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OTTOMAN ARMY IN GALLIPOLI (with a Wonderful Song and Pics) Allahu Akbar

hey look, a competitor appears!

You will run to the rescue to someone who insulted your people as a whole ... couple of wiseguys!

Did you understand what i meant? He threw fire on the fight.
Actually you threw a rock already by calling him "typical", "dumb" "ignorant", "vulgar". Yet you dont know you threw a stone.

Did you read his childish rant and vulgarity of which I took a notice and replied accordingly?
These kind of arguments between Turks makes me really worry about the future, can't you people see what will happen if we divide ? there is millions of examples from other countries ?

Like most of the successful countries, Ottomans born, saw a golden age and gone, the country taken by Ataturk was already a wreck, so blaming the republic period with being poor is meaningless.

Thats true, Ataturk sometimes used force to make country modern, the meaning of being modern was sadly these in the back, but blaming him with being dictator while praising Ottomans is simply ironic, you guys aware of that Ottoman Empire was an absolute monarchy ?

Also muslim unity is just a dream, in the whole history, humans always had different thoughts and priorities, nobody can change that, Ottoman empire never aimed to unite muslims.

Only think we can do is accept our whole history with both good and bad sides of it, the past is pasti there is only future now.
These kind of arguments between Turks makes me really worry about the future, can't you people see what will happen if we divide ? there is millions of examples from other countries ?

Like most of the successful countries, Ottomans born, saw a golden age and gone, the country taken by Ataturk was already a wreck, so blaming the republic period with being poor is meaningless.

Thats true, Ataturk sometimes used force to make country modern, the meaning of being modern was sadly these in the back, but blaming him with being dictator while praising Ottomans is simply ironic, you guys aware of that Ottoman Empire was an absolute monarchy ?

Also muslim unity is just a dream, in the whole history, humans always had different thoughts and priorities, nobody can change that, Ottoman empire never aimed to unite muslims.

Only think we can do is accept our whole history with both good and bad sides of it, the past is pasti there is only future now.

I agree, but a people who is afraid to criticize their own past are doomed because they are stuck. That is why we have go beyond Ataturk and his doctrines. Remember a real friend is the one who tells the truth even if it hurts, because the truth always is just.
Also muslim unity is just a dream

Buyur burdan yak..! Bunu söylemeye mi geldin.. :) Hoşgeldin..!

Don't sing the hopeless owl songs..!!! :whistle:
We don't need the new owls..

Yes, but while criticizing the past, we should treat equal to all parts of our history, not only stuck on the part we don't like.
Yes, but while criticizing the past, we should treat equal to all parts of our history, not only stuck on the part we don't like.

Naturally, that is why i have countless of times criticized the Ottoman empire for its family lineage and internal struggles where brother kills brother and father kills son for a throne. If we have to discuss history we have to do it the right way.
while criticizing the past

You do not criticizing the past but scribbling..
Ottoman Empire was the super power a few hundred years with the power of unity..
Is this a tale?
Or you think this was the power of Turks only? :)
So what exactly ? how many states become super power ? like I said every successful country borns, grows and dies, just because a country become super power for a while its not mean we can't criticize it, you really have to become objective before talking nonsense.

So you think it was the power of religious unity ?

Tavirlarin hic hos degil, bunun goruslerinle bir alakasi da yok, yani insanların seni elestirmesi gayet dogal.

Ve evet, musluman alemi hic bir zaman din cevresinde bir araya gelmeyi basaramadi, hic bir zamanda basaramayacak, insanlar klon degil, her zaman digerlerinden farkli dusunceleri olacak, yoksa da olusacak, buyuk kitlelerin bir araya toplanmasi ancak siyasi ve askeri guc ile olur.
power of unity...???

battle of mercidabik! and ridaniye! conquest of Hicaz! bagdat! then what are them?

ottoman safavid conflict?

we fought wars! we won and we ruled them! they were our subjects!!! most of them were simply some regions which were paying their taxes( most of the time unloyal!!! for instance Egypt we ottoman turks signed treaties firsth with Russia (Hunkar iskelesi) then with England (balta limani) for getting their support against Egypt

ummah & calipate ? Ottoman empire was a part of european ballance of power sysytem!! like any other emipre or state Ottomans followed their national interest and thats why they sided with France, England , Germany and even Russia!

so guess you have no answer????

