so far close to the situation. PAF is demonstrating operational readiness & patrols air space knowing adversary threats & tactics. You can say that like an SOP in such times.
Relax. India is war gaming near our borders deliberately to get a reaction - they've got one.

Follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He lived constantly prepared for war, and spent his days and nights in remembrance of the Almighty.
A true Muslim's life is like that of a soldier. He's in active duty while being alive in this Dunya. Only death is like a certificate of discharge with honor and privileges. He knows the SUSTAINER, who catered for his rations, boarding, salary, arms, ammunition, training etc. in this Dunya, won't let him be in despair in Ahiret!!! Rather, he will receive his true awards/rewards etc. along with a lavish pension to lead a relaxed and worries-free life among family and friends in Ahiret...

In the Kuran-i Kerim it's implied that the human beings will be standing on the Roz-i Hashr reminiscent of the formations in the military parade ground!!! Each formation with it's commander, sub-commanders, lieutenants etc.!!! And, they will be judged like who was a strong or a weak soldier....
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No worries Indians are trying to create an environment of war for their people for upcoming election nothing will happen if something does happen let me tell you many will not vote this time around. our political leadership and armed forces are on the same page.
Not jet over Islamabad, kia chakar ha bhai 2,4 jahaz humen b dekha do hum b khush ho jaen.
Try to satisfy your curiosity by thinking what it actually means in terms of two nucleqr powers.... Dont use words mincing

Nothing at all.
PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report
21 Feb, 2019


ISLAMABAD – The Pakistan Air Force is reportedly readying itself against any misadventure by India amid rising tensions between two nuclear-armed neighbours in the aftermath of Pulwama attack.

War drums seem to be beating between the two countries as fighter jets from Pakistan and India are reportedly taking to skies on unusual low-level flights.

A number of social media users in Pakistan took to Twitter to share that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighters jets broke sound barriers at Shakargarh and Sialkot sectors twice on Thursday, giving a strong message to India that any adventure would be responded with heavily.

The reports of sonic booms near the Working Boundary come amid the PM Imran’s authorisation of a comprehensive military retaliation in case of any aggression by India.

Pakistan’s National Security Committee also discussed the ongoing tension between the two countries, with top civilian and military leadership standing on one page.

The NSA committee also noted that the Feb 14 attack was conceived, planned and executed on the Indian soil, and that Pakistan had nothing to do with the Pulwama bombing.

Indians have an advantage when it comes to high altitude.

I doubt they will be interested in any low level intrusion.
Our air defense ( radars and weapons ) have a handicap;
Should PAF use AWACS is something different.

BTW the best interceptor is Mig21 (F7PG).
Thunders were flying out of Karachi tonight.

Minhasians have task to patrol over sea too.

Indians have an advantage when it comes to high altitude.

I doubt they will be interested in any low level intrusion.
Our air defense ( radars and weapons ) have a handicap;
Should PAF use AWACS is something different.

BTW the best interceptor is Mig21 (F7PG).

Jags along with Mig-27s, M2Ks are low level birds and can be escorted by Mi-29s and that is capable package in NCW environment and Pakistan don't take things lightly.
The 10Km rule was reaffirmed in the bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan, known as the "Agreement On Prevention of Air Space Violations and For Permitting Over Flights and Landings by Military Aircraft." Signed in New Delhi on 6 April 1991. Here are the two core clauses:

a. Combat aircraft (to include fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, jet military trair.er and armed helicopter aircraft) will not fly within 10 kms of each other's airspace including ADIZ. No aircraft of any side will enter the airspace over the territorial waters of the ether country, except by prior permission.

b. Unarmed transport and logistics aircraft including unarmed helicopters, and Air Observation Post (AOP) aircraft, will be permitted upto 1000 metres from each other's airspace including ADIZ.

Why has an answer been ascribed to me that is incorrect? Where is my actual answer?

This is what I had said:

This is the Hour of the Fanboy.

Best to keep well out of the way.

Please correct your post immediately.
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