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PAF Chief in Washington

Americans always retain control of their birds. Through control of spare parts, authorization codes, soft kill etc.

That is why Su-35 is a better option.

And the Russians wont?? We had a small taste of their reluctance on the JFT power plant!!!

Nothing is absolute, my friend, in this world. We are naive if we think so.
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you will hear the good news soon about more 16'
Are you sure? Or just firing a guess shot?
If More F16s are coming. then are they surplus ones? sectioned ones? or new ones?
Are Iraqi 52s still going to be delivered after they allowed Russians to enter Iraq & got very close to Iran? @Windjammer
Are you sure? Or just firing a guess shot?
If More F16s are coming. then are they surplus ones? sectioned ones? or new ones?
yes i'm sure. new + surplus.
Iraqi 52s
Do you believe that they can become part of PAF.............?
nice point though...........
we definitely need more F-16s in future to counter eastern neighbor
Are Iraqi 52s still going to be delivered after they allowed Russians to enter Iraq & got very close to Iran? @Windjammer
No been following the story but depends who is funding them, after learning about the source(s) behind Egyptian Rafale deal, anything is possible.
Saudi's are not happy with us so that route is out!
Saudi's are not happy with us so that route is out!
Iam not entirely sure what went on there. But I personally think some very nifty game planning went on with a nay on the surface and yay behind the scene. Perhaps it may have been used to assure some support for us. But if you notice all the negative rhetoric has gone very quiet all of a sudden.
May be for Remaining F16 Block 52s details.
I think he should insists for Block 60s at least with AESA radar.

The block-60s were UAE specific now F-16-V configuration is available which has better radar upgrade available which don't have issues of what block 60 had.
Hmmmm. Got any more info.? As per my knowledge even individual units were highlighted and given lock down orders with leaves cancelled -- then all went quiet.
Great news lets see what comes out of this visit .

WASHINGTON: Pakistan Air Force (PAF) chief Air Marshal Sohail Aman on Thursday has paid a visit to Pentagon where he met his counter part Mark A Welsh.

According to details, PAF spokesman said that Sohail Aman told his counter part about the role and successes of PAF in ongoing operation Zarb-e-Azab in Pakistan against terrorism.

Sohail Aman told Mark that Pakistan is making serious efforts to root out terrorism from Pakistan and they are quite hopeful that soon Pakistan will be free from terrorism.

Air chief also cleared that Pakistan Afghanistan strong ties are very important for the safety and security of the south Asian region.
Hmm Curious me, but after I heard of what happen when Egypt try to use UAE F-16 Block 60 and the codes which are given to PAF before flying any mission, I rather prefer to go for J10C and SU-35 a Combo with similar engine which is F-117S with some improvements and customisation that may keep our options open for use of in hand aircrafts and provide us operational independence. We can customise them with European avionics as well but that's just my opinion.

What happened ??
we definitely need more F-16s in future to counter eastern neighbor

It's a defensive bird. We need an offensive aircraft so our doctrine.
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