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PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

nahi sab nay L pe rakha huwa hey ... phir manay socha may b L ka he istemaal karoon
کوئی بات نہیں جگر شروع میں مشکلات ہوتی ہین ہر جگہ۔ سیٹ ہو جائے گا دل چھوٹا نا کرنا بس لگا رہے
Kiddo if that was a stockpile then a successful strike had made it clear that it wasnt actually a wasteland.

A lot of has changed since 65 other than long distance strikes such as BVR,stealth tech etc etc.

Source...beta my source is not like your Wikipedia whose links I can post here...these words are from a discussion I had with a pilot sometime back.

This is my last reply to a kiddo who believes we have shot down indian jets who made a successful strike over stockpile aka wasteland.

You should also question your sanity and comprehension to read.
I simply relayed that these were the rumours.

And secondly, a guy who can only call others a 'kiddo' and cannot explain or back his point, doesn't have a point to begin with. Stop pretending, thanks.
Can we keep this thread only for real substantiated news
QUOTE="شاھین میزایل, post: 11190472, member: 182150"]
What a childish claim by this person.In these times when PAF is at high alert such a thing can never happen,as soon as any aircraft closes towards border an ADA scramble will take place from our side.According to International Laws no military plane can come inside 10nm of border from both sides.

Also "dropped bombs over wasteland" wth man.They are also pilots and a fighting force,they are capable of making strikes.A bombing mission takes 8 hours more or less time of preparation and then it is executed.Aise munh utha k ni a jaty k jidhr dill kea bomb gira den gy.
Also shooting down enemy aircrafts will surely start a war between the two countries.

Kindly refrain from posting such stupid stuff.

This is the Hour of the Fanboy.

Best to keep well out of the way.

I think cool heads required..

Cup of tea joe?

Darjeeling or Earl Grey? Unless you are the hard-core type who swears by Assam? My wife used to like Nilgiris, Kanan Devan to be precise, and I never could get used to it.

Rate at which barrel can sustain it's integrity and depot can sustain it's supply line.

You realise how that one will go, right? :D
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Why only F16 and Mirage? Wheres THUNDER????? If there's an encounter - I wanna see Thunder down a MaKhI :devil:
Thunders were flying out of Karachi tonight.
Its called disproportionate responsee...

Wouldn't a shriek of horror have done as well?

I am curious to know: do you realise what this means for a nation hard-up for funds and for every type of military supply?

Twice as powerful. For example ATGM in response to Mortar. Propelled grenade in response to a bullet. Silver sniper bullets in response to small caliber fire


How many ATGMs do you have?
How many RPGs do you have?
How many snipers do you have?

Do you get what I'm trying to say for this as a policy?
it was just a mock drill man
Any chances of spotting fighters jets on flight radar ??
Any chances of spotting fighters jets on flight radar ??
negative nil never bro no chance
negative nil never bro no chance
Thanks for the reply jenab
I am curious to know: do you realise what this means for a nation hard-up for funds and for every type of military supply?

Try to satisfy your curiosity by thinking what it actually means in terms of two nucleqr powers.... Dont use words mincing
What a childish claim by this person.In these times when PAF is at high alert such a thing can never happen,as soon as any aircraft closes towards border an ADA scramble will take place from our side.According to International Laws no military plane can come inside 10nm of border from both sides.

Also "dropped bombs over wasteland" wth man.They are also pilots and a fighting force,they are capable of making strikes.A bombing mission takes 8 hours more or less time of preparation and then it is executed.Aise munh utha k ni a jaty k jidhr dill kea bomb gira den gy.
Also shooting down enemy aircrafts will surely start a war between the two countries.

Kindly refrain from posting such stupid stuff.

The 10Km rule was reaffirmed in the bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan, known as the "Agreement On Prevention of Air Space Violations and For Permitting Over Flights and Landings by Military Aircraft." Signed in New Delhi on 6 April 1991. Here are the two core clauses:

a. Combat aircraft (to include fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, jet military trair.er and armed helicopter aircraft) will not fly within 10 kms of each other's airspace including ADIZ. No aircraft of any side will enter the airspace over the territorial waters of the ether country, except by prior permission.

b. Unarmed transport and logistics aircraft including unarmed helicopters, and Air Observation Post (AOP) aircraft, will be permitted upto 1000 metres from each other's airspace including ADIZ.
Thanks for the reply jenab
flight radar is web like pdf . they send receivers to volunteers whom install them in home and antenna on roof top its give info live . but if aeroplane have no transponder in it its not show on flight radar on any other web . military fighters choppers and many other aircraft have no transponders on them like commercial flights .although some bigger planes on transponder sometime .like AWACS or transport electronic warfare aircraft so flight radar antenna pick them . otherwise most 97% of time its stay invisible for common public only ATC can see them live on radars they keep off transponders

Wouldn't a shriek of horror have done as well?

I am curious to know: do you realise what this means for a nation hard-up for funds and for every type of military supply?


How many ATGMs do you have?
How many RPGs do you have?
How many snipers do you have?

Do you get what I'm trying to say for this as a policy?

We all know what sabre rattling is. Well actually I guess by the sounds of things some people don't.
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