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PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

Unless someone can add to the discussion what has already NOT been discussed. There is no point in going on with copy paste bragging contests
i dont get your signature, was it not "La Illaha Ilallah"
What ever serves the purpose is best. It does not matter if it is the most advance or expensive one. The tactical advantage is based on how well the plan is executed, planning does help give a direction but it might fail if the execution is not done in the way it should have been done.
How's Al-Khalid II when compared with Altay???


Wel Indian Arjun looks alike like Germen Leopard tank isn't it....???


And Brahmos missile.... which Indian clain they made it... can any1 tell me about these please



Anyone know about these cause many Indian claim that those are made in India...
Your data is wrong if i am not mistaken.

lol so you want us to discuuss based on data which was made by a member himself. :lol:

So refute his facts and give your evidence instead of making useless arguments. Present some details of Arjun II and prove that it is a better tank than Al-Khalid 1.
Russian T54 is grand mother of Alkhalid. Its design and machine is based on Russian tanks.
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Wel Indian Arjun looks alike like Germen Leopard tank isn't it....???

View attachment 21721

And Brahmos missile.... which Indian clain they made it... can any1 tell me about these please

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Anyone know about these cause many Indian claim that those are made in India...
The comparisons are relatively easy to answer. The reason for the similarities is because India may have gotten ToTs, or used queues from those particular systems and implemented them into their own systems. It could also be that they're collaborating with said developers to develop Indian versions with Indian parts and electronics, so again, this could explain the similarities. It's never as simple as someone copied someone else.
So refute his facts and give your evidence instead of making useless arguments. Present some details of Arjun II and prove that it is a better tank than Al-Khalid 1.
I already did but your moderators deleted my posts,the reason given has been quoted by me in post 886,Now i am not interested.
Yeah easy on the pomp and talk substance

Pakistan whose IT/Auto/Space/Hardware/Pharmaceutical industry are all ZILCH is suddenly making world class tanks while India which has made tremendous progress in all fields is struggling to make world class tanks and aircrafts.

Sure. Lets talk substance!
I already did but your moderators deleted my posts,the reason given has been quoted by me in post 886,Now i am not interested.

lol..Dude, this is what the official developers of Arjun-MKII tell us about the tank...


Weight: 68 ton

Maximum speed: 58km/h

Rounds: 39

and so on

Now, you tell me, how "I'm making stuff up" :omghaha:

My post is very accurate...

Al Khalid-1 surpasses Arjun-II in firepower, speed, flexibility, and mobility...

Arjun-II has better armor

Both tanks are very equally matched over-all..If anything, Al Khalid-I is coming out to be superior

How's Al-Khalid II when compared with Altay???


We don't have Al Khalid-II out yet. It is on "stall" I guess.

Existing Pakistani tanks such as Al Khalid-I already matches latest Indian tanks like Arjun-II, if not surpass them.

So I don't know Pakistani planners will go ahead with Al Khalid-II as of now. If India comes with something better, we might bring Al Khalid-II to counter.

Altay looks sexy! Can I have complete specifications of the tank?

It is good to see Turkish military getting modernized, Mashallah! Wish you guys best of luck.
@Neptune nothing is known about Al-Khalid II in fact some even raise doubts that this kind of project even exists so nothing we know of Al-Khalid II yet @Aeronaut am I right ?
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