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PAF Chief in Washington

Can you please elaborate why the "D" is so special?
Would really appreciate it.
Because two crew members are more efficient than one ... Plus the dorsal spine has more room for goodies
Plus the dorsal spine has more room for goodies

Such as? Any details? Why all this cloak and dagger? We only have 6!
Such as? Any details? Why all this cloak and dagger? We only have 6!
google f16 dorsal spine
google f16 dorsal spine
Thank you. Got the information I was looking for..
Russia is far less back stabber than US in strategic terms

We already have paid a lot and today where we are result of being pimp to US and West .Now after scraficing billion of dollars and uncountable lives people are saying we have to play a role ,what is this a Joke .Decision you take today will haunt you for many years .Its time we need to revisit our selves we have a strategic interest even we dont get involved any more conflicts .We need to adress our issues internally first be strong economically and try to improve lives of 180 Mil. Message has to be we will get birds what ever we want but not at that expense but we dignity.
As mentioned before it is your fault if you don't see through the plans of the opposite party and prepare for it. This is why I blame Musharraf for buckling under. As to X being a bigger back stabber then Y they all will back stab you given half a chance. It is your responsibility to ensure that your interests are safeguarded.
Because two crew members are more efficient than one ... Plus the dorsal spine has more room for goodies

that spine is there to accommodate extra fuel which is taken away by having a second seat. It's actually a bit of a pig compare to C models since Ds are heavier
pakistan to USA : day do F 16, warna main ja raha hon SU 35 lainay. L pay charo:D

Daikho bhai baqi sub theek hai laikin Aap thoray juzbat main kuch ziada keh gaye khayal kerain next time ... Have a good stay at PDF one of the world's finest forum if you want to learn.
RSJ_News ‏@RSJ_News 2h2 hours ago
#PAF chief visits Pentagon, meets counterpart


Is this his current picture? Doesn't seem so with the ranks he is wearing.
Is this his current picture? Doesn't seem so with the ranks he is wearing.

Not current, ranks are of Air Marshal. Probably when he was DCAS-Ops
Likely just attending to see the condition of our old F16 if these working condition
Discussion included 52s and remaining embargoed ones. OTOH, 35 offer has caused a panic among Americans as well. These r good times for PAF to play around with both sides
Discussion included 52s and remaining embargoed ones. OTOH, 35 offer has caused a panic among Americans as well. These r good times for PAF to play around with both sides


If we can get the 12 EDA ones and 18 new BLK52, that'll give us 2 more squadrons of F-16s. With 7 Squadrons in total for a 100 unit fleet, i think we will be sorted for medium multirole category.

However, there is nothing USA can offer that competes with SU35.
F-15s, even if they offer, will too expensive and again, we may not get the latest radars.
If Americans are offering F-35, then okay, but again, PAF cannot spend that much....China seems a better option.

So we should get F-16s, get AIM9X, get enough spares and we'll be sorted from Americans.
Discussion included 52s and remaining embargoed ones. OTOH, 35 offer has caused a panic among Americans as well. These r good times for PAF to play around with both sides
In past 35 years USA has only one thing to offer Pakistan , which F-16S it became a stupid dream at some point or made a dream to us by US , that our thoughts use to jammed on it ?
But now , first time we are out of their magic they will offer us the same , with different , A B C D versions & its 100th block , but we have to move on , all of these loolipops proved failed to us in kargill & it will fail again ?
The new lollipop has already been thrown to us , with prapoganda news channels in US , that a nuclear deal is in the offering ?
I think , US planners in pentagon are way too behind the world affairs that , don't even know it just not worth any more ?
In the end US is just trying to gather its best possible allies before trying anything stupid against hugely influencing RUSSIA &CHINA to keep its control over world ?

The best PAF can ask is the state of art &,tech surface to air missiles & drone shooters with TOT ?lolzx
Let's see how many faces stops smilling in room ?
F35- for PAF...
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