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PAF Chief in Washington

The US Commander in Afghanistan made some positive remarks in congress about Pakistan. This, plus the rumored SU35, maybe USA wants to keep Pakistan and stop Russian influence from getting any further. With the Russian Kalibr missiles flying through Iran and Iraq and Russia preparing for a full assault in Syria, things are going back to Cold War days. We have an interesting hand to play with.....

Or maybe both U.S and Russia want Pakistan to play an important role in Syria by supporting one of them.
I hope more block 52's are ordered or dare I say something else. I'm sure the US is watching the unfolding relations with Russia and talks of buying weapons.
Also guys, please keep the SU-35 comments off this thread.
Interesting for the PAF Air Chief to be in US just before much talked Nawaz Sharif State visit.
Sir i beleive more F16 r on the way may iraqi F16s as well reason they r ready to go may be may be another New type of aircraft a twin engine baby .US forgien policy is on dire starights at the moment they need pak more than themselves good days r coming .
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I hope more block 52's are ordered or dare I say something else. I'm sure the US is watching the unfolding relations with Russia and talks of buying weapons.
Also guys, please keep the SU-35 comments off this thread.

You look quite pessimist about SU-35 :D
You look quite pessimist about SU-35 :D

Sure am. But that's for the appropriate thread. :-)
Grow up with rapid technology change Stop dicussing of f16s of 1980 old machines again and again taking rest in texsas gravyard now its not comparable with advance technologies 4++ generations fighters and fifth generation stealth fighters, talk any other fighters like Typhone, F22,F35,Su35 if you want to survive as we have wasted in jf17s too much, honestly speaking our JF17s is in 3++ category even not comparable with f16s in terms of weapon load, speed, manuverablity etc. this time go for big demand with American otherwise switch to Russian for Su - 35s, S-300, Mi-35,, Ka-52, Mi 28H instead old f16s, out dated cobras, etc.

just chek f16s condition in Texsas Grave yard and here demand in Pakistan it shows our standard of decision making.


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Grow up with rapid technology change Stop dicussing of f16s of 1980 old machines again and again taking rest in texsas gravyard now its not comparable with advance technologies 4++ generations fighters and fifth generation stealth fighters, talk any other fighters like Typhone, F22,F35,Su35 if you want to survive as we have wasted in jf17s too much, honestly speaking our JF17s is in 3++ category even not comparable with f16s in terms of weapon load, speed, manuverablity etc. this time go for big demand with American otherwise switch to Russian for Su - 35s, S-300, Mi-35,, Ka-52, Mi 28H instead old f16s, out dated cobras, etc.

just chek f16s condition in Texsas Grave yard and here demand in Pakistan it shows our standard of decision making.

It is about time that we should let go F16. Also we should stop wasting more money on Junk-17. It seems to me that PAF is afraid of new and advance technologies.
Hmmmm. Got any more info.? As per my knowledge even individual units were highlighted and given lock down orders with leaves cancelled -- then all went quiet.

A selam,

sorry what do mean ?
Please no more f16s , when the whole world is moving ahead and good air forces are replacing or thinking of replacing their f16s paf is planning to induct more of them ...paf is trying to do the same thing with f16s to what they did with mirage 3 & 5s back then and Pakistan became the junkyard of mirages ...
Paf is again missing a chance here like they did with mirage 2ks back then ...and more embargo prone f16s are coming our way ...paf is so obsessed with f16s or miarge 3 & 5s irrespective of the fact that they are a generation older than what the world is moving ahead with ....

India gets su30mkis we get f16s India gets rafales we get f16s India will get pakfa we will get f16s India will get a spacecraft and look we still have a great chance to get more f16s ....
It seems more F-16s as a stop gap arrangement. Upgrading and inducting more thunders and getting rid of the older mirages and the f-7s and later on direct jumping to a fifth gen jet from china most likely J 31.
Induction of Su 35 and J 10B is less likely
And the Russians wont?? We had a small taste of their reluctance on the JFT power plant!!!

Nothing is absolute, my friend, in this world. We are naive if we think so.

nothing is absolute. to a degree the russians are more reliable
F-16 has become the lollipop of our air-force. Unless they get a few handful of F-16s every year, they get crying. Run back to their masters in Pentagon and beseech for more lollipops. US, in return, acquires more and more favor, hence more political, economic and ideological slavery for Pakistanis.

I think its about time to get rid of F-16 phobia and go for either J-31 or Su-35.

F-16 with a kill-switch will ONLY serve american purpose, we will never be able to use them to defend ourselves.
barring the rumors the US still owes us
14 F-16A/B
the chief may test the waters at the pentagon for invoking the option for 18 F-16C/D.
he might request for additional PGMs,
if he is successful in getting the above it would be a good start.
I heard that they were unable to execute a ground attack after Egypt wants to reply with precision strike after having a blow from ISIS at their border with Syria but don't know the detail. Similarly if PAF have to execute a ground attack or CAS mission they need to acquire authorisation codes.

Now that's something "Unacceptible"
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