TURK TURK TURK why you are allergic to this word?

guess you also have no idea about "kapikulu ocagi" "devsirme" "enderun" "yeniceri ocagi" and system of timar "Timarli sipahi" the main reinforcement for the ottoman army was coming from Kirim hanligi and Eflak bogdan"

So what exactly ? how many states become super power ? like I said every successful country borns, grows and dies, just because a country become super power for a while its not mean we can't criticize it, you really have to become objective before talking nonsense.

So you think it was the power of religious unity ?

Tavirlarin hic hos degil, bunun goruslerinle bir alakasi da yok, yani insanların seni elestirmesi gayet dogal.

Ve evet, musluman alemi hic bir zaman din cevresinde bir araya gelmeyi basaramadi, hic bir zamanda basaramayacak, insanlar klon degil, her zaman digerlerinden farkli dusunceleri olacak, yoksa da olusacak, buyuk kitlelerin bir araya toplanmasi ancak siyasi ve askeri guc ile olur.

Tavrım aslında sana değil ümitsiz düşüncelere..
Elbette insanlar ve devletler arasında farkılılıklar olacak..
Ama müslümanlar hiç bir zaman birlik olamadı demek tarihi çöpe atmak anlamına gelir ki artık bizim konuşmamıza bile gerek kalmaz..
Elbette hepsi değil ama büyük bir güç oluşturan müslümanların çoğunluk kısmı bir birlik oluşturdu..
Ve bu güçle dünyada 1000 yıl bizim sözümüz geçti..
Hikaye mi bunlar?
You do not criticizing the past but scribbling..
Ottoman Empire was the super power a few hundred years with the power of unity..
Is this a tale?
Or you think this was the power of Turks only? :)

Why are you so in love with the Ottoman Empire? People fought for centuries to get the rid of kings and kingdoms. People fought for their rights and nowadays it seems like we're going back in time.
power of unity...???
battle of mercidabik! and ridaniye! conquest of Hicaz! bagdat! then what are them?
ottoman safavid conflict?
we fought wars! we won and we ruled them!

Gene başladık..
Tam muhteşem üçlünün konusu..
Müslümanlar arası birlik neden rahatsız ediyor sizi?
Müslüman birliği derken kalkıp savaşları anlatıyor..
Avrupa Birliği kurmadan önce yüzyıllarca birbirini boğazlamadılar mı?
Avrupa kana boyanmadı mı? On milyonlarca insan öldürülmedi mi kendi içlerinde..?
Müslümanlarda bu denli kanlı savaşlar olmadığı halde Avrupa birliğine inanıyorsunuz da 1000 yıl birliğin gücü ile ışık yaymış İslam birliğine inanmıyorsunuz.. Üstelik şu an dünyada yaşanan bütün gelişmeler bizi oraya götürürken.. Hala bu ne ısrar, bu ne tavır anlamıyorum..
Ve bunu yapan ya politika ya askeri guctu, zaman zaman da belli bir mezhepti, guc olmadiktan sonra manevi bir sebeb icin insanları bir arada tutamassin,gorus ayriligi yoksa bile mutlaka cikacaktir, bu insan dogasinda var.

Bu devirde yapilabilecek en mantikli sey diger musluman devletler ile siniri koruyup ayni zamanda yardimlasmak, muttefik olmak, ancak bu sekilde gorus ayrilikları ayri toplumlara daha az zarar verir.

Sorry for Turkish post.

Edit:Avrupa birligi tamamen siyasi bir olusum, ortak cikarlari oldugu surece bir aradalar, din cevresinde bir araya geldiklerini dusunebiliyor musun ? hepsi katolik olduklarinda bile birbirlerini yiyorlardi, sonra bir ton yeni mezhep cikti, aralarinda ki birligin din ile bir ilgisi yok.
My Kurdish friend murat! sory but you are living in a delusion! however, as long as it serves the intersets of my country! I support you! please spread your views among your kurdish people! thanks bro!!!!
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