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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

He needs to be replied in his own language. Make no mistake, he used to be a decent respectful and knowledgeable member but has completely lost it since the last ten years looking for just his own praise and glory. Not one senior member from well before me he hasn’t insulted with demeaning terms while ranting and raving on him being anaouzubillah some prophet of god sent to educate us all.

Age is one thing, but that doesn’t give you a free pass to behave like an arsehole to everyone.
I agree with your comments and in my opinion instead of replying you can ignore his bashing respecting his age. I have seen many people when they get older their behavior becomes un predictable so maybe the age issue.
I agree with your comments and in my opinion instead of replying you can ignore his bashing respecting his age. I have seen many people when they get older their behavior becomes un predictable so maybe the age issue.
That’s been the policy I have been following

Either way, lets focus on the J-10C and avoid further derailment with useless online squabbling - ruins the purpose of this place.
if anyone has watched it then at 32;10-20 its been said there that bvr weapon is indigenous..can someone confirm it..
The mod deleted my post when I commented on that but its basically falsehood the pilot should not have said. Seems like a disease of calling everything JF-17 related indigenous.
The mod deleted my post when I commented on that but its basically falsehood the pilot should not have said. Seems like a disease of calling everything JF-17 related indigenous.
Probably was a slip of the tongue based on using indigenous frequently when talking of JF-17 or maybe was disingenuous of him saying indigenous.
That’s been the policy I have been following

Either way, lets focus on the J-10C and avoid further derailment with useless online squabbling - ruins the purpose of this place.
Well focusing on J-10C i have one question from you and all other senior members. Is J-10C brings some new armaments that we dont have previously skipping PL-10 and PL-15... i mean for ground attack and anti ship especially?
Well focusing on J-10C i have one question from you and all other senior members. Is J-10C brings some new armaments that we dont have previously skipping PL-10 and PL-15... i mean for ground attack and anti ship especially?
Nothing the JF-17 may already not be capable of using but it may not be able to employ Pakistani weaponry (Raad, Takbir, ReK) from the get go unless its been resolved already. What do you think @Deino ?

There was life before he got on PDF---in his old form---he condemned pakistan---called it a beggar nation---stated that pakistan will never get anything from china---pakistan has nothing to offer---.

As for the F15---with 22 missiles loaded as that poster stated---it is vulnerable to any other 4.5 gen aircraft with an equally capable BVR missile.

You kids just love to post numbers---thinking like they are everything.

He might have his share of bad judgements but who is perfect in life? WE are all humans, good Sir.

You are repeating the same assertion without realizing that F-15EX and J-10C are not even in the same weight-class. That F-15EX is literally designed to retain impressive maneuverability with a much higher payload than any MWF due to having a much bigger frame, structural strength, low wing loading and a high thrust-to-weight ratio. None of this matters in your calculus, right? Do you think that J-10C will retain impressive maneuverability when fully loaded? F-15EX is also equipped with some of the largest and most powerful sensor systems produced for a jet fighter. It is equipped with a much bigger and powerful radar system (4th generation AESA), and its EW capabilities are cutting-edge and full-spectrum as well. Everything counts in a fight.
Nothing the JF-17 may already not be capable of using but it may not be able to employ Pakistani weaponry (Raad, Takbir, ReK) from the get go unless its been resolved already. What do you think @Deino ?
Now i am disappointed.. china must have better missiles than RAAD, takbir and REK ?? if they have why cant they be not employed on J-10C?
Now i am disappointed.. china must have better missiles than RAAD, takbir and REK ?? if they have why cant they be not employed on J-10C?
I wouldn’t be disappointed - the focus of the J-10C will dictate the type of weapons that go into the integration and testing cycle first. When the J-10A was first evaluated the PAF liked it for its payload and was considering it as a strike aircraft before air superiority .. when the J-10B was looked at it was about air superiority but the PAF kept waiting on both funds and improvements. Now the focus is on Air superiority and SEAD operations. The J-10C wasn’t bought to counter the Rafale, the PL-15 and other systems ensure the Rafale is kept at bay - it was bought to fulfill an air staff requirement for particular mission profiles.

