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PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

First, i am not going to buy the claim that indians requested to EXCLUDE the AC from the deal, as if they didnt know the temperatures soar up to 55 degrees in summers, didnt they know it? Makes no sense.

So now you choose to ignore sources that disprove you? My other source that Algerian T-90s have air conditioning must be a lie? It is no secret that T-90s have been exported with air conditioning units, you can choose to ignore the fact that India initially did not order AC on their tanks some 13 years ago but that does not change the fact that T-90s do come with AC units. You use outdated information and then when you are corrected you refuse to except sources that disprove you.

And please, there is no shell with 800mm penetration certified value in Russian inventory, including the Svinets. the autoloader is the limiting factor as it does not allow more then 740mm length for a penetrator. yes there were etstes with higher velocity guns but non of those are in service are they? The best is the M5 version on T-90 which is nothing but quality improvement over the previous improvements and higher barrel life reaching 700 EFC in 4*3*3 ration maximum.

Auto loader is a limiting factor but both T-72B3 auto loaders and T-90SM auto loaders have been modified, as much as you brush aside the T-90MS you need to realize that standard T-90s will eventually be upgraded with T-90SM components, Russia is upgrading a lot of its tank fleet . Moreover, barrels have simply not only improved in barrel life but but also higerh chamber pressure, with that comes greater velocity and of course greater penetration. You are being very dishonest and bias with your argument, you are quoting the penetration value of a very an old round fired out of an old 2A46M while you very well know that new rounds have been developed and new higher chamber pressure canons have also been developed. This would be like me arguing the Abrams tank and quoting old figures while it used the 105mm gun.
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So now you choose to ignore sources that disprove you? My other source that Algerian T-90s have air conditioning must be a lie? It is no secret that T-90s have been exported with air conditioning units, you can choose to ignore the fact that India initially did not order AC on their tanks some 13 years ago but that does not change the fact that T-90s do come with AC units. You use outdated information and then when you are corrected you refuse to except sources that disprove you.

Auto loader is a limiting factor but both T-72B3 auto loaders and T-90SM auto loaders have been modified, as much as you brush aside the T-90MS you need to realize that standard T-90s will eventually be upgraded with T-90SM components, Russia is upgrading a lot of its tank fleet . Moreover, barrels have simply not only improved in barrel life but but also higerh chamber pressure, with that comes greater velocity and of course greater penetration. You are being very dishonest and bias with your argument, you are quoting the penetration value of a very an old round fired out of an old 2A46M while you very well know that new rounds have been developed and new higher chamber pressure canons have also been developed. This would be like me arguing the Abrams tank and quoting old figures while it used the 105mm gun.

Actually the 740mm figure is for the upgraded AZ type autoloader. Blaming me for dishonesty hmm, let's see, which is the latest round being fired from which range and what penetration values it gave? The fact is that the MS has the SAME carousel as the M variant which means the length will remain same. The gun is also same, again, no improvement here. The real improvement is a new turret, FCS, rws, and armour. There is nothing drastic about these changes with the acception of FCS and armour. Gun+ shell combo will give similar values.
B3 even lacks a FCS mate all it has is optics and lrf for guidance. So much for upgrade
Quoting militarysta, the armour expert from another forum. The alkhalid 1 has estimated measured thickness of 800+mm for both turret and hull front armour. This makes it the most well protected tank in the subcontinent atleast.



there is visible welding line when special armour cavity is ending. Frontplate is hard to see on those photo BUT it shoud be as I marked.
More or less - circa 800mm for special armour + forntplate o_O

Well Al Khalid-1 semms to be nice protcted tank:
special armour module: 670mm LOS + backpplate (100-150mm) = 770-850mm LOS
special armour module at least 670mm LOS + frontplate (100-150mm) = the same http://*********************/images/smilies/wink.gif


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