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Pact on India-Japan-U.S. trilateral in the offing

You don't know about Chinese-dragon much. You gotta see his posts before I think November. He was more pro-Indian/ neutral Chinese on this forum. I think me and other few pushed him to the other side. So I wanted to be lenient on him. But at least on this thread it was JayAtl who started it.

Not only Chinese dragon, perhaps any Chinese member thats stay on this forum for more than couple of weeks, actually he's kind of a late awaken type.:pop:
You don't know about Chinese-dragon much. You gotta see his posts before I think November. He was more pro-Indian/ neutral Chinese on this forum. I think me and other few pushed him to the other side. So I wanted to be lenient on him. But at least on this thread it was JayAtl who started it.

please, i could care less about your hall monitor role, but don't accuse me of anything if you don't do the basic of investigating i.e. reading from post 1...thank you and have a nice day broatha :P
Well at least you have the balls to admit when you are wrong. Personally I judge people on their current posts anyway.

I only hate people who are truly dogmatic.

Personally I never wanted to antagonize him. It were my early days on this forum and there were so many anti-Indian Chinese back then. I was not immune to personal attacks either on me or my country back then like I am now. So there were more than few arguments. They were rather stupid nationalistic slurs than arguments from either sides. Anyways lets bygones be bygones.
ok guys its time to stop
after the page 2 you have lost japan in this thread
mods need to filter this thread......
and respected members pls stay on topic don't talk about hong kong,you can open a new thread for beloved hong kong
3 months for me. I'm still half unturned.

We all take nationalistic stands on this forum. This medium is such that we are pitted against each other. I don't believe we would even discuss these things if we personally know each other. There are more important things in life than explaining our countries to each other, don't you think? I myself have several Chinese friends and we talk more about our food than our countries differences.
@JayATL must ask you, why hate the Chinese/China so much for? Is it a "reaction" ary thing? Or one fine day you just decided, yep am going to hate the Chinese from now on?
Business is business. But we do have to keep supporting Pakistan. The amount is debatable. How much do you think China should support Pakistan?

I don't know. As long as its doesn't influence our bilateral relationships it should be fine. There is a lot negative sentiments between our countries. They are there for more than 3 generations. I hope China doesn't want to get involved in this. You see the mess US is in right? There's no midpoint between our countries. I don't see it changing anytime soon. I am really keen to see how geopolitics in Asia evolve during this century? I am still young so I would probably see most of it.
@JayATL must ask you, why hate the Chinese/China so much for? Is it a "reaction" ary thing? Or one fine day you just decided, yep am going to hate the Chinese from now on?

no hatred- but disdain yes. If you debate with them on any policy and issue they will bring in racist remarks or starvation and toilet stats. they never agree that their govt is wrong and they don't dare pick on the US but on India . they are also are the most anti American of our US citizenry_ so it has come to point that the only way to treat them is the way we do in the US and through Europe as seditious pricks. you would think they already have the no1 gdp - which itself does not mean jack because their standard of living is worse than the worst ghettos in America.

I was asked many times from chicks regarding why Indians with all those dirty looks and smell funny, I told them thats Indian way of mental raping and the funny smell perhaps due to daily usage of Indian god oil and heavy dose of curry. Am i right DN? :cheesy:
I hate it, but need to admit that the more hostile behaviour shown by china will make India come more closer to US :tsk:
i don't know about chinees or indian americans ,but i know that there are 2 indian origin or born to indian in the government and they are elected by americans itself...
Is there any chinees elected leader?

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