So, to round off and answer your question - if it turns out that the mission profile for the J-10 requires a weapon not used before it will be integrated. My guess is that a ARM is being considered beyond the LD-10 and MAR-1 that will target both the Spyder and any future MRSAM and LRSAM systems.
Nothing the JF-17 may already not be capable of using but it may not be able to employ Pakistani weaponry (Raad, Takbir, ReK) from the get go unless its been resolved already. What do you think @Deino ?
Well the radars and mission computer in both birds are Chinese so like the JF-17, integration should be easy.
Oh my god, the old barking dog has lost his bone!! :smitten: ... calm down my friend!

I know the bite reflex prevents you from thinking clearly, but has it ever occurred to you that there might be other specialties that can be respected?

You sound like you're criticizing a competitor in the 100m finals at the Olympic Games for not being a professional balance beam gymnast!? :crazy:

I've never claimed to be an expert on "whatever you listed above", so it's just plain unfair - or rather typical of your arrogance - to assume so and criticize it. My specialty is types, structures, and the orbat of the PLA, and at least on this it seems to be quite well received.

But by the way, maybe you'll give us sources for your glorious releases on "whatever you listed above", so maybe we can at least try to learn?! :azn:
Long I suspected you are the man behind ''Modern Chinese Warplanes'' on Facebook and I am a huge fan of yours. Maybe other members already know that but I joined PDF in 2019 and was only active since the end of 2021 so I did not know. I respect your way of unveiling things to a minimum and not going after any hype,... keeping the information as straightforward and true as possible. Do not listen to the negative comments and just keep your good work going. Regards
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I wouldn’t be disappointed - the focus of the J-10C will dictate the type of weapons that go into the integration and testing cycle first. When the J-10A was first evaluated the PAF liked it for its payload and was considering it as a strike aircraft before air superiority .. when the J-10B was looked at it was about air superiority but the PAF kept waiting on both funds and improvements. Now the focus is on Air superiority and SEAD operations. The J-10C wasn’t bought to counter the Rafale, the PL-15 and other systems ensure the Rafale is kept at bay - it was bought to fulfill an air staff requirement for particular mission profiles.

So, to round off and answer your question - if it turns out that the mission profile for the J-10 requires a weapon not used before it will be integrated. My guess is that a ARM is being considered beyond the LD-10 and MAR-1 that will target both the Spyder and any future MRSAM and LRSAM systems.
Thank you for your reply.
Oh my my my my. Last time I was here(2017 I think), MastanKhan was a pretty normal and respected poster. Other than his habit to start every reply with "Hi" and his obsession with JH-7A of course. What has happened in the last 5 years?

There was life before he got on PDF---in his old form---he condemned pakistan---called it a beggar nation---stated that pakistan will never get anything from china---pakistan has nothing to offer---.
If I remember correctly, that was started by an insane statement from some poster I can't remember, saying "Pakistan can get anything from China at any time for free". And by anything he meant anything. J-20, Type 055, Flankers... all included.

While he might've said Pakistan did not have anything to offer in exchange for that kind of assistance, I am certain Deino did not call Pakistan that.
I think anyone who have interacted with him before can attest Deino do not use that kind of language.

Show me one prediction that he has made about weapons systems for a nation that they have procured---show me one assessment and analysis that he has written about any issue on the world defense and weapons---.

Show me one tactical analysis that he has made of any wars or any warlike situation---.

If he has written about terrorism---or yemen war---or india pakistan conflict---or US incursion in afg or in iraq---or in Libya or in Syria---.

Name just one place he has written a critical analysis of a situation under duress---.
Did he ever claim to be something that he is not? A high-flying strategist or a well-healed journalist? Why should you get to decide his worth?

If Deino's work is well received, then that means that he is indeed doing something that is appreciated or else he would not be published. So clearly there are lot of people who would disagree with you. And not to mention that Deino does not do this as a career. You could do it too, even if you are a bit old.

I wish you would drop this MK. It is not good for you.
Did he ever claim to be something that he is not? A high-flying strategist or a well-healed journalist? Why should you get to decide his worth?

All PDF members are equally respectable. We should now move on from here.....
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